
Tutoring lessons in Spain

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488 tutoring teachers in Spain

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488 tutoring teachers in Spain

Trusted teacher: Hola, Soy profesor con 12 años de experiencia y quiero ofrecer a tu hijo la oportunidad de aprender algo que va a marcar su futuro: la inteligencia artificial (IA). No es solo un tema del futuro lejano; la IA ya está aquí, y conocerla puede darle una ventaja enorme en su educación y, más adelante, en su carrera. Llevo años trabajando con la IA en mis propias empresas y me he formado a fondo, con cursos especializados y un máster en este campo. Mi objetivo es que los chicos y chicas de secundaria, a partir de los 12 años, entiendan cómo funciona la IA y, lo más importante, cómo pueden sacarle partido. No se trata de memorizar conceptos complicados, sino de aprender a utilizar herramientas que ya están cambiando el mundo. En las clases particulares que ofrezco, tu hijo aprenderá a manejar aplicaciones como ChatGPT, Copilot, Runway y muchas más. Veremos cómo automatizar tareas, crear contenido en video, fotos y audio, y mejorar la productividad. Todo esto de manera práctica y divertida, para que cada clase sea una experiencia que realmente disfruten y les motive a seguir explorando. Además, cada clase está completamente adaptada y personalizada según las necesidades de cada alumno. Me aseguro de que el contenido sea accesible y relevante para cada estudiante, para que puedan avanzar a su propio ritmo y sacar el máximo provecho de lo que aprenden. Si estás buscando clases particulares que realmente marquen la diferencia, estaré encantado de guiar a tu hijo en este apasionante viaje al futuro...¡hoy!. ¡Hablemos y organicemos las clases!
Information technology · Business skills · Tutoring
(19 reviews)
Lucía - Málaga25€
Tutoring · Korean · Traveling
Showing results 1 - 25 of 4931 - 25 of 493

Our students from Spain evaluate their Tutoring teacher.

To ensure the quality of our Tutoring teachers, we ask our students from Spain to review them.
Only reviews of students are published and they are guaranteed by Apprentus. Rated 5.0 out of 5 based on 56 reviews.

Science and math tutoring for primary and secondary school students (Şişli)
I am pleased to share my positive experience with Mavi. Mavi's professionalism and deep knowledge of mathematics. Mavi's teaching approach is organized, clear, and engaging. She possess a remarkable ability to simplify complex concepts, making them accessible to all students. The personalized attention given to each student's learning style ensures a comprehensive understanding of the material. What stands out about Mavi is not only her expertise but also their commitment to creating a positive and inclusive learning environment. Students benefit from a supportive atmosphere that encourages collaboration and open communication. In summary, I highly recommend Mavi as a math teacher. her professionalism, knowledge, and dedication to student success make them an invaluable asset.
Review by ANTONELA
Spanish classes from level A1 to C2 and DELE/SIELE/IB exam preparation (Málaga)
I booked a daily 90 minutes class for my son Nicolo' (16 years old) for 2 weeks. He was an absolute beginner and usually has a very limited enthusiasm for "extra-classes". Lucia was absolutely fantastic. She made the magic of creating a learning environment that was fun, friendly and effective at the same time. My son Nicolo' was so enthusiastic about the classed to the point that I could not believe it when he asked me to do more classes with Lucia after the 2 weeks. Lucia was good to teach with real life situation and not in an academic way. She was very good in explaining difficult concept in an easy way. Lucia is a very competent teacher and a trusted professional. I would recommend her to anyone.
Review by GIANLUCA
Carlos is an amazing teacher! I have learned more studying with him in a few months then I have learned in a year with other teachers. He is patient, knowledgeable and organized. We have good conversations and he really knows how to activate the language and give confidence to his students. For more basic students like myself it's very useful that he can speak other languages so well, although we use mostly Spanish in our lessons. He is simply the best! I highly recommend Carlos as a teacher!
Review by CYNTHIA