
Philosophy lessons in Madrid

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9 philosophy teachers in Madrid

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9 philosophy teachers in Madrid

Trusted teacher: I. Academic Career: - QUALIFICATIONS (MAÎTRE DE CONFÉRENCES) en Philosophie (CNU 17) et Épistémologie et Histoire des Sciences (CNU 72), 2023-2027 ; - Chargé d'enseignement (Cours magistral CM) en Épistémologie : méthodologie universitaire, Département d’Histoire, Faculté des Lettres, ICP - Institut Catholique de Paris (Assas) - Chargé d'enseignement (Cours magistral CM et TD) en Épistémologie et Histoire des Sciences, Université UTC de Compiègne, Alliance Sorbonne Université, PSL – Paris Sciences Lettres Chargé d'enseignement en Histoire des Sciences, Faculté d’Études humanistes, Université de Vercelli - QUALIFICATIONS (MAÎTRE DE CONFÉRENCES) en Philosophie (CNU 17) et Épistémologie et Histoire des Sciences (CNU 72), 2018-2022 ; - PHD in PHILOSOPHY, Sorbonne University (Paris IV), très honorable avec félicitations du jury à l'unanimité ; - PHD in PHILOSOPHY, University of Macerata (Italy), magna cum laude ; - MASTER II in PHILOSOPHY, Catholic University of Milan, 110/110 cum laude ; - BACHELOR in PHILOSOPHY, University of Trento, 110/110 cum laude. II. Books: – (book) S. KONSTANTINOV – L. SAPOGIN, New Physics is the key to solving problems. Cosmology and Quantum Physics, Lambert Academic Publishing, 2020 [ISBN 978-620-2-92413-9] III. Articles: - Osservazioni fisico-teoriche attorno al primo scritto di Kant sulle forze vive del 1746 (1749), «PHYSIS», 53 (2018), pp. 143-173 ; - L’histoire du droit et la question épistémologique fondamentale de la Science « classique ». La méthodologie historique-critique dans la philosophie transcendantale de Kant, in N. Hakim (éd.), L’histoire du droit. Entre science et politique, Paris, Éditions de la Sorbonne, 2019, pp. 35-58 [ISBN 979-10-351-0324-8] ; – (intervention) Conférence organisée par la Société française de Philosophie Avoir des droits : pourquoi, comment, lesquels ?, séance du 21 novembre 2015, exposé de M. Jean-François Kervégan, Bulletin de la Société française de Philosophie, 109 (2015), 4, Octobre-Décembre, p. 43-44 [ISBN 978-2-7116-5078-1] ; – (article) « Il sonno dell Cultura genera mostri », in Scenari, 18 Mars 2020, revue en ligne, ISSN 2385-1139 – (article) « Kant and a New Physics », in IJARPS, 7 (2020), 9, p. 13-26 ; – (article) « The Immanuel Kant’s Living Forces », by Stanislav Konstantinov and Stefano, in IJARPS, 7 (2020), 10, p. 1-7 ; – (article) « Parola e immagine », in Scenari, 23 Septembre 2020, revue en ligne, ISSN 2385-1139 – (article) « Parola, immagine e rappresentazione. Note kantiane per un recupero dell’esistenza », in Scenari, 29 Septembre 2020, revue en ligne, ISSN 2385-1139 ; – (article, Actes du Congrès SISFA 2019) « The vis viva (living force) controversy in the first kantian work [1746 (1749)] and his relevance for the Contemporary Physics », in Atti del XXXIX Convegno annuale – Proceedings of the 39th Annual Conference, Pisa, 9-12 Settembre 2019, Società Italiana degli Storici della Fisica e dell’Astronomia (SISFA), Pise, Pisa University Press, 2020, p. 135-145 ; – (article) « Penrose, il Nobel e il sogno di una notte di mezza estate, ovvero: “Sogni di un visionario chiariti come sogni della (Meta-)Fisica” », in Scenari, 18 Novembre 2020, revue en ligne, ISSN 2385-1139 – (article) « Immanuel Kant and Dead Matter », in IJARPS, 7 (2020), 11, p. 31-38 ; – (article) « La questione delle forze vive e la Meccanica di Aristotele nel primo scritto di Kant », La Cultura, LVIII (2020), 2-3, p. 277-297 ; – (article) Penrose, il Nobel e il sogno di una notte di mezza estate, ovvero: “Sogni di un visionario chiariti come sogni della (Meta-)Fisica”, in «Scenari», 18 Novembre 2020, revue en ligne, ISSN 2385-1139 ; – (article) « Due osservazioni storico-critiche in merito al primo scritto di Kant sulle ‘forze vive’ e al Traité de Dynamique di D’Alembert (1743 ; 1758) », La Cultura, LIX (2021), 1, p. 99-105 ; – (article) La querelle des forces vives et la Mécanique d’Aristote dans le premier écrit de Kant de 1746 (1749), in Aa.Vv., Kant et les Grecs, hier et aujourd’hui, Paris, J. Vrin, 2022, p. 95-104. IV. I teach for STUDENTS (from primary School to University), for BUSINESS and ENTREPRISE: - PHILOSOPHY (History of Philosophy and philosophical thinking) - ITALIAN (language, literature and culture); - FRENCH (language, culture, conversations, Philosophy); - LATIN (grammar and translation) - PHYSICS (Mechanics, Relativity and History of Physics) - MATHEMATICS - GEOMETRY (Euclidean Geometry and Grounds of Non-Euclidean Geometry) - LOGIC (Formal Logic, Philosophy of Language, Connotation and Dénotation Theory).
French · Philosophy
Trusted teacher: I have a Master 2 degree in philosophy and I teach this subject. I am deeply passionate about this field as well as about pedagogy and transmission. It is a real pleasure to help my students improve through this special relationship that is established during the courses. Likewise, I have a real ability to grasp your personality, your strengths and your unique difficulties. My support is completely individualized and I prepare my own courses that respect the official programs. Also, I offer regular follow-up by email. Regarding my methodology, first of all I am keen to get to know my students. The first class is always led by a time of discussion around the student's personal expectations and profile. In addition, it seems absolutely crucial to me to always provide solid methodological bases to all of my learners. This is why a detour via the methods specific to philosophy exercises is systematically made with students preparing for the maturity or the baccalaureate. Then, depending on the specific needs of the student, I adapt the session and it is often structured around two moments: on the one hand, I give a lecture on a concept, an author or conceptual distinctions, and on the other hand I lead practical exercises. Finally, digital documents can be sent to the student later, this is important so that they can keep a record of our work. Feel free to contact me for more information. I travel to homes in the following municipalities: Geneva and its surrounding areas, Collonges-sous-Salève, Archamps, Saint-Julien-en-Genevois, Viry. The courses can also take place by videoconference, in which case there are no travel costs. See you soon. Best regards, Camille
(1 review)
Denis - Paris, France20€
Trusted teacher: Philosophy lessons at Terminale, Hypocagne, Khâgne and University level Some philosophers write systems, others treatises, others aphorisms, and others philosophical essays. Whatever your "intellectual family" we will quickly learn how to make you discover it. A) For all Ter streams and 1st year of Univ Practical work throughout the year: 1) Support for students throughout the year in writing and correcting their homework. 2) Correct assignments before they are handed in. (Thanks to the interactive digital board, we write your first copies together). General introduction to philosophy for all terminal students 1) -Familiarization with the major fields of philosophy (Epistemology, logic, metaphysics, ethics, aesthetics) (2h min) 2) -Introduction to the history of philosophical ideas (1h30) 3) -Introduction to Greco-Latin etymology (30 min) 4) -Introduction to the currents of Greek philosophy (1h) 5) -Introduction to the main currents of modern philosophy (2h) 5) -Initiation in the use of computer and office tools (optional) 7) -Introduction to the methodology of the dissertation + writing of standard dissertations under the aegis of the teacher (8h) 8) -Introduction to the methodology of text commentary + joint writing of your first text comments (8h) Students can attend the class collectively, which will allow them to share the costs. B) Courses for pupils of Ter in difficulty: For those who are struggling in philosophy but who do not want to be penalized by the discipline on the day of the Bac test, we will find a solution to get you out of the rut. It is not necessary to be a great reasoner to obtain the average on the day of the Bac test; it is enough to master the grammar, the syntax of French and the methodology of the text commentary to obtain an honorable score (the academy forbids us not to give the average to the copies clearly Written and respectful of the philosophical methodology). C) Courses for students of khâgne-hypocagne and those of the university; contact me to explain your difficulties. -Correction of your copies. -Alternative fixes. - Drafting of alternative detailed plans. -TD: organization of your draft reflection in record time (20 to 30 min). -Finally, I offer group tutorials online. -Possibility of ad hoc in-depth studies on certain theoretical points. I hope you will avoid the "cold shower" of the 1st semester.
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Our students from Madrid evaluate their Philosophy teacher.

To ensure the quality of our Philosophy teachers, we ask our students from Madrid to review them.
Only reviews of students are published and they are guaranteed by Apprentus. Rated 4.8 out of 5 based on 38 reviews.

Oral and written French language, French as a foreign language (fle) (Brussels)
Lamia is an excellent teacher!! Thanks to her skills and knowledge, my 12-year-old improved her writing skills. Lamia is patient, and is willing to work until the goals are reached. She helped my daughter to understand her weak points, increase her vocabulary, and use more descriptive and creative language in her writing assignments. I strongly recommend Lamia to everyone who is struggling with writing and creativity.
Philosophy (University Exams and School); French for university, school and business. (Paris)
Stefano is very knowledgeable and with great intellectual capacity. He will guide you through the cultural/historical background of the language so you gain a much faster and deeper understanding of the language. I totally recommend him especially for people who wish to gain a good understanding of the language in a very short time.
Review by YANNIS
Support courses in French, English and Philosophy (Tours)
Adrienne was super punctual and had prepared the class really well, and even sent me content a few days before the class. Her lesson was really interesting and I felt like I learned more than just language skills by the end of it, because she provided interesting historical and social context to everything she shared with me.
Review by EILEEN