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428 private teachers in Saint

(2 reviews)
Alberto - Onex72€
Trusted teacher: Krav Maga: Modern Art It all starts with a choice: Refuse violence, refuse to be dominated by violence and even the fear of violence, be it verbal, emotional and especially physical. One of the means to achieve this goal: the art of Krav Maga Created in the late 1960s in Israel by Master Imi Lichtenfeld (1910-1998), Krav Maga was designed and forged especially to respond to any form of physical aggression. The basis on which Krav Maga is based is REALITY: it is unpredictable, multiform, brutal and forgives only very few errors. From this observation, it is easier to understand the characteristics of Krav Maga and especially what distinguishes it from traditional martial arts that also offer a module "self-defense". Krav Maga is indeed: -ambitious: he aspires to treat any situation of physical aggression be it against a aggressor without weapon, with weapon (knife, ax, machete, long stick, short, bat of baseball, rope, gun ... ), from any position (standing in the front, back, left, right, sitting on a chair, sitting on the floor, kneeling, lying on the back ...), regardless of the nature of the terrain, regardless of the brightness, whatever the weather. Humility: Reality imposes its conditions as the presence of STRESS whose effects must be recognized and never be neglected. -realistic: the fear, the nervousness, the anxiety felt by the individual in a situation of aggression do not allow him complicated gestures that he can not remember and that he can not even perform physically! -simple: short gestures, direct, linear most often, that go "straight to the point", easy to learn, easy to remember, easy to perform under ... stress! -Logic: it is the Principles that make Krav Maga and not the techniques that are only tools in the service of an Art that analyzes, reflects and provides the most accurate and efficient answer to the problem. -polyvalent: thanks to logic and pragmatism, Krav Maga gives itself the potential to resolve in a decisive way an incalculable number of problems because it can go towards "the unknown" by means of "known". -Educator: Through a pedagogy based on the pressure of the student, it gradually learns to manage his emotions, his mind, his body and gradually acquires greater self-control. -human: according to Imi Lichtenfeld's teaching, one must demand of oneself the highest level of competence so as not to have to take a life or even to hurt - as far as possible - his or her aggressors. I try to pass on the philosophy of the creator of Krav Maga, Master Imi Lichtenfeld, who saw his art as much more than a "defensive weapon" formidable for its efficiency. Indeed, Krav Maga is before a whole a vehicle to reach the blooming of the individual by the control of oneself thanks to the conscience of having adapted tools - because realistic - to manage and even to neutralize the violence under all its forms. The Art created by Imi Lichtenfeld is, as the experience of teaching proves, very flexible and endowed with a very great faculty of adaptation because each student shows different expectations. The greatest satisfaction is to see how the individual reveals himself to himself through Krav Maga which, by its simplicity and intensity, allows everyone, with sincere practice, to get to the bottom of his doubts and his doubts. fears. In a particular class, I am an instructor who asks the student of the intensity and physical and mental, curiosity, sense of observation, the spirit of synthesis, the ability to constantly search for the "common denominator In their practice of Krav Maga and ... good mood!
Martial arts · Self defense · Self-improvement
Trusted teacher: I am a native Spanish teacher with a degree in languages and I have two master's degrees: I specialized in the field of education and teaching Spanish as a foreign language. I have over 10 years of experience as a teacher. My lessons will be tailored to your needs. Spanish is my first language and I have specialized training in teaching Spanish. I graduated in Translation and Interpretation from the University of Salamanca, Spain, and I did my Erasmus at the University of Geneva. I have two masters: I have a Master in Language Training and also a Master in Teaching Spanish as a Foreign Language. My expertise of more than 10 years will accompany you in this learning adventure. Immerse yourself in a unique learning experience with my tailor-made courses, carefully designed for you. Discover the Spanish language by following the communicative approach where conversation plays a central role. Together, we will explore grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation, while navigating the cultural dimension of the language. In a relaxed atmosphere, I also offer captivating visual aids to make your learning even richer. We work on your specific objectives, whether: - Be more comfortable in conversation (at work or with friends) - Ensure complete preparation for life in Spain, combining linguistic and cultural improvement - Work on your accent so you no longer feel embarrassed - Improve your speech so that people can hear what you say and not that you are not comfortable - Know how to better prepare your meetings in Spanish (what terms to use, how to get your point across, etc.) - Preparing for exams (exams such as the DELE) - Improve your Spanish in a specific field (law, medicine, finance, the aeronautics industry, etc.) Who are these sessions for? Who is among my students? Private coaching is for everyone and at any stage of life. Among the people I have had the pleasure of teaching, there are students from all backgrounds and branches: pilots, diplomats, scientists, journalists, lawyers, doctors, private bankers, students... Here are some real-world examples: I've helped students pass traditional exams like the DELE, prepare for life in a Spanish-speaking country, find a new job where they need strong Spanish, and make a change career, preparing speeches, preparing for court hearings abroad, presenting in Spanish in front of an audience of fellow experts, preparing for negotiations regarding financial agreements with their clients. My classes are for everyone and at any stage of life. Among the people I have had the pleasure of teaching, there are students from all walks of life and branches: pilots, diplomats, scientists, journalists, lawyers, doctors, nurses, private bankers, students...
Culture · Traveling
Trusted teacher: Yin yoga has its origins in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Taoist philosophy and its postures are very close to classical yoga as we know it. Yin yoga postures are performed gently and mindfully. They work in depth on the physical, mental, emotional and energetic levels through stretching and deep breathing. Each posture is held for a certain time in order to bring relaxation and appeasement. On the physical level: Yin yoga works on the deep tissues such as the fascias (envelopes of the organs and muscles), the ligaments, the cartilages or the tendons. It therefore allows a release of tension in the body. Yin yoga is excellent for joint health and mobility. Thus the back, hips and pelvis remain mobile and healthy. It also improves breathing and circulation in the body. This practice is also excellent for the heart, lungs, digestive system, kidneys and intestines. It helps strengthen the joints. On the mental and emotional level: breathing and long postures help channel thoughts and bring more inner peace and calm. Yin yoga could be considered as "mindfulness meditation", because each posture is performed with the greatest attention, the greatest gentleness and the greatest respect for its own limits. We never force, we let it happen. On the energy level: this practice allows the recirculation of energy in the body. It has a very beneficial effect on good circulation in the meridians and the chakras. Finally, yin yoga is perfect in addition to more intense physical activities. There are therefore many benefits... Photo Yin yoga class Geneva, SonalohaYin yoga class Improved mobility (flexibility) Health and strengthening of joints and ligaments Fascia health and stretching Back mobility and relief Better circulation of energy in the body Protects the body from possible injuries during intense physical exercises Detoxifying Improves intestinal transit Cardiovascular and lung health Helps to regain energy but also relaxation Improved sleep PMS and menstruation relief Gently accompanies the period of menopause Pregnancy support Stress reduction Bring inner calm Calming of the mind Calming and releasing emotions Helps to let go and accept Can help with meditation practice Can help with knowledge / acceptance of oneself and one's limits The four main principles of Yin Yoga Relax the muscles Unlike more dynamic (more yang) yogas which mainly work on strengthening the muscles themselves, yin yoga will work in depth. For this, it is therefore necessary to relax the muscles, so that the postures can achieve the relaxation of the fascias, tendons and ligaments. Be in the feeling of the posture but without pain We are not trying to go as far as possible. We stand where our body indicates. No more no less. And we let time, the body and gravity operate. (“Wu Wei” spirit). Stay in stillness once comfortably seated in the posture. Except, need, if you want to go deeper in the posture or go back, based on respecting your feelings. Hold a while Always respecting the limits specific to each one. A posture can be held between 2 and 10 minutes. For a beginner class, the postures will be held between 2 and 5 minutes. For who ? Companies, individuals. All levels combined.
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Only reviews of students are published and they are guaranteed by Apprentus. Rated 4.9 out of 5 based on 150 reviews.

Talk about 3 months! Intensive French foreign language course online to quickly improve oral expression via webcam (Geneva)
I have been learning with Anne for almost 8 months now. I cannot even begin to thank Anne for her amazing teaching skills and how much she has helped me. I have struggled with French for years and I finally found a teacher who both pushed me but is also patient and accommodating to my needs. I was also hesitant at first to have an online teacher, but her teaching methods and skills actually made it easier that she was online, also in terms of managing my time and schedule with her, I did not feel that anything hindered my progress having her online. Her great personality and experience as a teacher overall further helped with my fear and difficulty in learning French, and having her as an online teacher. And finally, she has a great teaching structure and a curriculum and material (which was important for me) to provide for the student through structured classes, while taking into account the strengths and weaknesses of the student. Thank you very much Anne for everything.
Review by MAISAM
Private Science Lessons - Mathematics, Chemistry, Physics (Lausanne)
Julien helped me learn the material for my university statistics exams. He was very patient and gave very clear explanations about the concepts we were discussing. He was friendly, enthusiastic and encouraging. He prepared material in advance for each lesson depending on my personal needs. I'm pleased to say he helped me succeed in my final exams despite the fact that I'd never really studied statistics before! I am very glad I chose him as my tutor and I recommend him to anyone else seeking mathematics or statistics tutoring, whether in person or remotely.
Review by PHILIPPA
Experienced teacher to teach Chinese and mathematics to adults and children at home or online (Saint-Genis-Pouilly)
Had my first lesson with Cuihong and really enjoyed it. She helped me with basic pronunciation (so good help for a complete beginner like me) and taught me some interesting tidbits. She was also very quick and reliable to answer my mails through Apprentus, and is a friendly person. Looking forward to continuing lessons with her!
Review by EILISH