
Writing lessons in Bangkok

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6 writing teachers in Bangkok

Trusted teacher: Hello, My name is Santiago and I am offering individual and personalized virtual Spanish classes to improve your oral and written communication. The main focus of my classes is on developing fluid and structured communication of the Spanish language, whether to prepare for international exams, to be able to communicate properly in the professional field or to reinforce and maintain previous knowledge of this language. I am a native Spanish speaker from Uruguay, I graduated from Florida Gulf Coast University in the US and studied communication arts for a year and a half in Thailand. While studying communication arts, I had several communication classes, I learned techniques on how to speak better using not only our words, but also our body to help us speak more naturally, calmly and without getting nervous if we blank out or forget. what we wanted to say. During my career in the United States, I constantly wrote essays for my classes, in addition to having to present projects in front of my teachers and classmates. At the same time, I was working at university and after graduating I worked for a year, mainly having long phone conversations with people from all over the country. In recent years I have gained invaluable experience living abroad communicating using my second language. Now, I help others looking to do the same. I help people from all over the world with their Spanish so they can achieve their goals. It could be studying abroad, living in a Spanish-speaking country, improving your communication in the professional field or continuing to practice so as not to lose your previously acquired level. If what you are looking for is to improve your knowledge of the Spanish language, I will help you. My methodology is simple. Each person is different and I adapt the content of my classes to the needs and interests of my students. We all learn in different ways and at different times, that is why I design my classes individually offering a no-obligation trial lesson to see the best way to achieve your goals.
Spanish · Public speaking · Writing
Hello ! Je m'appelle Gavin et j'ai 25 ans. Je viens de Seattle (Etats-Unis) et j'ai un Master en littérature anglaise et j’ai un certificat TEFL. Ce que je peux vous offrir : - Cours pour adultes et adolescents adaptés à votre niveau et à vos objectifs (de B1 à C2) - Cours de préparation à l'IELTS, CAE, TOEFL et autres examens - Cours de conversation - Business English (l'anglais des affaires) - English for Academic Purposes (l'anglais à des fins académiques) Je vais vous apprendre comment l'anglais est parlé et utilisé dans des situations réelles et quotidiennes. En nous concentrant sur les quatre compétences (lire, écrire, parler et écouter), nous pratiquerons des techniques de conversation tout en affinant votre grammaire, vocabulaire et prononciation. Le contenu peut porter sur des sujets que vous intéressent, qu'il s'agisse de petites conversations, de littérature, de cinéma, de politique ou de vos devoirs d'anglais. Quoi qu'il en soit, l'objectif principal de nos cours sera normalement de parler et d'écouter, mais je vous encouragerai toujours à vous exposer à autant d'anglais que possible en dehors des cours, que ce soit en regardant YouTube en anglais ou en lisant un journal. Normalement, les exercices de grammaire, de vocabulaire et d'écriture seront faits à la maison, sauf indication contraire de votre part. Je ne vous dirai pas « c'est comme ça ». Si vous voulez travailler sur votre grammaire, je serai heureux de vous aider à travers des explications et des exercices significatifs spécialement choisis pour vous, votre niveau et le type d'apprenant que vous êtes. Nous pouvons organiser des cours chez moi dans le 14ème arrondissement, en ligne via Zoom, à votre domicile ou encore dans un café si vous voulez. I look forward to hearing from you and to a successful collaboration ! Gavin
English · Writing · Grammar
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Trusted teacher: Overcome your fears and unlock creative inspiration to finally get to the end of your writing project. Let yourself be guided and finally realize your dream of writing. ➤ Overcome your fears. ➤ Discover the secret to writing 100% fun and 0% blank pages. ➤ Awaken this writer's flame that has been dormant in you for a long time. ➤ Build unwavering legitimacy and overcome the fear of failure, lack of time and procrastination that keep you from moving forward. In short, put an end to the fear of writing! Isn't it difficult to be consumed by the desire to write your project and not succeed in doing it? Break forever the insurmountable wall that prevents you from writing today. It is a matter of combining improvements in form with improvements in substance. For this, the sessions can for example take place according to your needs as follows: a) Comments / proposals on the text that you will offer me b) Writing exercises based on a statement. c) A series of precise and pragmatic recommendations and their application through style exercises. Whether it is a novel, an essay, song lyrics, various texts, a biography or simply a report for professional or school purposes, it is about offering you elements personalized pedagogy: - Study your text - Build text, song lyrics etc - Calmly polish the style - Research and develop your lexical fields - Differentiate between writing for oneself and writing for others All this by combining theory and practice: Writing work from exercises then as part of a personal project. During the sessions, you are guided in your writing project. The trainer accompanies you and teaches you the preparation method, gives you writing tools and helps you work on your style and your imagination. The objective is multiple, including a reflection on one's own literary path, an introduction to the basic tools of style work and exercises on description. Learning objectives: - Identify your writing path. - Mobilize your imagination. - Learn and master the practical writing tools. - Broaden its reflection on creation and professional and personal writing. - Create and develop one or more projects. Trained in a European Grande Ecole & Ivy League University in the United States, specialized and has been working in Europe and North America for more than 16 years in this field, in reputable international institutions , also intervening in forums and conferences. - Locations: Geneva - Lausanne - Friborg - Neuchâtel - Montreux - Basel - Sion - Sierre - Morges - Bienne. But currently and until further notice, only by videoconference in accordance with national recommendations on Covid. These sessions, for which you have asked me, also seem to be perfectly unanimous since they arouse a certain enthusiasm (and a certain enthusiasm). Indeed, they have the advantage of face-to-face sessions (ex: quality of the interaction), without its disadvantages (ex: loss of travel time) with additional advantages (ex: the entire session transcribed in writing on the chat). That is why, at your request, I continue to offer this option. À la carte: evaluated and adapted to each personality.
Writing · Creative writing · Technical writing
Trusted teacher: FRENCH FOREIGN LANGUAGE 🇫🇷 lessons for ViP 💎 ADULTS & CHILDREN By PROFESSOR of TRADE Graduated from Higher/Secondary & PROFESSIONAL COACH State graduate With ViPs, CEOs, PEOPLE in ACTIVE LIFE, HIGH-LEVEL ATHLETES, STUDENTS, COLLEGIANS & PRIMARY. 💎 VIPs | 👑 🇩🇰 | CEOs 🇪🇺 | 🎾 🏆 | ⚜️ Relais & Chateaux PRESENTIAL / REMOTE 🇫🇷 🇩🇪 🇦🇹 🇬🇧 🇨🇭 🇨🇿 🇩🇰 🇮🇪 Hello, Currently, different contexts lead me to practice my profession as a State-certified Professor & Professional Coach, with ViPs, CEOs, people in active life, high-level athletes, students.. As well as Primary & Secondary students who wish to enter the International Class, in particular at CiV de Valbonne, Collège de Roquefort-Les-Pins... Also, I practice face-to-face as well as remotely by videoconference; in France as in Europe. Thus, during these two decades, I have implemented proven methodological approaches. Some borrowed from the Theatre, such as the Davis method (mind mappings / colors); others in Professional Coaching (my specialty), such as Mental Preparation, Cognitive Remediation, Emotional Intelligence, 4th Generation NLP. Knowing that the main objective here is to establish a specific framework, so as to accommodate a methodology adapted to each of the learners. In order to motivate them in the long term, in particular by developing a certain agility at home. For now, as for their future, when I will no longer be present at their side to accompany them. Finally, Professor from General Education, mainly in scientific subjects, I propose to accompany you to become an actor in the construction of your learning path, especially in this period so singular but oh so rich in its opportunities and challenges to raise. Besides that, I practice an hourly rate within the framework of the CESU. In particular in order to benefit from a tax credit immediately within the framework of the CESU +. Or up to 50% less depending on your income. Please contact me for more information regarding your situation. See you soon Corinne. Profession Teacher - Professional Coach (and Mental Trainer) Courses offered: French - French as a Foreign Language - Methodology Oral / written communication 💼 1000 Trained professionals 🎓🏆 1000 Students and High Level Athletes in 11 Universities, Sports Clubs and Schools 🎧 5000 Hours of collective training carried out in face-to-face and E-Learning 🎤 1000 Face-to-Face and E-Learning Conference Hours 👫 6000 Individual Training Hours | Personalized support
French · Writing
Trusted teacher: English language proficiency is essential for academic, professional, and personal success in today's globalized world. Recognizing this need, I offer a comprehensive range of courses to enhance language skills and provide valuable certification in English proficiency. I can help my students excel in internationally recognized language tests such as the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) and the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) and provide interactive English Speaking Practice and Professional English classes. IELTS/TOEFL Preparation Course: My IELTS/TOEFL Preparation technique is tailored to meet the needs of learners planning to take the IELTS/TOEFL exam. The course focuses on all four language skills: listening, reading, writing, and speaking. Through interactive lessons, practice tests, and personalized feedback, students thoroughly understand the test format, develop effective strategies, and enhance their overall language proficiency. I can guide you through each exam section, providing valuable insights and tips for achieving higher scores. English Speaking Practice: I aim to develop students' fluency and confidence in spoken English for the English Speaking Practice class. I engage my students in authentic conversations, debates, and presentations, helping them refine their pronunciation, intonation, and grammar while expanding their vocabulary and cultural understanding. The class provides a supportive environment for learners to express their thoughts, ask questions, and engage in discussions. Professional English Class: Professional English Class caters to learners seeking to enhance their English language skills for the workplace or professional settings. The course focuses on specialized vocabulary, communication techniques, and cultural nuances relevant to various industries and professional contexts. Students develop essential skills for writing professional emails, reports, and presentations and participating in meetings, negotiations, and networking events. Join my class and unlock your potential in the English language. Whether you're preparing for language proficiency exams, aiming to improve your spoken English, or seeking professional language skills, I am committed to empowering you with the knowledge and confidence you need to succeed in today's globalized world.
Public speaking · Writing · English
Trusted teacher: We will learn the basics of the Arabic language from letters until we start reading to a high level. We also speak in classical Arabic to develop the skill of speaking Arabic using modern teaching strategies and methods. From the first class, the student can speak Arabic. I rely in my lessons on the Nooraniyah rule if the guardian wants to teach his son to read the Holy Quran, and also a special curriculum for the student who does not speak Arabic. If the guardian wishes to teach Arabic reading, writing, and grammar, praise be to God, we follow a group of books, at the top of which is Arabic in Your Hands, Basic Education, and Arabic Lessons, and there are other curricula from which you can choose what suits the student’s needs. In each class, we must practice the four language skills of listening, reading, writing and speaking, in an atmosphere of interaction between me and the student. I can help you with your Arabic and Quran requirements. I can explain the Quran to Arabic speaking students before they start memorizing. My life is full of courses, meetings and readings in this field so that I can be qualified to do so, so that I can help you and you can progress as well. I can give you advice away from the routine of work to achieve your self, succeed and be creative in your life through my experience and dealing with children. This field is not only for learning a language, but it also gives us the abilities and will to succeed in life. The language of the Qur’an, which God has honored, makes us read and memorize the Qur’an to understand God’s messages to us. We seek to learn to refine behavior and develop skills so that we may become a nation of readers, as our noble Messenger loved. I memorize the Qur’an by dictation first for those who do not read, then by spelling after giving a set of lessons to the student so that he can spell directly from the Qur’an.
Arabic · Reading (for adults) · Writing
English · Test prep · Writing
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Only reviews of students are published and they are guaranteed by Apprentus. Rated 4.9 out of 5 based on 194 reviews.

Spanish Lessons, Speaking classes in Spanish, Get ready for DELE, anything you want about Spanish (Saint-Gilles)
Germán is a great teacher and also fun to work with. He first carefully diagnoses strengths and weaknesses and then designs tailored exercises around the learning needs and gives concrete feedback and shares vocabulary tips. If you search someone to better understand homework/grammar exercises or someone for stand-alone private classes, German is your guy for both. He can explain grammar or improve conversational skills. Before our private lessons, I took courses at the Cervantes institute and my professor there also respected him a lot for his teaching methods and knowledge.
Review by NILS
Corinne is helping my daughter to prepare for her oral exam for the European Baccalaureate (French as a second language). She is very professional, well organized and very kind! She is also very flexible, as we had to postpone and reschedule a couple of times. But most importantly, my daughter says that she can see Corinne’s passion for language and text, so that makes the tutoring more fun. Corinne also takes notes during the lessons and sends them to my daughter afterwards: great! PS: my daughter received now a 10/10 for her final French oral exam!
Review by SASKIA
Basic Thai, Daily life conversation, Thai for workplace, Reading and Writing Thai literature (Bangkok)
I have been learning from K. Benyapa (Beauty) for approx. 3 months. She is a brilliant teacher! She puts in much more effort to design a curriculum and prepare for lessons, than any other teacher I have had over my 7 years in Thailand. Kru Beauty is willing to tailor classes for your needs, which for me, is Thai citizenship. The lessons feel a lot more personalized than the usual running through of a "Thai Conversation" text book, like many other teachers do. Highly recommended for all level of Thai language, from beginner to advanced!
Review by IAN