
Private teachers in Agadir

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146 private teachers in Agadir

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146 private teachers in Agadir

L'enseignant(e) de mathématiques sera responsable de dispenser des cours de mathématiques aux élèves du secondaire (ou de l’université) et de les aider à développer une compréhension approfondie des concepts mathématiques. Il/Elle utilisera des méthodes pédagogiques innovantes et adaptées aux besoins des élèves, tout en veillant à leur progression et à leur succès académique. Principales responsabilités : Concevoir et mettre en œuvre des plans de cours en mathématiques conformément aux programmes d’enseignement. Enseigner les concepts de base et avancés en mathématiques, tels que l’algèbre, la géométrie, l’analyse et les probabilités. Évaluer les performances des élèves à travers des tests, des devoirs et des projets, tout en offrant un soutien personnalisé. Adapter les méthodes pédagogiques en fonction des besoins spécifiques des élèves, notamment ceux nécessitant des mesures de soutien additionnel. Encourager l’apprentissage collaboratif et l'utilisation de la technologie pour approfondir la compréhension des concepts mathématiques. Participer aux réunions avec les parents et l’administration pour discuter des progrès des élèves. Maintenir un environnement de classe structuré, stimulant et positif, propice à l’apprentissage. Participer à des activités extra-scolaires et à des initiatives pédagogiques pour enrichir l'expérience éducative des élèves. Compétences requises : Excellente maîtrise des concepts mathématiques et capacité à les enseigner de manière claire et engageante. Expérience en enseignement avec une capacité à adapter les méthodes d’enseignement à des élèves de niveaux variés. Compétence dans l’utilisation des outils technologiques et des ressources numériques pour l’enseignement. Capacité à motiver et à soutenir les élèves dans leurs apprentissages. Aptitude à collaborer avec le personnel éducatif et les parents pour favoriser un environnement d'apprentissage optimal.
Math · French
(16 reviews)
Acine - Agadir34€
Trusted teacher: Human beings are social beings, which means that we are made to communicate and be heard. Whatever is you do in your life can't actually work unless you know how to talk about it and make people understand what is it you do or want. Personality has a huge power in affecting your environment and manifesting your desires. To know how to respect yourself and respect others, how to understand yourself and understand others is a widely appreciated trait. In this course you will learn how to evolve and reach your higher version in all the aspects of your life. Ever went through an unsuccessful job interview in which you were unfortunate. Ever got embarrassed because you couldn't answer questions or highlight your strengths to your hiring manager. Don't worry anymore about those small barriers. In this course I will train you on how to maintain a good interview and get the job of your dreams. I will share with you where candidates succeed or fail in their job interviews. To go through a job interview is the first step to building a career. If you truly desire that paycheck you always long for, then this course could be a life changing experience to set you on the right path. You will learn with me where many lose their job opportunities, and where others succeed. This class is all Soft Skills and how to work on your personality to start talking and speaking like world leading successful gentlemen. The key to a big future is an Active Communication, and guess what it all starts with a smile. Click on the book-a-class button and book this class now, let's build your future Now Together.
Personal training · Life coaching · Communication skills
Trusted teacher: Welcome! I am pleased to offer you an interesting and useful lesson in learning English. Lessons will focus on developing basic skills in reading, writing, listening and speaking. I will use a variety of educational resources such as original texts, audio files and videos to make the lessons interactive and interesting. Lessons will be carried out in an innovative and methodical manner, with an emphasis on the application of vocabulary and grammar in real-life contexts. I will also provide hands-on exercises and activities to enhance interaction and promote hands-on learning. With my extensive experience teaching and interacting with students from different backgrounds and levels, I am committed to providing a supportive and stimulating learning environment. I will provide individual guidance and continuous assessment of students' progress and achievement of their English language learning goals. Whether you are a beginner or advanced on your English language learning journey, I am ready to help you make progress and success. Book now and begin your journey of exciting exploration of the English language! Feel free to contact me for more information or to arrange a tutoring session. I look forward to working with you and helping you achieve your educational goals. Thank you and I wish you an enjoyable and productive learning experience! -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- - I am pleased to offer you an engaging and beneficial English language lesson. The lessons will focus on developing core skills in reading, writing, listening, and speaking. I will utilize a variety of educational resources such as authentic texts, audio files, and videos to make the lessons interactive and exciting. The lessons will be conducted in an innovative and systematic manner, with a focus on applying vocabulary and grammar rules in real-life contexts. I will also provide practical exercises and activities to enhance interaction and facilitate practical learning. With my extensive teaching experience and interaction with students from various backgrounds and proficiency levels, I am committed to providing a supportive and motivating learning environment. I will offer individual guidance and continuous assessment to track students' progress and help them achieve their English language learning goals. Whether you are a beginner or advanced in your English language learning journey, I am ready to assist you in making progress and achieving success. Book now and embark on an exciting exploration of the English language! Feel free to contact me for more information or to arrange a teaching session. I look forward to working with you and assisting you in achieving your educational goals. Thank you, and I wish you an enjoyable and fruitful learning experience!
Communication skills · English
Showing results 1 - 25 of 589061 - 25 of 58906

Our students from Agadir evaluate their teacher.

To ensure the quality of our teachers, we ask our students from Agadir to review them.
Only reviews of students are published and they are guaranteed by Apprentus. Rated 4.9 out of 5 based on 38 reviews.

Learn Arabic and Darija ( Grammar, Communication and Writing ) Transcription Learning Included In The Classes (Agadir)
I booked my first Arabic initiation with Acine and I absolutely loved it. Acine was very accommodating with our first class. I had a last-minute delay, which resulted in starting the class later than scheduled. He reassured me that it was not an issue and he still managed to maintain the class. My learning experience was also great, he is truthfully the best private teacher I've had. He teaches efficiently, we viewed many subjects for a first class and it was also a fun moment. To sum up, Acine is not the regular teacher you would have at school, he is a great teacher who puts an emphasis on sharing a good moment with his student.
Review by ARTHUR
learn to write and communicate: French, Arabic, Darija and law courses (Agadir)
My French teacher is amazing. In our one-on-one lessons, he's very patient. When I make mistakes, he gently corrects me, which makes learning fun, not scary. He's really approachable and friendly, always smiling and encouraging. We have good chats after class too. He often asks about my day and listens. Sometimes, he notices things I'm struggling with and offers help before I even ask. It feels great having a teacher who cares and supports me both in and out of class. I'm lucky to learn from him.
Review by SHANG
Private chemistry lessons for preparatory classes: PC / PCSI / PSI / BTS / MPSI (Marrakesh)
I have had multiple lessons with Mohamed and each have been incredibly beneficial. He has been helping me learn chemistry from scratch and get it to an elevated level and after each lesson I find myself progressing substantially. Merci beaucoup.
Review by TIMO