
Alternative education lessons in Barcelona

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1 alternative education teacher in Barcelona

The course is dedicated to children from 8-10 to young adult till 30. Main patient/student are typically overrepresented female 15-25, filling lost (sometime depressed) by a missing life project (Professionnel, Education or Personnal). *STEP 1* After a fisrt discussion, about the current situation, issues ( incl addiction, psychiatric errance diagnostic, ADHA, Anxiety disorder, or something mental that prevent you to escape from a mind circle) I give my first impression regarding my background. Then, according to the suspected issue, this must be confirmed by other professionnal if needed, from psychologist to neurologist, from psychological objective measuring (test) to psysiological analysis (blood, brain waves, psychotropic issue, etc...) *STEP 2* Whatever is the issue, many choice can address it. Toogether, we establish the "scope of choice". I will fight against your auto-censorship to consider possible choices regarding your native skills (soft skills). NO CHOICE AT THIS STEP. The scope of choice MUST be as wide as possible, considering even what you did consider as out of option. *STEP 3* Me alone, or toogether, I create a tree choice. The question will be transformed to questions, with only 2 choices, at each step *STEP 4* Let's check what's at the end of the pyramid (potentially several choice) *STEP 5* Action plan *STEP 6* Action (with support if needed) *STEP 7* Failed ? Go to STEP 4 an try again *STEP 8* Thank a divinity if you beleive in it as it give you the force, and please, thanks me I did contributed for a better life. The money is nothing comparing to interhuman recognition. That is the true value, for 5000 years... Unfortunately forgoten nowadays...
Alternative education · Psychology (for students) · Neuroscience
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