
Private teachers in Les Avanchets

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87 private teachers in Les Avanchets

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87 private teachers in Les Avanchets

Trusted teacher: “Your voice is your most beautiful instrument...” “It is very difficult for our body to develop and build in a harmonious way. The history and journey of each have left their mark. As a result, we may find it difficult to sing properly and position our voice.” Singing can be learned! Singing out of tune is not inevitable. "Singing" is a vocal education through which one learns to effectively develop one's voice, have automatisms, exceed one's limits and achieve excellence in order to express one's creativity and oneself. The School Of Vocal Arts aims to provide you with all the tools necessary for your musical development. We teach and support you in a real synergy of research, creativity and innovation. We are Talent Revealers and Coaches, from an early age through to a professional career. Vocal coaching is not just a singing lesson but an in-depth research into the use of one's body (muscles, postures, breath management, emotions, etc.) in the service of the voice! The school's pedagogy is based on several years of research in vocal technique. Indeed, this unique methodology, SOVA Vocal'FiT® will allow the student to benefit from a "tailor-made" teaching, thus giving him the opportunity to express his creativity to achieve excellence. We compare the singer to a top athlete who trains with the expertise of a team to be able to perform with excellence. Physical preparation is key to becoming a complete performer. Each student benefits from a personalized program adapted to his level and his personal project. Improve your vocal technique, work on your rhythm, stage preparation, singing lessons... The coaches are, above all, artists who share their knowledge and their experiences, as well as the reality of the profession of singer, which brings to their lessons a practical dimension, appreciated by the students. They accompany you throughout your project in order to make you progress at your own pace while respecting your musical style. Each coach benefits from additional training, which allows him to integrate the SOVA Vocal'FiT® methodology, philosophy, ethics and the way the school operates. During our first meeting, a complete checkup of your voice and your project is carried out, in order to situate your level, understand and define your objectives, and target the points you wish to work on or improve. In some cases, coaching is combined with music therapy or vocal rehabilitation, through which students discover and reveal themselves. This unique coaching methodology, set up by Sabine Jacquet, founder and director of SOVA, also applies to different pathologies or disabilities, with the search for an appropriate teaching and approach. A vocal pathology is rarely irremediable! Once the pathology has been identified, voice rehabilitation, which is done in partnership with phoniatrists, speech therapists and ENT specialists, will make it possible to work in depth on psychological and bodily blockages. Voice work takes into account psychological parameters that help to fight against stress, anxieties and difficult to manage emotions. We will relearn the student to use his voice correctly and effectively develop his way of singing or expressing himself. Pushing back physical, physiological and emotional barriers is possible!! The School Of Vocal Arts is about working and revealing the secrets of your voice together!
Singing · Voice (music)
(1 review)
Vincent - Geneva38€
Trusted teacher: Better understand the mode of action of natural medicines through cell biology, biophysics, biochemistry, bioenergy, electro-magnetic, and nano-hydrology, particle physics, scale waves, acoustics, etc. - online and face-to-face in Geneva and its surroundings. Assistance to students in molecular medicine. Teaching methods: • Online course • Individual or small group lessons (maximum 10 students) • In face-to-face mode in Geneva (in accordance with the rules of distance) • Practical exercises Typical course of a course: I follow the thread of my interactive course material, illustrating with examples (diagrams, videos). I systematically deepen and clarify the links with anatomy, physiology, pathology and parasitology. But above all, I try to highlight the action of alternative therapies (acupuncture, homeopathy, reflexology, etc.) And, as I am an enthusiast, with the utterance rich in verb and gesture - there is therefore little risk of getting bored. Approximately every 25 minutes, I engage in a dialogue with the student, to take the pulse of the assimilation of the material. Between lessons, the student is invited to complete the interactive exercises online. In addition, I invest myself fully and support the student in his journey. Who are my courses for: Those who are oriented towards the practice of natural medicines. People who seek to understand the action of natural therapies, such as acupuncture, bio-energy, magnetism, both at the molecular, cellular, tissue and systemic level, as well as at the level of the vital field, of the chakras of the bio -photons and Kundalini. Prerequisites: A good level of general knowledge. Basic knowledge of English. A recent model computer connected to the Internet.
Cell biology · Molecular biology · Biophysics
Welcome to an exciting journey into the enigmatic world of cosmic rays! This high school-level course is designed to introduce you to the captivating realm of cosmic rays, particles which travel vast distances through the cosmos before reaching earth. This course blends hands-on data analysis with a comprehensive understanding of the theory behind these high-energy particles. Throughout this course, you'll delve into the mysteries of cosmic rays, investigating their origins, detection, and interactions with our atmosphere. Engage in practical experiments and data analysis using real cosmic ray data collected from ground-based detectors, unraveling the patterns and characteristics of these elusive particles. The curriculum is divided in a balanced way between theoretical knowledge and practical application. You'll explore fundamental physics concepts essential to understanding cosmic rays, including particle interactions, (very basic) relativity, quantum mechanics, and astrophysics. Lectures, discussions, and interactive sessions will deepen your understanding of these theoretical foundations and their relevance to cosmic ray research. Do not panic! All the theory is presented in a very engaging way, adapted to the technical level to each student. Key Topics: * Introduction to Cosmic Rays: Origins, Composition, and Detection Methods * Introduction to particle physics detection techniques (with real particle detector examples) * Data Collection and Analysis (python or C/C++): Hands-on Experience with Real Cosmic Ray Data * Astrophysical Implications: Cosmic Rays and the Universe * Advanced Topics (for the very enthusiastic): Cosmic ray astrophysics and state-of-the-art detectors used currently in the research world. Class Format: In the basic variant, this course will blend theory lectures with computer-based data analysis. For the very enthusiastic students, there is also a possibility to build their own particle detector. Assessment: Assessment will be based on a combination of individual and group projects, quizzes, data analysis reports, and a final presentation or research paper that showcases your understanding of cosmic rays, both theoretically and practically. Prerequisites: Curiosity! The only pre-requisite for this course is the curiosity of how our universe works, and what can we do as humans to understand it as much as possible! Join me on this cosmic adventure, where theoretical exploration meets empirical investigation, and together, let's unravel the secrets of these cosmic messengers!
Physics · C - c++ · Python
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Our students from Les Avanchets evaluate their teacher.

To ensure the quality of our teachers, we ask our students from Les Avanchets to review them.
Only reviews of students are published and they are guaranteed by Apprentus. Rated 5.0 out of 5 based on 33 reviews.

Clarinet lessons! I am a clarinet teacher for all levels! (Geneva)
We are just getting to know Nuno, who started teaching my son (age 15) and preparing him for grade 6 ABRSM a few weeks ago. Nuno is a friendly, helpful and enthusiastic teacher who is professional in his approach and delivers enjoyable lessons. We are looking forward to continuing our partnership with him over the coming months.
Review by KATE
Violin lessons for all Fr / Ang (solfeggio included). (Vernier)
Celia is a wonderful teacher. Really passionate and this comes across very well. She is patient when teaching and helps you get a very deep understanding of the importance of starting with the basics and then building upwards from there. I really enjoyed and will do more lessons in the future. Best, Alessandro
Singing lessons for all levels in Geneva. Teacher specialist on early music (Geneva)
I had my first lesson with Sofia! She's an amazing teacher. She took time to investigate what my goals were and created a very relaxed and positive atmosphere for the class. The exercises and explanations she gave me were also challenging but perfect for my level. I can't wait for the next class to come! :)
Review by STEFANO

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