
Medieval history lessons in Switzerland

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2 medieval history teachers in Switzerland

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2 medieval history teachers in Switzerland

Holder of a Literary Baccalaureate with honors, a Bi-license 2 in History and Political Science from the University of Paris I - Panthéon Sorbonne, I then obtained a License 3 and a Master in Contemporary History at the University of Brittany -South (Lorient). This master's degree being devoted to a dissertation on contemporary religious history (60p, 14/20), I was then selected for an Erasmus year at the University of Friborg to specialize in religious sociology. I have proven experience as a facilitator, educator and teacher (private lessons and classes), for several years. Beyond my studies, I constantly read new books and articles because in addition to History, I am also passionate about genealogy, political news and the human sciences in general. Like the teachers who inspired me and lit the flame within me, I know how to demonstrate a spirit of clarity and synthesis driven by the passion that drives me to contribute to forging responsible citizens in the service of the Common Good. I know how to build a relationship of trust and rigor with the learner to identify, assume and overcome possible difficulties together. Son and brother of English teachers, I made several language trips abroad very early on (Ireland, USA) which taught me to express myself, according to many English speakers, without an accent. I maintain my bilingual level thanks to numerous films in the Original Version and regular travel. I have worked several times as an interpreter and private teacher, with success. Thanks to my studies, my options in literature, linguistics and philosophy, my passion for classic authors and poetry, I write French without spelling mistakes and I only ask to transmit to you these rules which are those of the game the tastiest there is for the human spirit: expressing the best of oneself in the service of others.
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