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    Master Data Science; lessons: SQL, Python and PowerBI

    As a Data Scientist, on daily bases, I make use of SQLite and T-SQL, Python, and Powerbi.

    Therefore, if you need a solution for a real case issue and as training for a preparatory purpose feel free to contact me.

    Powebi: Dax calculations, Data visualization, Data creating relationship, Power Query
    SQL: Creating Tables, Create Views, how query using multiple conditions, familiarizing operators, and regular expressions
    Python: Integrate Python with SQL, Python to use forecasting, Web scraping using HTLM, Web scraping Json


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    60 دقيقة
    الدرس يدور باللغة:الإنجليزية, الإيطالية, التغرينية

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    من $28.78على الانترنت عبر كاميرا ويب

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    دروس خصوصية

    Salah Eddine
    Master Python with Courses Suitable for All Ages and Levels! Beginners, Intermediates, Professionals, Everyone is Welcome
    Master Python with Personalized Courses Discover the art of programming with Python courses tailor-made to meet your specific needs. Whether you are a beginner, intermediate or professional, my lessons are suitable for all levels. Why Choose My Courses? Personalized Teaching Approach: Each course is tailored to your skill level and individual goals. Practical Experience: Learn by doing with real-world projects that build your understanding and skills. Ongoing Support: Get unlimited email support for any questions you have between sessions. As a Python expert, I have a passion for teaching and sharing my knowledge. My goal is to guide you effectively in your learning journey. Book Your First Lesson: Start your journey to Python mastery now by booking your first lesson. Whether you aspire to enter the development field or hone your existing skills, these courses are designed for you.

    Mastering Relational Database Management: Personalized Courses with SQL, DBSM, MySQL, and PostgreSQL
    I offer personalized courses that cover a wide range of topics, from the basics of relational database management to advanced data manipulation using query languages such as SQL and tools such as DBSM, MySQL, and PostgreSQL. My courses are tailored to the needs and learning styles of each student, and I am committed to helping my students achieve their individual learning goals. Whether you are a beginner or looking to improve your skills, I can help you develop your relational database management skills and take your expertise in this field to the next level. I am excited to guide you through the world of relational database management and help you master the skills necessary to succeed in this field. Please do not hesitate to contact me for more information about my services and how I can help you achieve your relational database management goals.

    Teaching all computer subjects, IGCSE ICT and IGCSE MATH
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    [PYTHON - Data Science - AI] Learn Python & Data Science & Artificial Intelligence from beginner to advanced
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    Power BI, data analysis, Data science and deep learning algorithms
    I'm an IT engineer, with double master in software engineering ad 6 year do teaching experience. I'am found of english, french languages and IT development teanching. Giving private courses arround the world , is what I love doing in my free time for keeping me socially active! I love giving languages' courses in a new ways of pedagogy and for any students' age : Songs, projects, Poetry, Presentations, films etc.. As for teaching IT developement, my pedagogy is always teaching by practical projects and tutorials. Such as. developping games and usefull virtual services or application, depends of the technology we work on. Be ready for your best english and IT experience with me , it's not like any old way of teaching methodologies! Don't hesitate to reach out for me , if you wish to give it a try! I'll be the very happy to give more than I can to get you to your hopes.

    SQL (Structured Query Language) & Bases de données relationnelles
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    🎉 PyFun: Comprehensive Programming from Basics to Advanced for Everyone!
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    Programming courses - Python / algorithms / data structures / SQL database design / UML & Merise
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    Training in business intelligence
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    Business intelligence, data warehouse, Etl, SQL server, star schema or snowflake, power bi
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