
Business skills lessons in France

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70 business skills teachers in France

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70 business skills teachers in France

Trusted teacher: Hola, Soy profesor con 12 años de experiencia y quiero ofrecer a tu hijo la oportunidad de aprender algo que va a marcar su futuro: la inteligencia artificial (IA). No es solo un tema del futuro lejano; la IA ya está aquí, y conocerla puede darle una ventaja enorme en su educación y, más adelante, en su carrera. Llevo años trabajando con la IA en mis propias empresas y me he formado a fondo, con cursos especializados y un máster en este campo. Mi objetivo es que los chicos y chicas de secundaria, a partir de los 12 años, entiendan cómo funciona la IA y, lo más importante, cómo pueden sacarle partido. No se trata de memorizar conceptos complicados, sino de aprender a utilizar herramientas que ya están cambiando el mundo. En las clases particulares que ofrezco, tu hijo aprenderá a manejar aplicaciones como ChatGPT, Copilot, Runway y muchas más. Veremos cómo automatizar tareas, crear contenido en video, fotos y audio, y mejorar la productividad. Todo esto de manera práctica y divertida, para que cada clase sea una experiencia que realmente disfruten y les motive a seguir explorando. Además, cada clase está completamente adaptada y personalizada según las necesidades de cada alumno. Me aseguro de que el contenido sea accesible y relevante para cada estudiante, para que puedan avanzar a su propio ritmo y sacar el máximo provecho de lo que aprenden. Si estás buscando clases particulares que realmente marquen la diferencia, estaré encantado de guiar a tu hijo en este apasionante viaje al futuro...¡hoy!. ¡Hablemos y organicemos las clases!
Information technology · Business skills · Tutoring
Bookkeeping, Accounting, and financial accounting are embedded economically in all levels and types of business organizations. This is a result of the importance of record keeping in daily business transactions to the government, business enterprises, society, and us. Even a layman otherwise known as a small store keeps records, which is why a bookkeeper has to tackle "incomplete records".A professional could make errors, this brings about the "correction of errors". Also, the need; for organizations to be socially, politically, and economically recognized, to attract investors, to reap benefits accruing from standard and systematic record-keeping, to give business updates to the users of accounting information, and so on. Hence, enterprises are demanding students/professionals with appropriate skills to ensure their business data or information otherwise known as financial statements reflects the true and fair views, I am concerned about building students' confidence, simplifying accounting methods for students, and walking you through the process of accounting equation ( assets = liabilities ) by the application of its principles and how to identify discrepancies affecting business records. How to fix these discrepancies using tools like trial balance, control account, bank reconciliation statement, and other errors as they affect day-to-day posting/records. With the use of practical examples and source documents ( physical or digital). Other adjustments like accruals and prepayments must be well understood by bookkeeping or accounting students. However, the appropriate application and effective understanding of the above will lead to the successful preparation of a financial statement that comprises profits and loss accounts of different organizational settings, a statement of financial position, a statement of cash flow, a statement of change in equity, and disclosure notes.
Business accounting · Business skills · Small business skills
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Our students from France evaluate their Business Skills teacher.

To ensure the quality of our Business Skills teachers, we ask our students from France to review them.
Only reviews of students are published and they are guaranteed by Apprentus. Rated 4.9 out of 5 based on 32 reviews.

CTCSOL Certified University Teacher_Learn Chinese language & culture in a systematic and fun way (The Hague)
I was thinking, that learning Chinese is extremely difficult, however, thanks to Shan,  this language becomes more and more clear for me. Every lesson is very productive and I feel, that I progress fast! Today, there are numerous teachers, who can teach you Chinese. However, only a few of them can make the educational process so interesting and enjoyable. Luckily for me, Shan is one of them and I am very happy, that I found her. Shan is very precise and corrects every my mistake. She can easily explain how to properly pronounce words with different tones, how to write syllables, the grammar and many more. I like, that with her, I am not just memorising Chinese language, but I do really understand it. Overall, without a doubt, I can say, that Shan is a great teacher! 心💕
Review by DARIA
English tuition for high school (middelbare school) tests, projects and homework help. (HBO, MBO, Havo, Mavo, VWO) (Almere Stad)
Pauline is a very experienced english teacher. She can speak Netherlands and English, the student can communicate with her very easily. Ze weet heel goed hoe ze les moet geven en kan duidelijk uitleggen.
Review by HANNY
English course as a fantastic intellectual challenge! (The Hague)
She is a reliable and kind teacher. Her lesson is always fun and easy to understand for me. I realize I became able to speak English better than before. I'm always impatient for her lesson!
Review by NAOKO