
French lessons in Lisbon

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30 french teachers in Lisbon

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30 french teachers in Lisbon

Hi, so I'm Corentin, I come from the countryside around Paris and I'm actually leaving in Lisbon from september. I've turned myself towards tutorship of my language because I value a lot the power of mastering words, and seeing the world through diferent languages. I had myslef the occasion to learn diferent languages after starting to study in Paris and I discovered that it's actually not as hard as the shcolar way to do so might make you think. That's why I decided to give tutorships of my mother's tongue. Because I love to share knowledge and it would be an extreme satisfaction to give you the tools that were given to me, to speak French but to also help you in your approach of, I hope, even more languages. My mission will be to give you all the elements I can to help you undertand French language fully until the ultimate and beautiful point in which you made the language yours. At first I will need to evaluate the actual level of the student on the first session through basic linguistic tests. As a matter of coherence and accuracy for the construction of the program, it would be recommended for the student to bring his own school lessons and exercises. This way, if a class is already followed in school it will be directly sustained and completed through this tutorship. To truly fulfill the objective of a durable progress, it is recommended to maintain, as possible, regularity and constancy in attending to the teaching sessions. The sessions will take place entirely in the studied language to encourage immersion, I would however clarify that there is no specific requirements to attend the tutorship. The point here is to offer support outside of any selective dynamics. Olá, sou o Corentin, venho dos arredores de Paris e vou começar a viver em Lisboa a partir de setembro. Estou direcionado para ensinar a minha língua materna, porque valorizo muito o poder de compreender as palavras e ver o mundo através de línguas diferentes. Tive a ocasião de aprender várias línguas quando fui estudar para Paris, e apercebi-me que na verdade não é assim tão difícil aprender como a escola muitas vezes nos faz pensar. É por isso que me disponho a ensinar. Adoro partilhar conhecimento e tiro prazer de poder dar as mesmas ferramentas que me foram dadas a mim, não só para aprender francês, mas sim qualquer idioma. O meu objetivo é providenciar estes momentos de aprendizagem até que se dê o fenômeno bonito de fazeres esta língua tua. Para avaliar o nivel linguístico, serão feitos exercicios de teste básicos na primeira sessão. Por uma questão de coerência e rigor na construção do programa, recomenda-se que o aluno traga os próprios exercícios escolares. Desta forma, se o aluno estudar francês na escola, a disciplina será diretamente sustentada e concluída através desta tutoria. Para cumprir verdadeiramente o objectivo de um progresso duradouro, recomenda-se que se mantenha, tanto quanto possível, a regularidade e a constância no atendimento às sessões lectivas. As sessões decorrerão integralmente na língua estudada para incentivar a imersão, no entanto esclareço que não existem requisitos específicos para frequentar a tutoria. O objetivo aqui é oferecer apoio fora de qualquer dinâmica seletiva.
Trusted teacher: - Who am I ? : Graduated in Literature and Political Science, passionate about writing and reading, I would be able to transmit my passion for the French language to you. Speaking four languages myself, and knowing the difficulties linked to learning a foreign language, I would be able to adapt each of my courses to your level and your desires. Accustomed to working for many years in contact with children and adolescents, I can establish good humor and seriousness during classes! - The course in a few words: Through conversation, you will learn, while having fun, the basic rules of French grammar. This course is for children / teens / adults learning or wishing to learn the French language. - If you are in school and have learning difficulties. - If you want to learn or progress in French as part of your job. - Or simply for the love of the language! //// - Who am I? : Graduated in Literature and Political Science, passionate about writing and reading, I will transmit you my love for French. Speaking four languages myself, and knowing the difficulties involved in the learning process of a foreign language, I will adapt each of my courses to your level and your personal wishes. Working since many years with children and teenagers, I'll know how to bring fun while learning :) - Few words about the class: Through conversation, you will learn, while having fun, the basic rules of French grammar. This course is perfectly adapted to children / teenagers / adults learning or wishing to learn French. - If you are at school and have learning difficulties. - If you wish to learn or progress in French for your job. - Or simply for the love of the language!
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Our students from Lisbon evaluate their French teacher.

To ensure the quality of our French teachers, we ask our students from Lisbon to review them.
Only reviews of students are published and they are guaranteed by Apprentus. Rated 4.4 out of 5 based on 7 reviews.

French classes with qualified and experienced teacher (Lisbon)
Laura understood exactly what I was trying to achieve and over the course of just a week - my time in Brussels - she set me on the right path and also introduced me to some new resources that I was unaware of and will continue to use. Recommended!
Review by PETER