
Private teachers in Onex

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22 private teachers in Onex

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22 private teachers in Onex

Relationships · Communication skills · Social media
(2 reviews)
Eduardo - Toronto, 08325 CNY
Trusted teacher: ¡Bienvenidos! Soy Eduardo, Matemático. Con más de 15 años de experiencia en el campo de la educación matemática, he tenido el privilegio de trabajar en diversos centros educativos y de fundar Matemática Sin Fronteras. Mi objetivo es ofrecer clases de matemáticas online adaptadas a las necesidades de cada estudiante, desde escolares hasta jóvenes de bachillerato. ¿Qué Ofrezco? Clases Online Personalizadas: Utilizo una tableta digital para proporcionar explicaciones claras y detalladas. Al final de cada clase, te entregaré un resumen en formato PDF para que puedas repasar y consolidar lo aprendido. Plataforma de Clases: Nuestras sesiones se llevan a cabo a través de Google Meet, garantizando una experiencia interactiva y efectiva. Atención Integral: Me enfoco en cada estudiante para asegurar una comprensión profunda de los conceptos matemáticos, lo cual es crucial para un desempeño académico sobresaliente en la etapa universitaria. Beneficios de Trabajar Conmigo: Profesionalismo y Experiencia: Mi trayectoria en la enseñanza y mi compromiso con la educación aseguran que recibirás una formación de alta calidad. Adaptabilidad y Apoyo: Cada clase está diseñada para cubrir las necesidades específicas del estudiante, con materiales y métodos adaptados a su nivel y objetivos. Preparación Universitaria: Una sólida formación matemática es clave para un buen desempeño en la etapa universitaria. Mis clases están orientadas a preparar a los estudiantes para los desafíos académicos futuros. ¿Por Qué Elegir Un Experto? Poner la enseñanza en manos de un experto es fundamental para lograr una educación efectiva. Con mi experiencia y profesionalismo, te aseguro un enfoque metódico y personalizado que contribuirá significativamente a tu éxito académico. ¡No dudes en contactar y comenzar a mejorar tu comprensión de las matemáticas con un experto a tu lado!
Math · Algebra · Trigonometry
Hi, Do you need help understanding mathematics or do you want to learn French?? I'm here to answer all your questions and help you progress as much as possible in a good mood! Let me introduce myself, my name is Damien, I am French and my Job in France is: Home Tutor! You must be wondering why I put an ad in the USA ?? Well, I love to travel and I decided to spend 1 month in the area 😉 and in order to finance my trip I will give lessons to some privileged students like you! I have a Master in Aeronautical Engineering specializing in methodological coaching and I have been giving private lessons in mathematics for 4 years at middle school, high school and college. In France, my lessons are very popular and my schedule is full every year! According to your request and your objectives, the support that I offer will allow you to get back in good conditions for success if you are in a situation of failure, to improve your academic results, to improve or even to deepen the program . /! \ Please note, regular and sufficient personal work by the student is essential in addition to the private lessons to ensure optimal monitoring effectiveness. ------------------------------- Salut, Tu as besoin d’aide pour comprendre les mathématiques ou bien tu souhaites apprendre la langue française ? Je suis là pour répondre à toutes tes questions et te faire progresser un maximum dans la bonne humeur ! Laisse-moi me présenter, je m’appelle Damien, je suis Français et mon Job en France c’est : Prof à domicile ! Tu dois te demander pourquoi j’ai mis une annonce aux USA ?? Et bien, j’aime voyager et j’ai décidé de passer 1 mois dans le coin 😉 et afin de financer mon voyage je vais donner des cours à quelques élevés privilégiés comme toi ! J’ai un Master en Ingénierie Aéronautique spécialisé dans le coaching méthodologique et je donne des cours particuliers de mathématiques depuis 4 ans de niveaux Collège, Lycée et plus. En France, mes cours sont très appréciés et mon planning est complet tous les ans ! Selon votre demande et vos objectifs, l’accompagnement que je propose vous permettra de vous remettre dans de bonnes conditions de réussite si vous êtes en situation d’échec, d’améliorer votre dossier scolaire, de vous perfectionner ou même d’approfondir le programme. / !\ Attention, du travail personnel régulier et en quantité suffisante de la part de l’élève est indispensable en complément des cours particuliers pour assurer une efficacité du suivi optimale.
Math · French
Meet even more great teachers. Try online lessons with the following real-time online teachers:
Trusted teacher: I am a qualified and experienced mathematics tutor. Graduated from the Free University of Brussels in 2011, I started my career by teaching remedial courses in different schools in Brussels. I then specialized in individual academic support by following educational training at the Harvard Graduate School of Education. I have been giving private mathematics lessons daily for over ten years. The students who follow my private lessons benefit from personalized support. The first session is devoted to an in-depth assessment of the student's mathematical knowledge. The objective is to detect its weak points and understand their origin in order to adapt my courses to its needs. I develop a tailor-made remediation program for each of my students aimed at filling each of their gaps. Over the course of the sessions, the student builds a solid foundation for learning and regains self-confidence. At the same time, I help him acquire a work methodology that allows him to gradually become autonomous in his studies. I have a perfect knowledge of the mathematics program of the College and the High School (from the Sixth to the Terminale). During my formative years, I studied and developed many techniques that make it easier to learn math. The strength of my pedagogical approach lies in my ability to explain in a simple way everything that the student finds complicated. I am passionate about this job because it gives me the opportunity to guide dropout students on the path to success. It is a real pleasure to see them evolve and come to terms with the fantastic world of mathematics. I provide my private lessons in Limoges (at the student's home) or remotely (online via the internet). My distance learning courses take place on an interactive online whiteboard. This board is specially designed to promote student/teacher interaction on the internet. Thanks to this educational tool, my online courses are as effective as home courses. The student only needs an internet connection and a computer, tablet, or smartphone to take advantage of it.
Math · Tutoring · Learning & study skills
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Our students from Onex evaluate their teacher.

To ensure the quality of our teachers, we ask our students from Onex to review them.
Only reviews of students are published and they are guaranteed by Apprentus. Rated 4.8 out of 5 based on 186 reviews.

Private online mathematics lessons - Qualified and experienced teacher (Limoges)
Benoit is friendly and patient and has a good sense of when to challenge and when to take a step back. My son, who is 8, really likes his lessons very much. He loves math, especially working with big numbers, and at school it isn't always possible to work on calculations as he would like. After few lessons he already learned new techniques for calculations he likes to experiment with and Benoit also managed to challenge him to try some new and more advanced things. I think this type of lessons is more tricky to prepare, at least until the teacher gets to know well the capacities and character of the child, as there are not based on the child's curriculum or homework to be done. Benoit is always open to discussion and if my son finds something too challenging, they take a step back and try another way or just agree to try another time when my son feels ready for it.
Review by DIANA
Private French lessons for adults and teenagers with native French speaker in Co. Mayo (Newport)
It is always a pleasure to meet Phil for our weekly online French classes. He is a patient and kind teacher and always full of energy for our class. Phil is interested in a wide range of topics, so we always have something to talk about based on an article he selected as 'homework'. What I really appreciate about his way of teaching is that he corrects me during our conversation without breaking the flow of our talk, so I can really feel my confidence in speaking French increasing each class. I woulf highly recommend Phil if you are looking for a French tutor :)
Review by USER
Private lessons in Math, Physics, Chemistry and SVT (Brussels)
Superb experience with Raef. I asked for his help to prepare a math assessment test with an enormous lack of basis but he accepted the challenge. I found out a nice teacher who is not afraid of explaining and repeating if necessary. I did enjoy his method with the whiteboard, it feels like you are in the same place and can interact on the same exercise. Either in English or french he will certainly be able to help you. He is super kind and flexible, I definitively recommend his services.
Review by DYLAN

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