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from444.67CNY/ h

French classes with a trilingual tutor with more than 20 years of ONLINE experience.

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Hi everyone,
French teacher, perfectly trilingual (Arabic, French and English), pedagogue, and accustomed to a French-speaking and English-speaking audience, she offers personalized and quality courses.

The courses are aimed at a very wide audience, adults and children.
I divide my lessons between grammar and vocabulary practice using various media. I teach in depth and my goal is to leave nothing unclear, as well as adapt my method to the individual needs of each student. My goal is to find a perfect balance between theory and its application in a creative and stimulating way.

Whatever your objectives (professional, tourist, personal...) and your level (perfect beginner, false start, intermediate or advanced...)
My classes are diverse and often fun. I adapt especially to the needs of each person to help achieve the objectives set regardless of the level.
-Dynamic, creative and enthusiastic tutor who strives to provide the best support to his student.
-Attractive and interactive tutorials.
-Engaging lessons tailored to the needs and abilities of each student, taking into account their personal interests to ensure maximum participation and enjoyment of the content material.
-Flexible methodology and implementation of differentiated instruction for students with learning difficulties or disabilities.
-Lesson materials emailed to the student in advance and systematically emailed after the lesson with notes, written assignments, and grammar points.
-Use of a wide range of audio, video and authentic text material in the carefully selected target language to stimulate oral participation, develop critical thinking and make the most efficient use of the student's thoughts.
-Evaluation and professional monitoring of the student.
-Positive and constructive feedback.
-A serene and constructive teaching space that facilitates the student's communication and self-confidence and in which all errors are valued as an essential source of progression and used as platforms to learn and build understanding.

========== Watch my PRESENTATION VIDEO HERE ==========

Each FREE lesson includes:-
1- All the educational materials that I use PDF.
2- All audio that accompanies written documents.

With me, guaranteed results!

Bonjour à tous,
Un professeur de langue française, parfaitement trilingue (Arabic, Français et Anglais), pédagogue, et habitué à un public francophone et anglophone, proposes des cours personnalisés et de qualité.

The courses are addressed to three large public, adults and children.
Je partage mes cours entre la grammaire et la pratique du vocabulaire en utilisant divers support. J'enseigne de manière approfondie et vise à ne rien laisser de flou ainsi qu'à adapter ma méthode aux besins individuels de chaque élève. Mon objective is to find a parfait balance between theory and son application of creative and stimulating manière.

What are your objectives (professionnels, Touristiques, Personnels...) and your level (parfaitement débutant, faux départ, intermédiaire ou avancé...)
Mes cours sont variés et souvent amusants. Je m'adapte particulièrement aux kisses de chacun afin d'aider à atteindre les objectifs visés quel quel soit le level.
-Tuteur dynamique, créatif et enthousiaste qui s'efforce d'apporter le meilleur soutien à son elève.
-Tutoriels engageants et interactifs.
-Des cours attrayants adaptés aux kisses et aux capacités de chaque élève, en tenant compte de leurs intérêtspersonals pour assure une participation et une jouissance maximales du contenu.
-Methodologie flexible et mise en œuvre d'un enseignement différencié pour les elèves ayant des d'apprentissage ou des handicaps.
-Course material sent by email for advancement and system sent by email after the course with notes, devoirs écrits and grammar points.
-Utilisation d'un large éventail de matériel audio, video et textual authentique dans la langue cible sélectionnée avec soin afin de stimuler la Participation orale, de développer la thoughte critique et d'utiliser au mieux les thoughts de l'élève.
-Professional evaluation and suivi de l'étudiant.
-Commentaires positifs et constructifs.
-Un espace d'enseignement serein et constructif qui facilite la communication et la confiance en soi des étudiants et dans lequel toutes les erreurs sont valorisées comme une source essentielle de progression et utilisées comme platforms pour apprendre etconstrure la comprahension.

========== Watch the ICI presentation video ==========

FREE gift box includes: -
1- All educational supports for using PDF.
2- All the audio that accompanies the written documents.

Avec moi, guaranteed results!

أهلا بالجميع،
، ومعلم ، ومعتاد على الناطقين بالفرنسية والعربية د ورات مخصصة وعالية الجودة.

تستهدف الدورات جمهورًا كبيرًا جدًا من البالغين والأطفال.
قسمت دروسي بين ممارسة مختلفة. أقوم بالodo N 4 qu 8ف إلى عدم adie أي شيء غير واضح وكذلك omin adie adir طريقي مع الاح esteza. هدحف زة.

مهما كانJ أهدافك (المهنية ، السياحية ، الشخصية ...) ومستواك (مuestos
فصولي متنوعة وممتعة في كثير من الأحيان. أنا أتكيف بشكل خاص مع احتياجات كل شخص من أجل المساnew في adie الأهداف المس ior
- مدرس ديناميكي ومبدع ومتحمس يسعى لتقديم أفضل دعم لطالبه.
- برامج تعليمية تفاعلية وجذابة.
- دروس جذابة مصمة لاحably Sوق removed
- منهجية مرنة accept
- يتم إرسال مواد الدرس بالبريد الإلكتروني للطالب مسبقًا وإرسالها با لبريد الإلكتروني بشكل منهجي بعد الدرس مع الملاحظات والواجبات المنزل ية المكتوبة ونقاط القواعد.
-استخدام مجموعة واسعة من الصوتية والمرئية والنصية الأصلية في اللغة المستهدفة بعناية من أجل تحفيز الشفوية وتطوير التفكير النقدي والاستفادة القصوى من أفكار الطالب.
- التقييم المهني والمراقبة للطالب.
ردود الفعل الإيجابية والبناءة.
- مساحة تعليمية هادئة وبناءة تسهل تواصل الطلاب وثقósهم بأنفسهigu وي min £ alogger.

========== يرجى مشاهدة فيديو العرض هنا ==========

يتضمن كل درس مجانًا:-
2- كل الصوت المصاحب للوثائق المكتوبة.

معي نتائج مضمونة!

Extra information

Translated by Google. Click to view original.
Each FREE lesson includes:-
1- All the educational materials that I use PDF.
2- All audio that accompanies written documents.


Online via webcam
At teacher's location: Sohra Overseas, Dubai - United Arab Emirates
At teacher's location: Vaduz, Städtle, Liechtenstein
At teacher's location: Busan ongotsnii buudal, South Korea
At teacher's location: Norway
At teacher's location: ONE QREAL TRADING CONT- SERVICES W.L.L, Qatar
At teacher's location: Oman

Use ⊞+wheel to zoom!

General info

suitcase iconSkills:
French for adults, Fsl
Children (7-12 years old)
Teenagers (13-17 years old)
Adults (18-64 years old)
Seniors (65+ years old)
Student level:
60 minutes
90 minutes
The class is taught in:English, French, Spanish, Arabic

About Me

I am a professional French tutor with over 20 years of experience in this field.
I have tutored students of various ages and backgrounds with excellent exam results and successful outcomes in terms of language fluency.

Also ,I have a degree in translating/interpreting !
The ages of my students vary between 7 and 70 years old and they have all improved since I have been accompanying them in learning languages.

In addition, I give Arabic lessons to students from beginners to advanced.

20 years of experience teaching the French & Arabic language to children and adults. (individuals and groups' lessons)

I suggest you:

- Modern French courses which allow you to start and progress, both orally and other language skills.

- Intensive French teaching.

- Improve grammar and conversation swiftly and effeciently.

- French lessons: basic to advanced.

• French for beginners
learn French letters and be able to read and pronounce correctly in only TEN lessons, practice writing directly during the lesson through screen sharing technology.
At the end of each lesson I will send you written & audio homework to practice writing,listening and talking.

• Conversational French
Speak freely and fluently on all topics, like: media, political, social, health, and commercial topics.
To make it simple you may consider me your French speaking friend.

• French for children
From my experience, I found that Children are very happy with the language games, so I try to include games as much as possible in my lessons.

Mohamed's Curriculum Vitae
- Holder of a literary baccalaureate in Cairo, Egypt.
- Holder of the following :-
- Dalf C1 & Dalf C2.
- A diploma in teaching the French language to non-natives, French institute, Egypt.
- A diploma in teaching the Arabic language to non-natives, the House of Arabic Language Sciences -كلية دار العلوم – ج.القاهرة , Cairo University, Egypt.
=Certificate in " Foundation of Psychology ". RMIT University-Melbourne- Australia.
=Certificate in " Early Childhood Education " with " Excellent " grade - Gowrie Victoria – Australia.
=Certificate in " Integrating Technology in the K-12 Classroom " from professional development in the New Teacher Center''s Exploration -NY.U.S.A.
=Certificate in " Teaching Adults: For New (And newish) Teachers "- Renton Technical College WA.- USA.
=Certificate in "Teaching English as a Foreign Language TEFL / (TESOL)" Grade "A" 150 hour master -Global Language Training-London-United Kingdom.
=Certificate in "Teaching Flipped" The University of Utah. U.S.A.
=Certificate in "Teaching Adult Learners" with " Excellent " grade –Central Institute of Technology-Australia.
=Certificate in "Becoming a Confident Trainer" with " Excellent " grade -TAFE SA (Government of South Australia)
=Certificate in "Becoming a Dynamic Educator" - Center of Excellence 21st. Century Preparation -Bowling Green State University, USA.
=Certificate in (K-12) Language of Caring, Science of Change: How to Rapidly Improve School Climate-The Institute of Wellness Education-USA.
=Certificate in Teaching Literacy with and through technology-Boston University. U.S.A.
=Certificate in Engaging and Empowering - How to Become an Effective Mentor for Vulnerable Youth- Ontario Trillium Foundation , Government of Ontario.Canada.

-ARABIC: Native speaker
-FRENCH: Excellent command (C2) and teaching for over 20 years .
-ENGLISH: Excellent command C1.
-GERMAN: Communication Skill-Certificate of German as a foreign language with grade
" Good "- "Zdaf" {Zertifikat Deutsch als fremdsprache}-Goethe institute in Cairo.
-SPANISH: Good command-A2

= Hobbies :
Music, Tinkering around the house, Going to museums.

Je suis un professeur de français professionnel avec plus de 20 ans d'expérience dans ce domaine.
J'ai encadré des étudiants d'âges et d'horizons divers avec d'excellents résultats aux examens et de bons résultats en termes de maîtrise de la langue.

De plus, j'ai un diplôme en traduction/interprétation !
L'âge de mes élèves varie entre 7 et 70 ans et ils ont tous progressé depuis que je les accompagne dans l'apprentissage des langues.

De plus, je donne des cours d'arabe à des élèves du niveau débutant au niveau avancé.

20 ans d'expérience dans l'enseignement de la langue française et arabe aux enfants et aux adultes. (cours individuels et collectifs)

Je vous suggère:

- Des cours de français moderne qui permettent de débuter et de progresser, tant à l'oral qu'à d'autres compétences linguistiques.

- Enseignement intensif du français.

- Améliorer la grammaire et la conversation rapidement et efficacement.

- Cours de français : de base à avancé.

• Français pour débutants
apprenez les lettres françaises et soyez capable de lire et de prononcer correctement en seulement DIX leçons, pratiquez l'écriture directement pendant la leçon grâce à la technologie de partage d'écran.
À la fin de chaque leçon, je vous enverrai des devoirs écrits et audio pour vous entraîner à écrire, écouter et parler.

• Français conversationnel
Parlez librement et couramment sur tous les sujets, tels que : les médias, les sujets politiques, sociaux, de santé et commerciaux.
Pour faire simple, vous pouvez me considérer comme votre ami francophone.

• Français pour enfants
D'après mon expérience, j'ai trouvé que les enfants sont très satisfaits des jeux de langage, alors j'essaie d'inclure des jeux autant que possible dans mes cours.

Curriculum Vitae de Mohamed
- Titulaire d'un baccalauréat littéraire au Caire, Égypte.
- Titulaire des titres suivants :-
- Dalf C1 & Dalf C2.
- Diplôme d'enseignement de la langue française aux allochtones, Institut Français, Egypte.
- Un diplôme d'enseignement de la langue arabe aux non-natifs, la Maison des sciences de la langue arabe -كلية دار العلوم – ج.القاهرة , Université du Caire, Egypte.
= Certificat en " Fondation de Psychologie ". RMIT University-Melbourne-Australie.
= Certificat en « Éducation de la petite enfance » avec la note « Excellent » - Gowrie Victoria – Australie.
= Certificat en " Intégration de la technologie dans la classe K-12 " du développement professionnel dans le New Teacher Center's Exploration -NY.U.S.A.
= Certificat en "Enseignement aux adultes : pour les enseignants nouveaux (et nouveaux)" - Renton Technical College WA.- USA.
= Certificat en "Enseignement de l'anglais comme langue étrangère TEFL / (TESOL)" Grade "A" 150 heures master -Global Language Training-Londres-Royaume-Uni.
= Certificat en "enseignement inversé" de l'Université de l'Utah. ETATS-UNIS.
= Certificat en « enseignement aux apprenants adultes » avec la note « Excellent » – Central Institute of Technology-Australie.
= Certificat en "Devenir un formateur confiant" avec la note "Excellent" -TAFE SA (Gouvernement d'Australie du Sud)
=Certificat en "Devenir un éducateur dynamique" - Centre d'excellence 21e. Préparation du siècle - Université d'État de Bowling Green, États-Unis.
= Certificat en (K-12) Language of Caring, Science of Change: Comment améliorer rapidement le climat scolaire - The Institute of Wellness Education - USA.
= Certificat en enseignement de la littératie avec et à travers la technologie - Université de Boston. ETATS-UNIS.
=Certificat en engagement et autonomisation - Comment devenir un mentor efficace pour les jeunes vulnérables - Fondation Trillium de l'Ontario, gouvernement de l'Ontario.Canada.

-ARABE : Locuteur natif
-FRANÇAIS : Excellente maîtrise (C2) et enseignement depuis plus de 20 ans.
-ANGLAIS : Excellente maîtrise C1.
-ALLEMAND : Communication Skill-Certificat d'allemand comme langue étrangère avec note
"Bon" - "Zdaf" {Zertifikat Deutsch als fremdsprache}-Institut Goethe au Caire.
-ESPAGNOL : Bonne maîtrise-A2

= Loisirs :
Musique, Bricoler autour de la maison, Aller aux musées.

أنا مدرس فرنسي محترف لدي أكثر من 20 عامًا من الخبرة في هذا المجال.
لقد درست طلابًا من مختلف الأعمار والخلفيات بنتائج امتحانات ممتازة ونتائج ناجحة من حيث الطلاقة اللغوية.

أيضًا ، لديّ درجة علمية في الترجمة / الترجمة الفورية!
تتراوح أعمار طلابي بين 7 و 70 عامًا وقد تحسنوا جميعًا منذ أن كنت أرافقهم في تعلم اللغات.

بالإضافة إلى ذلك ، أعطي دروسًا في اللغة العربية للطلاب من المبتدئين إلى المتقدمين.

20 عامًا من الخبرة في تدريس اللغة الفرنسية والعربية للأطفال والكبار. (دروس الأفراد والجماعات)

أقترح عليك:

- دورات لغة فرنسية حديثة تسمح لك بالبدء والتقدم ، شفهيًا ومهارات لغوية أخرى.

- تعليم اللغة الفرنسية المكثف.

- تحسين القواعد والمحادثات بسرعة وفعالية.

- دروس اللغة الفرنسية: أساسية إلى متقدمة.

• الفرنسية للمبتدئين
تعلم الحروف الفرنسية وتكون قادرًا على القراءة والنطق بشكل صحيح في دروس TEN فقط ، وممارسة الكتابة مباشرة أثناء الدرس من خلال تقنية مشاركة الشاشة.
في نهاية كل درس ، سأرسل لك واجبات منزلية مكتوبة ومسموعة لممارسة الكتابة والاستماع والتحدث.

• الفرنسية للمحادثة
تحدث بحرية وطلاقة في جميع الموضوعات ، مثل: الموضوعات الإعلامية والسياسية والاجتماعية والصحية والتجارية.
لتبسيط الأمر ، يمكنك أن تعتبرني صديقك الناطق بالفرنسية.

• اللغة الفرنسية للأطفال
من تجربتي ، وجدت أن الأطفال سعداء جدًا بالألعاب اللغوية ، لذلك أحاول تضمين الألعاب قدر الإمكان في دروسي.

السيرة الذاتية لمحمد
- حاصل على البكالوريا الأدبية بالقاهرة بمصر.
- حائز على ما يلي: -
- Dalf C1 & Dalf C2.
- دبلوم تعليم اللغة الفرنسية لغير الناطقين بها ، المعهد الفرنسي ، مصر.
- دبلوم تعليم اللغة العربية لغير الناطقين بها ، بيت علوم اللغة العربية - كلية دار العلوم - ج.القاهرة ، جامعة القاهرة ، مصر.
= شهادة في "أسس علم النفس". جامعة RMIT - ملبورن - أستراليا.
= شهادة في "تعليم الطفولة المبكرة" بتقدير "ممتاز" - جوري فيكتوريا - أستراليا.
= شهادة في "دمج التكنولوجيا في الفصل الدراسي K-12" من التطوير المهني في استكشاف مركز المعلمين الجديد - NY.U.S.A.
= شهادة في "تعليم الكبار: للمعلمين الجدد (والجدد)" - كلية رينتون التقنية - أمريكا.
= شهادة في "تدريس اللغة الإنجليزية كلغة أجنبية TEFL / (TESOL)" بتقدير "أ" 150 ساعة ماجستير - تدريب عالمي للغات - لندن - المملكة المتحدة.
= شهادة في "التدريس المعكوس" جامعة يوتا. الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية.
= شهادة في "تدريس المتعلمين الكبار" بتقدير "ممتاز" - المعهد المركزي للتكنولوجيا - أستراليا.
= شهادة في "أن تصبح مدربًا واثقًا" بتقدير "ممتاز" - TAFE SA (حكومة جنوب أستراليا)
= شهادة في "أن تصبح معلمًا ديناميكيًا" - مركز التميز الحادي والعشرين. تحضير القرن - جامعة بولينج جرين ستيت بالولايات المتحدة الأمريكية.
= شهادة في (K-12) لغة الرعاية وعلم التغيير: كيفية تحسين مناخ المدرسة بسرعة - معهد تعليم العافية - الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية.
= شهادة في تدريس محو الأمية بالتكنولوجيا وعبرها - جامعة بوسطن. الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية.
= شهادة في المشاركة والتمكين - كيف تصبح مرشدًا فعالًا للشباب الضعفاء - مؤسسة أونتاريو تريليوم ، حكومة أونتاريو ، كندا.

= اللغات:
-العربية: لغة الأم.
-الفرنسية: إتقان ممتاز (C2) وتدريس لأكثر من 20 عامًا.
-الإنجليزية: إتقان ممتاز( C1).
-الألمانية: مهارات اتصال-شهادة اللغة الألمانية كلغة أجنبية بتقدير"جيد" - معهد جوته – القاهرة.

= الهوايات:
موسيقى ، تصليحات في المنزل ، الذهاب إلى المتاحف.

Ask a question

Send a message explaining your needs and Mohamed will reply soon:
The more detail, the better.
Ex. "Hi, when are you available to meet for a lesson?"

Availability of a typical week

(GMT -04:00) New York
0  Monday at 0:00    Wednesday at 0:00      Saturday at 0:00  
1  Monday at 1:00    Wednesday at 1:00      Saturday at 1:00  
2  Monday at 2:00    Wednesday at 2:00      Saturday at 2:00  
3  Monday at 3:00    Wednesday at 3:00      Saturday at 3:00  
4  Monday at 4:00    Wednesday at 4:00        
5  Monday at 5:00            
8  Monday at 8:00            
9  Monday at 9:00            
10  Monday at 10:00    Wednesday at 10:00      Saturday at 10:00  
11  Monday at 11:00    Wednesday at 11:00      Saturday at 11:00  
12  Monday at 12:00    Wednesday at 12:00      Saturday at 12:00  
13  Monday at 13:00    Wednesday at 13:00      Saturday at 13:00  
from 444.67 CNYAt teacher's location
from 444.67 CNYOnline via webcam

Good-fit Instructor Guarantee

If you are not satisfied after your first lesson, Apprentus will find you another instructor or will refund your first lesson.

Online reputation

  • Instructor since February 2023

Availability of a typical week

(GMT -04:00) New York
0  Monday at 0:00    Wednesday at 0:00      Saturday at 0:00  
1  Monday at 1:00    Wednesday at 1:00      Saturday at 1:00  
2  Monday at 2:00    Wednesday at 2:00      Saturday at 2:00  
3  Monday at 3:00    Wednesday at 3:00      Saturday at 3:00  
4  Monday at 4:00    Wednesday at 4:00        
5  Monday at 5:00            
8  Monday at 8:00            
9  Monday at 9:00            
10  Monday at 10:00    Wednesday at 10:00      Saturday at 10:00  
11  Monday at 11:00    Wednesday at 11:00      Saturday at 11:00  
12  Monday at 12:00    Wednesday at 12:00      Saturday at 12:00  
13  Monday at 13:00    Wednesday at 13:00      Saturday at 13:00  
from 444.67 CNYAt teacher's location
from 444.67 CNYOnline via webcam

Good-fit Instructor Guarantee

If you are not satisfied after your first lesson, Apprentus will find you another instructor or will refund your first lesson.


French: from a French professor (studies and adults)
I am a French professor with a great experience in the education of children and adults and I am interested in using different types of information (adults/adults, intermedia) I am interested in the course: * FRANÇAIS SCOLAIRE (composition, lecture, dictation, language, conjugation, rediscussion/thesis/commentary, oral communication...) * Communications General * FRANÇAIS PROFESSIONNEL These courses are PERSONNALISÉS and the educational exercises support both variety and adaptation to new things. The rhythm of cycles and periodicities is not flexible.

Arabic language lessons for all school levels and for all ages
Arabic lessons Teacher qualifications: Three university degrees in education, languages and communication University degree in Arabic language and literature University degree in English language and translation Experience of more than 11 years Content: Establishment, comprehensive revision, strengthening and teaching of the art of arabic Expression training Style: Distinctive and simplified, with special attention to those with learning difficulties. Qualitative training for the distinguished Price: very good

FLE (French as a Foreign Language) course for all levels, all audiences
With solid experience in teaching (National Education) and French as a Foreign Language, I wish to teach French to all audiences, all levels, who need to learn, deepen or improve in this language. I am particularly interested in individual support or small groups of students. I am looking for a private teaching position abroad. I traveled to Oman, to Dubai and I would like to teach my language there.

French classes for any level or age from a native speaker with a degree in languages
I am a French native speaker born and raised in Paris and now live in Amsterdam. I have a Master's degree in languages as well as in Law, I also work as a translator. I'm passionate about language learning and love to teach. Having learned three languages I am well acquainted with the difficulties one meets as a student and how to overcome them while maintaining enthusiasm and enjoyment in learning. I would be happy to answer to any questions you may have, do not hesitate to contact me!

French language foundation, pronunciation of letters, learning phonetics and sentence formation
Explanation of the pronunciation of foundation in French grammar, teaching phonetics, mastering writing French letters, learning how to differentiate between masculine and feminine. The student will also learn how to form sentences, methods of conversation, and determine the conversations necessary for daily life

Fun and experienced English teacher passionate about teaching (on-line or face to face)
I am an English teacher who loves to teach and is passionate about making learning fun but also driving real improvement in students English - I can teach on-line or face-to-face. I can tailor classes to meet your level and your objectives of learning English (for travel, work, to make new friends) I will prepare different topics for each lesson and use a range of different teaching styles to accelerate your retention of the English language - you will be flying in no time! :)

Private English, Arabic and French teacher currently residing in Dubai
Teaching English to those wishing to learn it, as well as teaching Arabic and French to non-native speakers. More than fifteen years of teaching experience in the United Arab Emirates. He holds a master’s degree in teaching, as well as certificates of appreciation from the different schools in which he worked, as well as an IELTS certificate with an academic grade of 7.5.

Homework help and French lessons - Student's home
Good day, My name is Marie, French native. AVAILIBITY only during evening after 6pm for french talk or lesson or during WEEKEND. I'm leaving in DIFC but can move if it's not too far. Video call is also an option. Please write to me. :-) thks Married

Prof. Samah
La vie en français - Learn the French language from scratch to mastery
The view in French Life in French is the motto of the course that will teach you how to deal with all life situations in French No more embarrassment due to mispronunciation of words Learn how to help your child with French language lessons Do not be satisfied with having only one language. Learning French will open up various job opportunities for you Do not hesitate and say that the French language is difficult. Rather, be confident that you will write and speak French fluently, and your self-confidence will increase as you learn new things in this language, which is considered one of the most prestigious languages in the world. Course progress: Prof. Samah She is a graduate of a French nuns school and the Faculty of Arts, French Department, specializing in teaching the French language to all ages and different stages, both at the level of academic education in local and international schools as well as universities. Specialized and with long experience in establishing, amateurs, those wishing to immigrate, and those wishing to obtain international certificates such as DELF A1 A2 B1 B2 TCF TEF Empowering the student fully with the language at all levels through studying grammar, writing, reading, and conversation in the French language and mastering the correct French dialect. Complete experience in teaching remotely from all over the world, professionally and realistically.

French Fluency Architect: Building Your Language Skills Brick by Brick
Bonjour! I'm your dedicated French language tutor, and I'm here to take you on a captivating journey of language and culture. Whether you're a complete beginner or seeking to enhance your skills, I'm your go-to guide for mastering the art of French. Why Choose Me? 🇫🇷 Native Expertise: French is my mother tongue, and I've immersed myself in its intricacies for over a decade. With a deep love for the language, I'm eager to share my knowledge and passion with you. 🎓 Proven Experience: I've successfully taught French to both adults and teenagers for 5 years, helping them unlock the magic of this beautiful language. 📜 Tailored Learning: No matter your starting level, I craft lessons just for you. Whether you want to improve your writing, reading, or overall fluency, I've got you covered. 🌟 Fun and Engaging: Learning a new language should be an exciting adventure. With me, you'll discover the captivating world of French while having a great time. 🌍 Cultural Insights: Beyond the language, I'll introduce you to the rich culture, history, and beautiful nuances of the French-speaking world. If you're ready to embark on a learning experience that's both educational and enjoyable, look no further. Join me, and let's unlock the beauty and wonder of the French language together. Your language adventure begins here!

All subjects school: preparatory, kindergarten, primary, from first grade to third grade according to the Qatari curriculum and memorization of the Holy Quran according to the Nooraniyah rule
Providing private lessons Preparatory, Kindergarten _ Teaching reading and writing in a simple way. _ Memorizing the Holy Quran according to the Nooraniyya rule _ Teaching letters, numbers and syllables of the English and French languages. Providing private lessons for primary school students from first to third grade according to the Qatari curriculum. _ Arabic _ English _ French _ mathematics _ Sciences _ Teaching computer programs to all age groups from 3 years to 63 years and more.

Learning Spanish in fun way with Native Teacher! Spanish from Spain and South America
Hello! I am Claudia from Peru and I grew up in Italy, I am a Spanish native teacher offering funny and useful Spanish Language lessons. I have experience of teaching Spanish in academies for 6 years. I have a bachelor's degree in Literature and Philosophy. No matter your language level, I will speak to you in Spanish from the beginning and help you express yourself and improve your pronunciation and vocabulary! My methodology focuses on oral expression, making you feel comfortable expressing yourself in Spanish, since speaking is the form of communication that we use the most, although it is hardly practiced in the classroom. Of course, we will also review the rest of the communication areas and we will pay special attention to the grammatical issues on which we have to work. I like to teach, focusing on the strengths of my students, giving them confidence to achieve their goals. You will naturally gain your speaking skills through classes with me, I have didactic materials but I focus on helping you improve listening and speaking in our conversations more. I love teaching not only the language but also the culture, we can do conversation about cinema, literature and music from Peru, and I can explain you the differences between Spanish from Spain and Spanish from Latin America. It would be my pleasure to teach all levels, beginners are very welcome! All kids and adults are welcome too!

English language for Foreigners , English language for travellers, English language for companies, English language in school
English language counts today amongst the mains assets in the world Global trades. Companies, managers or any other members even at the lowest level in tbe foreign exchange need a specific level in the spoken English, to be able to exchange with others. I'll be your English teacher and I'll take you along this amazing journey of practicing English as a second language (ESL), or practicing English as a Foreign Language

Converse With A Native French Speaker Now ! Improve your French and/or English with a French Student !
Hi ! Bonjour ! I'm Chemse, a French student based in Paris temporarily coming to Dubai for my studies. ( IMPORTANT : For courses at the student home in Dubai, please book your course between the 10th of May and the 14th of July. For courses at the student home in Paris, please avoid booking your course between the 7th of May and the 16th of July.) I'm a native French speaker and bilingual in English. I can help you improve your French or English in all form (written / conversation). The best way to improve your language skills is to have conversation, read and write daily in the targeted language. Therefore, taking daily language courses with me is a fast and efficient way to improve your skills globally. Together we will start with having a simple daily conversations, reading texts together, and writing texts or sentences. I will give you tailored lessons based on your mistakes. At the end of the lesson, I'll give you advice and book/movie recommendation to expend your cultural knowledge. Feel free to ask me any questions concerning life in France, French studies or anything related to languages and studies :) As a French student based in Paris, I can give you advice if you're planning to study in France. Looking forward to meet you !

Speak confidently with a Native English Speaker from Ireland
Hi! I’m a Irishman working as a Native English teacher since 2013. I have lots of experience including in-company, schools and private lessons. - Build self-confidence in speaking - Practice general or business conversational skills. - Exam preparation Cambridge FCE / CAE / CPE IELTS TOEIC plus others... All levels are welcome from beginner to advanced :)