
Spanish lessons in Anthisnes

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2 spanish teachers in Anthisnes

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2 spanish teachers in Anthisnes

Trusted teacher: ¡Hola a todos! My name is Patricia. I'm a native Spanish speaker and teacher. I've been teaching Spanish and English as foreign languages since 2004, and I've fallen in love with my job a little more every year :) I did my Spanish Philology and Literature studies and learned how to become a teacher at the National University of Salta, Argentina. I'm a committed, responsible and professional person, who is always eager to learn new things and in permanent training. My patience knows no limits and I can find a thousand ways to explain something if necessary. I can make a course specifically for you, according to your knowledge, needs, interests, and requests. In 15 years of doing this, I've never taught the same course twice. I can compile and produce tailor-made study material for you. Since I'm absolutely passionate about Spanish, I've studied its different varieties around the world, so I can guarantee that with my classes you'll be able to have a proper conversation in any Spanish speaking country. Over the years I've worked with a wide variety of students, from teenagers to adults, from complete beginners to proficient people who just wanted to practice speaking. I also help students prepare for the DELE exams, I've done so in the past with excellent results. I'm a certified DELE examiner so I have extensive knowledge of this test. I'm in love with languages and communication, and teaching is my calling, my passion. With me grammar will never be an issue, furthermore, I can promise you that you'll enjoy it and have fun! I'd be more than happy to discuss with you what is the best way for you to learn from scratch or improve your Spanish in no time. I'm looking forward to hearing from you!
Grammar · Vocabulary · Spanish
Trusted teacher: Dear students, My name is Citlalli but you can call me teacher Malee. My students call me Malee which means Jasmine in Thai, I am very patient and they like that a lot about me. I will share with you a world of information to prepare you for the world of Spanish. I have all kinds of educational and digital material to work with. You just have to bring the desire to learn and I will take care of the rest. My classes are basic, intermediate, advanced grammar and conversations. I love teaching and these two years have helped me a lot to improve my skills. My program focuses on all ages and we can organize group classes for the whole family or individual classes. Dear students: My name is Citlalli but you can call me Teacher Malee, I am delighted to offer my services as a Spanish tutor. I have extensive experience teaching Spanish and I am ready to help you master it with ease and confidence. I was born and raised in Mexico, so my love for the Spanish language and culture is well-founded. My teaching methodology is based on an individualized approach for each student, taking into account their level of knowledge and needs. We will work on developing all skills: speaking, understanding, reading and writing, so that they can communicate freely in Spanish. I would be happy to help you prepare for exams, improve your academic performance or simply enjoy learning the beautiful Spanish language. Don't be afraid to make mistakes, practice makes perfect! Don't put off your language goals, start now and you will soon see the results. I look forward to seeing you in class! Sincerely, Teacher Malee
Spanish · Grammar · Speech
Trusted teacher: I offer personalised English tutoring for students of all levels. Whether you're looking to improve your grammar, expand your vocabulary, or strengthen your essay-writing skills, I provide tailored lessons to help you succeed. I specialise in preparing students for exams, including KS1, KS2 and GCSE levels, with a focus on reading comprehension, analytical writing, and critical thinking. My goal is to make learning enjoyable and interactive, ensuring progress at your pace. I assign homework after every session and provide regular feedback to help track improvement. Moreover, as a native Spanish speaker, I provide dynamic and interactive lessons to help you master the language. My classes cover everything from basic conversational skills to more advanced grammar and vocabulary. Whether you're preparing for exams, traveling, or simply want to learn a new language, this course is designed to help you achieve fluency. Lessons are adapted to meet your individual needs, with a focus on speaking, listening, reading, and writing. No prior experience required, and I provide continuous feedback to ensure your confidence in speaking Spanish grows. I also specialise in tutoring Biology, Physics, and Chemistry for students at all levels, including those preparing for their SATs and GCSEs. My aim is to simplify complex concepts and make them accessible, whether you're studying cell biology, atomic structure, or the laws of motion. I provide clear explanations, practice exercises, and real-world examples to enhance your understanding. Homework is assigned after each session, and I offer progress reports to help track your improvement. This class will help you build a strong foundation in science and boost your confidence in tackling exams. Additionally, I offer Religious Studies tutoring for students in grades 3 to 11, focusing on exploring various world religions, ethical discussions, and moral philosophy. My lessons encourage critical thinking about different belief systems, their histories, and their influence on societies. Whether your child needs help understanding religious texts, preparing for exams, or wants to learn more about world religions, my lessons are tailored to meet their individual needs. I provide engaging discussions, regular homework, and progress updates to ensure a deeper understanding and appreciation of the subject.
Tutoring · Grammar · Spanish
Trusted teacher: Do you need to practice your Spanish? Do you want to prepare the DELE? Do you need to improve your conversation or your pronunciation? -All levels. -DELE preparation all levels. - Spanish for specific purposes (Spanish and Latin American culture and history, health, literature and art). For 12 years I have developed my teaching activity both in Spain and abroad, I have taught Spanish classes in public and private centers in Granada, Madrid, Strasbourg (France) and Aachen (Germany), online and in person. -Dynamic and creative classes with an environment conducive to learning in the classroom- -Method focused on communication and activities developed according to the student's needs. All necessary materials are provided free of charge, as well as a summary of the words that appeared during class. I conduct classes with a mix of textbook materials, electronic whiteboard presentations, and listening comprehension audios/videos. Availability and flexible schedule, so let's see what we can achieve together. ..................................... Durante 12 años he desarrollado mi actividad docente tanto en España como en el extranjero, he impartido clases de español en centros públicos y privados de Granada, Madrid, Estrasburgo (Francia) y Aquisgrán (Alemania), de forma online y presencial. -Clases dinámicas y creativas con un ambiente propicio para el aprendizaje en el aula- -Método centrado en la comunicación y actividades desarrolladas según las necesidades del alumno. Se proporcionan todos los materiales necesarios de forma gratuita, además de un resumen de las palabras aparecidas durante la clase. Realizo mis clases con una mezcla de materiales de libro de texto, presentaciones en pizarra electrónica, audios/vídeos de comprensión oral. Disponibilidad y horario flexible, así que veamos qué podemos lograr juntos.
Spanish · Test prep · Phonetics course
(15 reviews)
Andrea - Ghent, Belgium27€
Trusted teacher: I am a native speaker with ten years of experience and a degree in language teaching. I will help you learn and improve the language in a class that is tailored to your needs. If you are a beginner and you are interested in the language, if you want to live in the country and want to learn how to navigate life as a local, if you want to perfect your language or if you just want to improve your conversational skills, this class is for you. The classes are very flexible, the time, day and frequency are completely customizable according to your availability and needs. Soy una hablante nativa con 10 años de experiencia y diplomada en la enseñanza de las lenguas. Te ayudaré a aprender y mejorar tu idioma en unas clases adaptadas a tus necesidades. Si eres un(a) principiante interesado(a) en el idioma, si deseas vivir en el país y aprender a vivir en un país hispanoparlante, si quieres perfeccionar el idioma o simplemente mejorar la conversación, esta clase está hecha para ti. Las clases son totalmente flexibles, la hora, el día y la frecuencia están adaptadas a tu disponibilidad y necesidades. Je suis une parlante native avec 10 années d’expérience et diplômée en enseignement de langues. Je vous aiderai à apprendre et améliorer la langue dans un cours complétement adapté à vos besoins. Si vous êtes un(e) débutant(e) qui est intéressé(e) par la langue, si vous désirez habiter dans le pays et apprendre à vivre dans un pays où on parle l'espagnol, si vous voulez perfectionner votre langage ou bien simplement améliorer votre conversation, ce cours est fait pour vous. Le cours sont absolument flexibles, l’heure, le jour et la fréquence sont adaptés à votre disponibilité et vos besoins.
Spanish · Test prep
Trusted teacher: Experiència de més de 20 anys donant classes d'anglès i català a grups reduïts d'ESO i Batxillerat i classes de repàs en el sector de les Humanitats. Doy clases de inglés desde hace muchos años. He impartido a grupos reducidos y a particulares de repaso (ESO y Bachillerato). Me desplazo. Busco estabilidad y continuidad para todo el curso. Enseñar es mi vocación. Por las mañanas trabajo en una empresa de telemárketing en BCN en un ambiente multicultural donde el inglés es nuestra lengua vehicular y a partir de las 16h tengo disponibilidad. Actualmente soy profesor de inglés en la Academia English Studio, en Cornellà de Llobregat en turno de tardes. Todos los niveles y edades. Barajo la posibilidad de dedicarme a la docencia también en horario de mañana, siempre y cuando la oferta para este horario fuera de mi interés. En el turno de tarde soy autónomo. Busco estabilidad y continuidad en Academia o similar para todo el curso y en verano. Disponible también para empresas y online. También profesor de catalán y español. My name is Xavier. I was born in Barcelona... a long time ago. I grow up in this town, but now I live a bit far from here. I studied at the University of Barcelona and in Huddersfield (near Shefield, Halifax, Leeds, Manchester, Liverpool,...not very far from York: quite nice places and better people), and I've been teaching Catalan, Spanish, Phillsofy, History and English for a long time...since I was 16. What happened? Very short, I promise: I was walking down the street two years ago, from just opposite this private school, and I thought myself: well, you might enter this place and see. I like English language very much... and the UK,... but I don' t have a poster of the Queen on my bedroom's wall. It was a sort of a blind date. And there she was: her smile, her diligence, effectiveness. Eva listened to me. And after two weeks she was texting me for a class. Please, Xavier, can you cover for some classes? And here I am. (That was in the academy English Studio, untill13th March, when the lady in charge said literally that she would pass my 59 students to another teacher because I had no Internet at home, as I had recently moved to another town and had not had time to set the internet) #.................... Morning shift: Professional Objective: English teacher. Professional experience More than 15 years in several Contact Centers as an Agent or as a Team Leader or Supervisor. Companies: Teletech, Telefono Permanente, MST, Teleperformance and Promofon. As a Team Leader / Supervisor: more than three years in Teleperformance and Promofon, (ONO), making sure the group of Agents were appropriatly trained and equipped to resolve doubts, problems and change requests; makintg sure the team could respond effectively to Account Managers ` requests for further information and , when necessary, take proactive action to ensure they were aware of an issue. And last but not least, every day monitoring work, keeping an eye on the activity of premium learners, ensuring the team was taking the necessary proactive action, either by phone or email. I had to support very often other colleagues in accordance with business needs and to share ideas to improve business practices and the quality of the service. More than 20 years as an English teacher. Also, Spanish, Catalan an Humanities subjects. Qualifications: Universitat Central de Barcelona, Law Studies. Fluent English and intermediate level of French. Native level of Catalan and Spanish.
English · Spanish · Catalan
Showing results 26 - 50 of 573726 - 50 of 5737

Our students from Anthisnes evaluate their Spanish teacher.

To ensure the quality of our Spanish teachers, we ask our students from Anthisnes to review them.
Only reviews of students are published and they are guaranteed by Apprentus. Rated 4.9 out of 5 based on 103 reviews.

Spanish class: reach the level you are looking for! (Konstanz)
Hallo allemaal, ik ben Valerie en kreeg Portugese les van Melissa. Ik raad Melissa zeker aan. Melissa heeft alles in huis om de les zeer leerzaam, leuk , duidelijk en voorbereid te laten verlopen. Na een paar lessen kan ik al een aardig woordje Portugees! Melissa zorgt voor een positieve energieke les sfeer! Naast de thuis lessen zijn er ook online lessen. De online lessen verlopen soepel en snel. Ik wens jullie veel succes! Groetjes, Valerie Hi everybody, I’m valerie, i just want to tell you all that I truly recommend Melissa. She is a great girl who teaches me Portuguese. After Some Lessons I already managed to speak and understand some Portuguese. Melissa has a good energy which helps a lot during the learning process! I always look forward to our lessons! Her explanations are clearly and helpful. Melissa offers not only face to face lessons but also online lessons. The online lessons go smoothly and quickly. So I can assure you that you won’t regret booking this lessons! Have fun and good luck :)! Greetings, Valerie
Review by VALERIE
Experienced and fun language teacher for Spanish as a foreign language (ELE - ESL) (Hilversum)
I am English and speak fluent Dutch. Spanish has always been a language that I loved and wanted to learn. So, I took the plunge and started learning with Patricia. Patricia is such a dedicated highly professional teacher, full of enthusiasm. She inspires me by using all kinds of different lesson methods. Reading, watching films, various writing exercises that she creates herself, she also encourages students to attend monthly get togethers where we all speak Spanish together around a well adorned table of food and drink with a Spanish speaking country as the theme. Her patience with my slow talking and constant mistakes with word endings and verbs is just amazing!! I have been learning for more than half a year now and I hope many more years to come.Thank you Patricia! I highly recommend this teacher.
Review by DIANA
DELE C1 specialist with proven records of success. Let’s achieve your goals. (San Juan de Alicante)
Maria is an excellent teacher who can adapt her teaching style according to her student. My daughter and I both had lessons with her and we both found the lessons both enjoyable and challenging. We both feel we made progress. My daughter has had several tutors over the years and thinks Maria is, for her, perfect. She makes the lessons fun while having a structure and aim for each lesson so progress is always made.
Review by TIM