
Music history lessons in Salamanca

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1 music history teacher in Salamanca

Trusted teacher: The present course is tutored by a Classical Singer and a Classical Pianist, both study connected to the Royal Conservatory Den Haag. It is preferred to work weekly to optimize results. The singing, and main teacher, is always present to assure the vocal progression. The piano coach will be present as often as requested by the student/advised by the teacher. The pupils will then have the best piano accompaniment. The main objective of the course is to work accordingly with the student's goals to give a well-driven direction to our study. The course it's thought with classic technical basics (healthy vocal benefits) but other styles can be added like the musical, jazz, cabaret, etc... Each case will have a personalized answer. The teachers' connection to the Royal Conservatory also ensures that complex problems can be solved by asking the highest experts. > Lesson structure: ✓ The lessons start with body/posture awareness, movement and breathing exercises followed by an individual set of vocalizes that may incorporate some scales, cords and/or improvisation. ✓ After the warm-up, depending on the student's level and goals, some song methods may fallow and/or the repertoire on which we decided to work. ✓ While working on the pieces several kinds of information will be provided: • The Anatomy of the Voice (body, breathing, vocal cord, resonances, prevention and counseling about vocal disorders); • Language and Phonetic knowledge of Italian, French, German, English, Spanish and Portuguese (+ strategies to enable singing in other languages). • Vocal Interpretation, phrase, prosody, colors, coordination with the piano and tools how to personalize the 'message', among others based on appropriate bibliography; • Drama basics, stage preparation, and fright avoidance strategies. • Music Theory and History in order to understand the pieces more deeply through a quick analysis, period and style. ✓ At the end of each season (non-mandatory) public auditions can be arranged whenever an artistic space would be willing to receive great voices and repertoire. This works as progressive training for students individually and/or coupled - ensemble skills. The lessons can be given in English, Spanish and Portuguese. They can be held at the teacher's location or at the student's address. If you would like to have more information please do not hesitate to contact me!
Music history · Singing · Voice (music)
Hi all. I am a musicologist, music editor and opera specialist with 15+ years experience in casting, season planning, YAP design and artistic development in the field of opera, as well as university-level teaching experience and academic publications. I am currently residing in Taiwan under the Employment Gold Card programme, looking for local talent to develop either on an individual basis or with a local institution. Knowing Taiwan very well, I have always wondered why there are so few internationally renowned Taiwanese classical musicians. Let's try and change that situation ! Make me believe in your potential ! I am open to discuss artistic development programmes for upcoming Taiwanese opera singers, and to organise YAP, masterclasses and promotional events for Taiwanese institutions and universities. I can prepare detailed artistic development plans for individual artists and place recommendations with international organizations. I have a large network of international contacts which I can use to promote young Taiwanese artists abroad. I am open to take on editorial projects and international promotional activities for Taiwanese composers. I am open to work as a research advisor for postgraduate students in Musicology. I teach intermediate to advanced topics in my fields of expertise, including Opera Studies, Music Palaeography, Editorial Method, Source Studies and European Music History and Analysis. I am also open to suggestions for teaching or promotional activities according to the specific needs of individual artists, teachers, universities or institutions. Simply let me know what you need and we'll take it from there. ==> Be clear about your professional goals. Embarking on a PhD in performance is NOT the preferred road towards becoming a successful international artist. While I do teach music analysis, I do not dabble in "Music Theory" as taught at many US universities and colleges. Stuff such as Schenkerian analysis that was all the rage in the US some decades ago is an intellectual desert based on a nonsensical proposition of musical universality, with nothing to offer the young aspiring professional performer. Currently I teach and interact in English. I also have professional command of Italian, Japanese, French, Spanish and German. In the past I have taught advanced courses in English, Italian and Japanese. I am able to read Chinese, but I currently do not speak beyond the basics (A2). I may code switch between English and Italian, especially when discussing opera topics and while directing or auditioning singers. I expect students to know music notation and to be able to read vocal and orchestral scores. I will help you with the more advanced technical terminology. == My cv in brief == Qualifications: - PhD in Musicology with Opera Studies and Editorial Method (Leeds, UK, 2003) - Master of Music in Musicology with Opera Studies and Editorial Method (Leeds, UK, 1999) - Licence in Musicology (NOVA University, Lisbon, Portugal, 1996) Professional Experience: - 2008-present: Opera planning, casting and YAP design for opera houses worldwide; artistic development for singers - 2009-2016: Editor for CESEM, CIAO and Bärenreiter: Critical editions of "La testa di bronzo" and "Gabriella di Vergy" (Mercadante), and "Sigismondo" (Rossini). - 2008-2011: CIAO (University of Chicago) Post-doctoral researcher in the operas of Rossini under Philip Gossett; - 2004-2008: Artistic development advisor: Design and implementation of artistic development programmes for young artists in cooperation with casting departments at opera theatres worldwide; - 2004-2008: Independent Scholar (Tokyo University of the Arts) MEXT (文部科学省) scholarship for research in Japanese contemporary music and opera, with a focus on the operas of Miki Minoru (三木稔); - 2000-2002: Assistant Lecturer at the University of Leeds (UK), teaching "Issues in Opera" and "Music Palaeography Source Studies and Editorial Method". Taught advanced courses in Opera and Music Dramaturgy at Tokyo University of the Arts (2007) and University of Rome - La Sapienza (2010). Published academic papers and gave conference presentations on Puccini, Mercadante, opera dramaturgy and Japanese contemporary opera. Led the critical editions of the scores of operas by Rossini and Mercadante. Member of the International Musicological Society. Expert user of music notation software Finale.
Music history · Opera
Music history · Music teacher training · Music theory
Music history · Keyboard (music) · Music theory
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Only reviews of students are published and they are guaranteed by Apprentus. Rated 4.9 out of 5 based on 8 reviews.

Singing Lessons - A motivating, professional team just for you! (The Hague)
I started as a complete beginner and not being really confident about my voice. Nonetheless, Filipe made me feel at ease from the very first lesson. Filipe is really motivating and he conveys his passion for singing during every class, which always makes me feel stronger and reenergized. Also, while he lets you practice and work together on the songs you love, he is very professional and provides guidance in every technical aspect of singing, from breath support and articulation, to finding resonances within your body, as well as how to mentally approach a song. Strongly recommended!!
Review by ALESSIO