
Español lessons in Donaustadt

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2 español teachers in Donaustadt

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2 español teachers in Donaustadt

Hi everyone! My name is Lauren, I'm 25 years old and I'm from Spain. In my classes you will be able to learn and improve your grammar level, reading comprehension, listening and you will become fluent in Spanish (which it ́s usually the hardest part once you have a basic knowledge of the language. In first place will see all this with a simple essay and a few minutes of conversations to set your level and so I can give you the best quality learning in those areas that you need to be able to improve in a clean and consistent way. On the other hand I use many tools such as film scripts, topics of student's interest, songs lyrics and books, both in conversations and exercises. I think that the classes with dynamic and enthusiasm it's a priority to have the better experience of learning. Hello everyone! My name is Lauren, I am 25 years old, I love to teach all kinds of knowledge that I acquire. I am a Spanish tutor, both Latin American Spanish and Castilian. In my classes you will be able to learn, and improve, the grammatical level, reading comprehension and achieve fluency in conversations, (which is usually the most difficult thing once you have a basic knowledge of the language). We will see all this from a Simple writing and a conversation of a few minutes to categorize your level as a student and thus be able to provide you with the highest quality learning in the fields you need to be able to advance in a neat and coherent way. On the other hand, I use tools such as movie scripts, topics of interest to the student, song lyrics and books, both in conversations and in exercises to be developed. I think that classes with a lot of dynamics and enthusiasm are a priority to learn a language. All the best.
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Trusted teacher: Do you need to practice your Spanish? Do you want to prepare the DELE? Do you need to improve your conversation or your pronunciation? -All levels. -DELE preparation all levels. - Spanish for specific purposes (Spanish and Latin American culture and history, health, literature and art). For 12 years I have developed my teaching activity both in Spain and abroad, I have taught Spanish classes in public and private centers in Granada, Madrid, Strasbourg (France) and Aachen (Germany), online and in person. -Dynamic and creative classes with an environment conducive to learning in the classroom- -Method focused on communication and activities developed according to the student's needs. All necessary materials are provided free of charge, as well as a summary of the words that appeared during class. I conduct classes with a mix of textbook materials, electronic whiteboard presentations, and listening comprehension audios/videos. Availability and flexible schedule, so let's see what we can achieve together. ..................................... Durante 12 años he desarrollado mi actividad docente tanto en España como en el extranjero, he impartido clases de español en centros públicos y privados de Granada, Madrid, Estrasburgo (Francia) y Aquisgrán (Alemania), de forma online y presencial. -Clases dinámicas y creativas con un ambiente propicio para el aprendizaje en el aula- -Método centrado en la comunicación y actividades desarrolladas según las necesidades del alumno. Se proporcionan todos los materiales necesarios de forma gratuita, además de un resumen de las palabras aparecidas durante la clase. Realizo mis clases con una mezcla de materiales de libro de texto, presentaciones en pizarra electrónica, audios/vídeos de comprensión oral. Disponibilidad y horario flexible, así que veamos qué podemos lograr juntos.
Spanish · Test prep · Phonetics course
Trusted teacher: Experiència de més de 20 anys donant classes d'anglès i català a grups reduïts d'ESO i Batxillerat i classes de repàs en el sector de les Humanitats. Doy clases de inglés desde hace muchos años. He impartido a grupos reducidos y a particulares de repaso (ESO y Bachillerato). Me desplazo. Busco estabilidad y continuidad para todo el curso. Enseñar es mi vocación. Por las mañanas trabajo en una empresa de telemárketing en BCN en un ambiente multicultural donde el inglés es nuestra lengua vehicular y a partir de las 16h tengo disponibilidad. Actualmente soy profesor de inglés en la Academia English Studio, en Cornellà de Llobregat en turno de tardes. Todos los niveles y edades. Barajo la posibilidad de dedicarme a la docencia también en horario de mañana, siempre y cuando la oferta para este horario fuera de mi interés. En el turno de tarde soy autónomo. Busco estabilidad y continuidad en Academia o similar para todo el curso y en verano. Disponible también para empresas y online. También profesor de catalán y español. My name is Xavier. I was born in Barcelona... a long time ago. I grow up in this town, but now I live a bit far from here. I studied at the University of Barcelona and in Huddersfield (near Shefield, Halifax, Leeds, Manchester, Liverpool,...not very far from York: quite nice places and better people), and I've been teaching Catalan, Spanish, Phillsofy, History and English for a long time...since I was 16. What happened? Very short, I promise: I was walking down the street two years ago, from just opposite this private school, and I thought myself: well, you might enter this place and see. I like English language very much... and the UK,... but I don' t have a poster of the Queen on my bedroom's wall. It was a sort of a blind date. And there she was: her smile, her diligence, effectiveness. Eva listened to me. And after two weeks she was texting me for a class. Please, Xavier, can you cover for some classes? And here I am. (That was in the academy English Studio, untill13th March, when the lady in charge said literally that she would pass my 59 students to another teacher because I had no Internet at home, as I had recently moved to another town and had not had time to set the internet) #.................... Morning shift: Professional Objective: English teacher. Professional experience More than 15 years in several Contact Centers as an Agent or as a Team Leader or Supervisor. Companies: Teletech, Telefono Permanente, MST, Teleperformance and Promofon. As a Team Leader / Supervisor: more than three years in Teleperformance and Promofon, (ONO), making sure the group of Agents were appropriatly trained and equipped to resolve doubts, problems and change requests; makintg sure the team could respond effectively to Account Managers ` requests for further information and , when necessary, take proactive action to ensure they were aware of an issue. And last but not least, every day monitoring work, keeping an eye on the activity of premium learners, ensuring the team was taking the necessary proactive action, either by phone or email. I had to support very often other colleagues in accordance with business needs and to share ideas to improve business practices and the quality of the service. More than 20 years as an English teacher. Also, Spanish, Catalan an Humanities subjects. Qualifications: Universitat Central de Barcelona, Law Studies. Fluent English and intermediate level of French. Native level of Catalan and Spanish.
English · Spanish · Catalan
Trusted teacher: Professional saxophonist eager to teach and work to bring out the best version of yourself! The lessons are intended for all levels, children or adults. We follow a working method where you will continuously and deeply develop your musicality, way of playing, expressiveness and technique. -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------- Raúl is a Spanish saxophonist who finished his DIDACTIC MASTER in 2018 at the École Supérieure des Arts in Mons. Previously, he also completed a MASTER OF INTERPRETATION at the Royal Conservatory of Brussels (2015-2017) in the class of Alain Crepin and Simon Diricq. He studied at the "Musikene" (Higher Conservatory of Music of the Basque Country) with Eric Devallon, Tomás Jérez, Antonio Felipe Belijar and Miguel Ángel Lorente. Passionate about multidisciplinary artistic creation, he thinks of the mixing of all the arts in the same show as an aesthetic goal. This type of research could be observed in his project for his final master's recital in Brussels where he created a project based on Maslow's theory of the hierarchy of human needs where he mixed live, recorded music, dance, light shows and effects under the name: “according to Maslow... ” In terms of his career as a concert artist, he has played in different ensembles (solo performances, duo, trio, quartet, orchestra...) and different countries such as Japan (Artisanal Musical Fair "Suono Italia" 2010), Belgium (Festival Musiq3 2016), Artonov Festival at BOZAR in 2016...), France (Dax chamber music festival 2011) or Spain (Music Festival “Quincena Musical” 2015, Aste Nagusia 2015, Heineken Jazzaldia 2014, Festival Kutxa 2015, Intercentros Melómano 2010).
Saxophone · Music theory · Music history
(19 reviews)
Belén - Madrid, Spain26€
Trusted teacher: EN below ES Disfrutar de aprender música es lo más importante para mí. Tanto si estás estudiando música como un hobbie o preparando tu carrera profesional, nos enfocaremos en ser lo más eficientes posibles y aprender al máximo, mientras disfrutamos del proceso. Está claro que aprender música requiere disciplina y trabajo, pero puede hacerse de una manera interesante y agradable. La flexibilidad es la característica principal de mis clases: mi objetivo es darles a mis alumnos lo que necesitan con un método dinámico que se ajuste a su personalidad y a su propio estilo de aprendizaje. Ofrezco clases individuales y privadas a grupos de todas las edades y la duración de la clase es también flexible, porque depende sobretodo de la edad del alumno (los más pequeños suelen aprovechar mejor clases de media hora). Las clases pueden ser en español, inglés, holandés o griego. En todas las clases está presente el lenguaje y la teoría musical, pero de una forma orgánica e inmersa en la práctica. ¡No dudes en contactarme si te interesa! :) EN Enjoying learning music is the most important thing for me. Whether you are studying music as a hobbie, or you are preparing your professional career, we will focus on being the most efficient and learning as much as possible, while having a good time. Of course learning music requires discipline and hard work, but it can be done in an interesting and satisfactory way. Flexibility is my main feature: my goal is to give you what you need through a dinamic method that adjusts to your personality and specific way of learning. I offer one-to-one lessons as well as group lessons for people of all ages. Duration of the lesson is flexible and it is also possible to combine the content of the lessons between cello, piano and music theory. We can speak in English, Dutch, Greek or Spanish. In all lessons, music theory will be present in a natural and organic way. Contact me if you are interested! :)
Trusted teacher: --- ENG Hello everyone! My name is Maria, a Venezuelan musician residing in Belgium. In the world of art, languages and cultures are a fundamental part of being able to understand each other and connect with each other in order to create something beautiful together, in my case music. Apart from being an artist, I like languages and learning them has become a passion for me, which is why I decided to take this passion to another level. During my classes I want to help you learn my native language, which is Latin American Spanish, in a personalized and dynamic way. The classes are separated by levels (A0-B2), where you will learn the grammar of the language but also vocabulary and expressions to use on a daily basis with other speakers of the language. My idea is that each student learns the language at their own pace but understanding and daring to speak it from the first day. Support material (book, exercises, audios, etc) is always included. Classes can be individual or in groups, both online and in person (Brussels, Belgium). Classes will be given in English and Spanish. Don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions. I hope to see you soon and start discovering and learning this beautiful language! Greetings, Maria. --- ESP ¡Hola a todos! Mi nombre es Maria, musico Venezolana residiendo en Bélgica. En el mundo del arte, los idiomas y las culturas son parte fundamental para poder entendernos entre cada artista y conectar para poder crear algo hermoso juntos, en mi caso la música. Aparte de ser artista me gusta los idiomas y aprenderlos se ha convertido en una pasión para mi, por eso he decidió llevar esta pasión a otro nivel. Durante mis clases quiero ayudarte a aprender de una forma personalizada y dinámica mi lengua natal, que es el español latinoamericano. Las clases están separadas por niveles (A0-B2), en donde aprenderás la gramática de la lengua pero también vocabulario y expresiones para usar en el día a día con otros hablantes de la lengua. Mi idea es que cada alumno aprenda el idioma a su ritmo pero entendiendo y atreviéndose a hablarlo desde el primer día. Material de apoyo (libro, ejercicios, audios, etc) está incluido siempre. Las clases pueden ser individuales o en grupos, tanto online como en persona (Bruselas, Bélgica). Clases se darán en Ingles y español. No dudes en contactarme si tienes alguna pregunta. ¡Espero verte pronto y comenzar a descubrir y aprender este hermoso idioma! Saludos, Maria.
English · Spanish · Communication skills
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Our students from Donaustadt evaluate their Español teacher.

To ensure the quality of our Español teachers, we ask our students from Donaustadt to review them.
Only reviews of students are published and they are guaranteed by Apprentus. Rated 4.9 out of 5 based on 119 reviews.

Fun and Didactic Spanish Lessons. Improve your Skills. (Puebla City)
I was a bit nervous about starting online classes at first, but Deeni quickly put me at ease. She's incredibly warm and friendly, making it easy for me to open up and be myself. Not only that, but she's a fantastic teacher. Deeni plans our lessons carefully and keeps me in the loop every step of the way. I actually look forward to our hour-long sessions and genuinely have fun during our classes. Deeni has made online learning an enjoyable experience for me. I highly recommend her for Mexican Spanish lessons.
Review by MARISSA
Singing classes in Vienna for all age students and musical styles (Online/Offline) (Vienna)
Mrs. Denise has demonstrated passion, mastery and, above all, great versatility as a teacher. She has skillfully recaptured the spirit of a Medieval song with imaginative vocal intensity, while discussing in great detail the lyrical content, linguistic nuances, and the historical context of the song, as well as guiding me through the intricacies of the Occitan language with confidence and poise.
Review by DIANA
Tutoring Mathematics B, Mathematics A, Physics, Dutch, biology, economics, etc., for VMBO, HAVO and VWO (The Hague)
I have been having lessons with Femke for a couple of months now and I am very pleased with my progress. Not only have I progressed in vocabulary and knowledge of the language, but I have also grown more confident to speak Dutch where I can in my day to day life - something that really helps to boost my learning. I would recommend learning with Femke to anybody who is interested!
Review by DAN