
Education & trainings lessons in France

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821 education & trainings teachers in France

Trusted teacher: It is a question of putting in place rational and professional tools to defuse conflicts and enter your comfort / security zone. In particular simple and logical techniques, which make it possible to resolve and manage violent situations in a harmonious, efficient and lasting way. The objectives are: 0. Understand and identify the issues / risks then find a balance between empathy and conviction 1. Use interpersonal communication techniques resulting from mediation to defuse tensions and gain distance 2. Dissociate the relational and the nature of the disagreement - Overcome cognitive and psychological obstacles 3. Acquire the techniques of self-defense and mastery without hurting and being injured 4. Face and then defuse difficult behaviors (blackmail attempts, threats, destabilization) or even dangerous with a mediation strategy 5. Develop conflict management and negotiation skills by alternating attentive listening, active speaking and rationality in the face of the limited rationality of the angry individual. Statistically, the progression following these private sessions is quickly noticeable, from 2 or 3 sessions *. (* study 2020) Postgraduate School Training & Ivy league college in the United States, our teacher has specialized and worked for over 13 years, in Europe and North America, in the field of communication and public speaking in renowned public and private international institutions, involved in forums and conferences, and focused on two areas: training and coaching, with the key words pedagogy and careful methodology. PLACES : - Locations: Geneva-Lausanne-Friborg-Neuchâtel-Montreux-Bâle-Sion-Sierre-Morges-Bienne. But currently, only by videoconference in accordance with national recommendations on Covid. These sessions also seem to be perfectly unanimous since they have the advantages of direct (example: quality of the interaction), without its disadvantages (ex: loss of travel time), with additional advantages (ex: of notes on the chat, which can be reread afterwards). In this context, these videoconference sessions for which you have requested me, seem to arouse a certain enthusiasm (and a certain enthusiasm). At your request, I therefore continue to offer them.
Negotiation · Communication skills · Life coaching
Trusted teacher: FRENCH FOREIGN LANGUAGE 🇫🇷 lessons for ViP 💎 ADULTS & CHILDREN By PROFESSOR of TRADE Graduated from Higher/Secondary & PROFESSIONAL COACH State graduate With ViPs, CEOs, PEOPLE in ACTIVE LIFE, HIGH-LEVEL ATHLETES, STUDENTS, COLLEGIANS & PRIMARY. 💎 VIPs | 👑 🇩🇰 | CEOs 🇪🇺 | 🎾 🏆 | ⚜️ Relais & Chateaux PRESENTIAL / REMOTE 🇫🇷 🇩🇪 🇦🇹 🇬🇧 🇨🇭 🇨🇿 🇩🇰 🇮🇪 Hello, Currently, different contexts lead me to practice my profession as a State-certified Professor & Professional Coach, with ViPs, CEOs, people in active life, high-level athletes, students.. As well as Primary & Secondary students who wish to enter the International Class, in particular at CiV de Valbonne, Collège de Roquefort-Les-Pins... Also, I practice face-to-face as well as remotely by videoconference; in France as in Europe. Thus, during these two decades, I have implemented proven methodological approaches. Some borrowed from the Theatre, such as the Davis method (mind mappings / colors); others in Professional Coaching (my specialty), such as Mental Preparation, Cognitive Remediation, Emotional Intelligence, 4th Generation NLP. Knowing that the main objective here is to establish a specific framework, so as to accommodate a methodology adapted to each of the learners. In order to motivate them in the long term, in particular by developing a certain agility at home. For now, as for their future, when I will no longer be present at their side to accompany them. Finally, Professor from General Education, mainly in scientific subjects, I propose to accompany you to become an actor in the construction of your learning path, especially in this period so singular but oh so rich in its opportunities and challenges to raise. Besides that, I practice an hourly rate within the framework of the CESU. In particular in order to benefit from a tax credit immediately within the framework of the CESU +. Or up to 50% less depending on your income. Please contact me for more information regarding your situation. See you soon Corinne. Profession Teacher - Professional Coach (and Mental Trainer) Courses offered: French - French as a Foreign Language - Methodology Oral / written communication 💼 1000 Trained professionals 🎓🏆 1000 Students and High Level Athletes in 11 Universities, Sports Clubs and Schools 🎧 5000 Hours of collective training carried out in face-to-face and E-Learning 🎤 1000 Face-to-Face and E-Learning Conference Hours 👫 6000 Individual Training Hours | Personalized support
French · Writing
Hello ! Je m'appelle Gavin et j'ai 25 ans. Je viens de Seattle (Etats-Unis) et j'ai un Master en littérature anglaise et j’ai un certificat TEFL. Ce que je peux vous offrir : - Cours pour adultes et adolescents adaptés à votre niveau et à vos objectifs (de B1 à C2) - Cours de préparation à l'IELTS, CAE, TOEFL et autres examens - Cours de conversation - Business English (l'anglais des affaires) - English for Academic Purposes (l'anglais à des fins académiques) Je vais vous apprendre comment l'anglais est parlé et utilisé dans des situations réelles et quotidiennes. En nous concentrant sur les quatre compétences (lire, écrire, parler et écouter), nous pratiquerons des techniques de conversation tout en affinant votre grammaire, vocabulaire et prononciation. Le contenu peut porter sur des sujets que vous intéressent, qu'il s'agisse de petites conversations, de littérature, de cinéma, de politique ou de vos devoirs d'anglais. Quoi qu'il en soit, l'objectif principal de nos cours sera normalement de parler et d'écouter, mais je vous encouragerai toujours à vous exposer à autant d'anglais que possible en dehors des cours, que ce soit en regardant YouTube en anglais ou en lisant un journal. Normalement, les exercices de grammaire, de vocabulaire et d'écriture seront faits à la maison, sauf indication contraire de votre part. Je ne vous dirai pas « c'est comme ça ». Si vous voulez travailler sur votre grammaire, je serai heureux de vous aider à travers des explications et des exercices significatifs spécialement choisis pour vous, votre niveau et le type d'apprenant que vous êtes. Nous pouvons organiser des cours chez moi dans le 14ème arrondissement, en ligne via Zoom, à votre domicile ou encore dans un café si vous voulez. I look forward to hearing from you and to a successful collaboration ! Gavin
English · Writing · Grammar
Trusted teacher: Hi ! I'm Steven. With around a hundred hours of private lessons under my belt, I am here to help you in SES and Economics, all at a discounted price, because learning should be accessible to everyone! We're going to work together, okay? I am a student in Quantitative Economics and Statistical Modeling, and I am a former Management degree student at an IAE. Whether for accounting, financial analysis, financial mathematics, management control, I am here to share with you all the knowledge I have acquired. I am cool, very available and attentive. But when it comes to work, we concentrate! My goal is simple: to support you and give you the tools to progress and succeed in Management. No pressure, just friendly, personalized help so you can achieve your goals. But be careful, we remain serious, learning and excellence will be there! So, are you ready to succeed together? Contact me now to start our economic adventure! Together, we will achieve your goals and make you feel comfortable with economics. Still interested ? You are right, because your success will be my success! First, we'll take the time to get to know each other a little. You'll tell me what you want to improve and what's problematic for you, okay? Then, together we will set clear objectives for our sessions and for your progress, is that okay with you? At the start of each session, I will explain the concepts to you in a simple and clear way so that you understand. No complicated jargon, just straightforward and accessible explanations. Then, we will move on to practical exercises so that you can apply what you have learned. Practice makes you better, and I'll be there to support you every step of the way. At the end of each lesson, we will take a quick look at what worked well and what can be improved. Your opinion is important so that I can adapt my methods to your needs. If we work well together, your grades will improve, that's for sure. No stress, just friendly, personalized help so you can achieve your goals. Seriousness, learning and excellence will always be there. So, are you ready to try the adventure? Interested for good? Contact me now and together, let's work for your success! See you soon !
Business accounting
Trusted teacher: My name is Mika. I am a native Japanese and I learned about education at my university in Japan. I have professional certifications of Japanese and English teachers. Before coming to Paris, I was a teacher of English in schools in Japan. I can teach the Japanese language and culture from children to adults. I also can adjust the teaching style depending on the students (reading, speaking, writing, and grammar). My French speaking level is still not advanced, so my lessons will be in Japanese or English. I’m a very friendly and easygoing person, so feel free to message me if you are interested in my lessons. ---------------------------------------------------------------- Bonjour, Je m'appelle Mika. Je suis japonaise et j'ai étudié l'éducation à l'université au Japon. Je possède des certifications professionnelles pour l'enseignement du japonais et de l'anglais. Avant de venir à Paris, j'ai enseigné l'anglais dans des écoles au Japon. Je propose des cours de langue et de culture japonaises pour tous les âges, des enfants aux adultes. Mon approche pédagogique est flexible et peut s'adapter à vos besoins, que vous souhaitiez vous concentrer sur la lecture, la conversation, l'écriture ou la grammaire. Mon niveau de français n'est pas encore avancé, donc mes cours se dérouleront en japonais ou en anglais. Je suis une personne très amicale et facile à vivre, alors n'hésitez pas à me contacter si vous êtes intéressé(e) par mes cours. Au plaisir de vous rencontrer ! Cordialement, Mika
Culture · Tutoring · Japanese
Trusted teacher: ➤ A follower of the "message beneath the message", as Roland Barthes would say, the semiologist is above all a detective of language and helps you in this sense: he sees meaning, deciphers and carefully analyzes the signs that surround him to interpret their meaning, reports on the effects of meaning, the connotations and the implicit present in the communication. He starts from the surface signs visible to all to bring out the latent meanings. His interest is most often focused on the phenomena "on the margin", at first glance not very significant, which are located behind the scenes, rather than on stage. In short, all these elements not necessarily visible at first glance. What applies to semiological analysis? Everything: Images, logos, websites, gestures, behaviors, words, speeches, symbols, spaces, in short everything that allows humanity to communicate. On the other hand, the semiological method cannot be invented since it is very specific. Like an iceberg, it is a question of going from superficial and visible signs to latent signs and meanings. ➤ A fascinating discipline, semiology and the analysis of gestures, behaviors and verbal & non-verbal language allows us to decipher the signs of our personal and professional daily lives. In a political speech, on an advertisement, or through our gestures in the professional and personal context, our words and behaviors, the narration of signs mark a certain relationship to the world. ➤ By learning to dissect the meaning of words and gestures, semiology allows us to take a particular look at the coherence of communication and its relevance (versus the opposite), to understand the details of our own speech, and then to make good use of it. ➤ Thus, from the semiological methodology (rigorous, specific, objectifying), verbal, graphic, symbolic and behavioral identities can emerge. ➤ Finally, semiology is neither a matter of philosophy (it only operates from one or more corpora, concrete materials to be analyzed) nor of psychology (it is less interested in intentions than in the signs produced). It is an analysis, a look at one's own communication and that of others which allows one to react better intuitively. ➤ This is why these sessions are intended to be above all practical: filmed exercises, analysis of images to be dissected and then implementation of techniques / tools / methodology which will help you in your daily life, to improve your verbal and non-verbal language but also to decipher and understand that of others. ➤ Among the content browsed: 1) identify and act on behaviors: -transmission of acquired knowledge on non-verbal communication in order to quickly detect intentions -immersive team-building mode to bring out helpful behaviors (despite the saboteurs) 2) Profiling - Diagnose and guide based on a written or visual corpus: -build the storytelling -bring out a type of profile -understand insights 3) Brand Strategy - Create a new brand, company or personal positioning 4) Concrete techniques & a targeted methodology for: ✓Acquire practical tools to improve your rhetoric/repartee ✓Decode and use the practical communication tools of great leaders ✓Fundamentals (practices) of eloquence but also of oratorical art (intonation, gaze, gestures, elocution, range, emotions, pronunciation, development of one's own style of charisma, etc.) to ensure consistency between content and the form ✓Fundamentals of Body Language to support and not interfere with the speech while being convinced & convincing. ✓ Highlighting their speech & promoting their speaking to arouse interest, by building on their strengths. ✓Creation of a coherence between the message emitted & the message received in order to improve its speech and in fact, its professional/personal relations. ✓Management of Q&A sessions & external reactions during an intervention or an oral exchange. ✓Practical tools to put your interlocutor at ease and appear friendly/interested. ✓To succeed in a negotiation/mediation. ✓On the one hand, learning to say 'no' simply in three steps AND on the other hand, getting people to say 'yes'. ✓To turn sentences into positive AND constructive. ✓To manage conflicts (eg 'assertive' communication techniques, eg CNV techniques - Non Violent Communication). ✓To put NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) at the service of communication. ✓To adopt effective, simple, fair and engaging language. ✓To use sentences, turns of phrase & expressions allowing to be precise, simple, effective & challenging. ✓To manage your personal & professional relationships with, for example, the preparation of your ratings. ✓Make your hypersensitivity a strength to tame your abilities. ✓Listening proactively and expressing / conveying ideas / message clearly. ✓Avoid letting your emotions show and propose a constructive solution to problems, while drawing on your own relational skills. ✓Be better equipped to recognize and immediately remedy situations that weaken their authority and affect their ability to communicate effectively. ✓Enhance their potential for expression and creativity (often underestimated until now) and 'apparent' sociability ✓Develop not necessarily self-confidence, but the 'appearance' of self-confidence, refine one's listening to respond adequately, open up to the resources of the imagination, free oneself from the rational to then structure one's speech. ✓Relate their communication objectives (project, institution, values, ideas, demands, etc.) to the form of their expression. ✓Learn and put into practice persuasive communication techniques and better understand the perception that others have of oneself. In order to improve his skills of 'self-presentation' and conveyed image. ✓Practical techniques to foster the engagement of the other party. ✓Strengthen the structure of its communication and develop a convincing argument in order to sell its ideas and projects. ✓ Optimizing internal and external relationships are professional fundamentals so that the structure of sessions, business dialogue and mastery of change communication are valuable. ✓ Decode advertisements, logos and slogans, Understand the impact of images and symbols on our emotions, Analyze cultural trends across the media, Create your own visual messages with formidable efficiency ✓ Analysis of non-verbal communication: - paralinguistic level: voice analysis, intonations, speech rate (...) - proxemic level: analysis of the distance between bodies/individuals - kinesic level: analysis of postures, gestures and facial expressions - infralinguistic level: analysis of physiological changes (dilation of pupils, blushing, sweating, etc.) - symbolic level: analysis of what adorns the body such as clothing, badges, tattoos (...) ➤ The semiologist or semiotician is led to specialize in certain universes, whether it is luxury, mass consumption or behavioral and body dynamics. His analyst side (linguist, semantician, semiologist, semiotician) and lecturer on the themes of negotiation and non-verbal communication will support your approach. ➤ So, discover the hidden secrets of signs if you are curious to understand the mechanisms behind advertisements, works of art, films or even social networks, if you want to learn to decipher hidden messages and analyze the signs that influence our thoughts and actions on a daily basis. As part of a fun and interactive learning experience, with concrete exercises for a captivating immersion. ➤ In short, in a context guided by the tools of semiology, the ability to speak in public is today an essential transversal skill to assert oneself, inform, negotiate and convince. However, to master the keys to successful public communication, it is necessary to strengthen the impact of one's own speeches: by structuring one's interventions and taking into account the circumstances and expectations of the audience; by making an impression through storytelling; by integrating the psychological and emotional factors of effective oral communication; by integrating emotions into the preparation of the message and arguments; by anticipating objections and delicate situations; by preparing and structuring an attractive and convincing presentation framework; by experimenting with the rules of improvisation; by adequately managing difficult situations (...). ➤ Whether your goal is personal or professional, speaking is a predominantly physical activity, relying on a body, a voice, a breath, a rhythm (diction), an emotion and above all techniques, tools, a method, a know-how, reflecting the involvement of the speaker in his speech, all guided by the principles of semiology and behavioral analysis. ➤ So, how do you listen and be listened to, convince and be impactful, challenge and make an impression, enhance your content, address your audience appropriately and optimize the quality and clarity of the exchange/message? It is precisely about going through, implementing and deploying practical and effective techniques of oral presentation, simple intervention or 'one to one` exchange, aimed at challenging your audience or interlocutor, taking care of the content as well as the form, all in a professional or personal setting. For this, there are verbal and non-verbal communication techniques, based on semiology. ➤ Thus, mastered, the practical method allows, through a set of simulations and scenarios based on your daily experience supporting pragmatic & concrete techniques, to improve self-confidence, assurance, ease by overcoming embarrassment and controlling emotion in public. But also to work on leadership & charisma, in a context where empathy and emotional intelligence are at the service of communication, all based on the founding principles of semiology. ➤ To master the keys to successful public communication, it is necessary to master certain practical aspects of semiology, to strengthen the impact of your speeches: by structuring your interventions and taking into account the circumstances and expectations of the audience; by making an impression through storytelling; by integrating the psychological and emotional factors of effective oral communication; by integrating emotions into the preparation of the message and arguments; by anticipating objections and delicate situations; by preparing and structuring an attractive and convincing presentation framework; by experimenting with the rules of improvisation; by adequately managing difficult situations (...). ➤ In short, each session combines techniques & practical exercises adapted to your daily situations (filmed with your agreement in order to be reviewed, commented on, decoded together live), so that you can apply them immediately, and from the 1st session. 🚀 Discover the Hidden Secrets of Signs. Dive into the fascinating world of semiology with our practical training! Are you curious to understand the mechanisms behind written or oral communication? Learn to decipher hidden messages and analyze the signs that influence our thoughts and actions on a daily basis, with fun and interactive learning: Beyond theory, you will participate in concrete exercises, case studies to master the art of communication. Join us for a captivating immersion in one of the most exciting fields of human sciences! THE TRAINER ➤ With training from Grande Ecole post-preparatory classes & Ivy League university in the United States, our teacher trainer has specialized and has worked for more than 15 years in the field, in Europe and North America, in renowned international public and private establishments, regularly speaking in forums and conferences, and also offering personalized INDIVIDUAL support, with pedagogy and careful methodology as the watchwords. ➤ PLACE, TIMETABLE, PRICES ✓ Locations: Geneva-Lausanne-Fribourg-Zurich-Neuchâtel-Lugano-Basel-Neuchâtel-Berne-Lucerne-Brussels-Luxembourg-Paris-Lyon. But currently, these sessions continue to be offered by videoconference in the current context and in accordance with general demand which is almost unanimous on this subject. ✓ Indeed, apart from the classic advantages of videoconferencing (time saving related to travel & their unforeseen events, eco-responsibility, increased schedule flexibility, etc.), the quality of the session & the interaction remain identical. In addition, the entire exchange, notes and recommendations are immediately transcribed on the dedicated chat. ✓ To support us among ourselves & to be pleasant to you in this sustainable / particular period and in a spirit of solidarity, the fees are temporarily reduced and will not increase after the start of our sessions. ✓ Languages: French/English. ✓ The progress following these private sessions is perceptible from 1 to 2 sessions (*2024 study). ✓ As other people do regularly, you can also please your loved ones by offering gift vouchers available all year round.
Communication skills · Mass communication · Public speaking
Computer programming · Investing · Financial markets
Trusted teacher: ➤ Being a good manager is also being a good communicator. After all, a strategy can only be put into practice if you show yourself capable of interacting with your employees, of being a source of inspiration for them and of listening to their concerns. Unfortunately, not all managers naturally excel in this role and their difficulties in asserting themselves as true leaders is often attributable to their difficulties in communicating. ➤ The objective would then be to explore together the areas of improvement in terms of communication know-how. And managing effectively requires specific and cutting-edge know-how. ➤ In fact, managerial communication corresponds to the interactions between the management of the company and the organization and more specifically, between the manager and his team. This manager is in charge of transmitting information and directives coming from higher hierarchical levels, supporting internal communication, distilling messages related to his own management to obtain the commitment of his team, all while transmitting a message effectively. ➤ This exercise can therefore be tricky: this is why it is important to choose the right mediator in order to be well supported, not only to be understood by those around him, but also to carry out his mission. ➤ What to communicate? When ? Whose ? These questions will find an answer in the consistency of the actions undertaken. Good managerial communication will thus aim to exchange / dialogue effectively with its employees, maintain a close link between the different layers of the company, bring human relations back to the heart of the company, establish a climate of trust and good team cohesion, motivate by inspiring. ➤ In short, each session combines techniques & practice exercises adapted to your everyday situations (filmed with your agreement in order to be reviewed, commented on, decoded together live), so that you can put them into practice immediately, and this from the 1st session. Statistically, the progression following these private sessions is quickly noticeable, from 2 or 3 sessions*. (*study 2022). ➤ THE TRAINER: Trained in Grande Ecole post-preparatory classes & Ivy League university in the United States, our teacher has specialized and has been working for more than 15 years, in Europe and North America, in the field of communication , in reputable international public and private establishments, intervening in forums and conferences, and oriented on two axes: training and coaching, with pedagogy and careful methodology as key words. ➤ PLACE, TIMETABLE, PRICES ✓ Locations: Geneva-Lausanne-Fribourg-Zurich-Neuchâtel-Lugano-Montreux-Basel-Neuchâtel-Bern-Lucerne-Brussels-Luxembourg-Paris-Lyon. But currently, these sessions continue to be offered by videoconference in the current context and in accordance with general demand which is almost unanimous on this subject. ✓ Indeed, apart from the classic advantages of videoconferencing (time saving related to travel & their unforeseen events, eco-responsibility, increased schedule flexibility, etc.), the quality of the session & the interaction remain identical. In addition, the entire exchange, notes and recommendations are immediately transcribed on the dedicated chat. ✓ To support us among ourselves & to be pleasant to you in this sustainable / particular period and in a spirit of solidarity, the fees are temporarily reduced and will not increase after the start of our sessions. ✓ Languages: French/English. ✓ The progress following these private sessions is perceptible from 1 to 2 sessions (*2024 study). ✓ As other people do regularly, you can also please your loved ones by offering gift vouchers available all year round. CONTACT / PROGRAM ✓ A la carte program: evaluated and adapted to each need.
Business management · Communication skills · Life coaching
Trusted teacher: ➤Aim of these sessions? Halfway between psychoanalysis on the one hand and American-style coaching on the other, with proposals that will be made to you according to your problem and that will have to be implemented, it will be advisable to proceed as follows: understand the mechanisms of thought & induced emotion, linked to given everyday situations and which involve blockages then act concretely through pragmatic techniques adapted to your problem, and which will be quickly proposed to you to regain power over your life thanks to the methodologies & practices of behavioral coaching. ➤This is why, choosing the appropriate mediator to carry out a quality work and help oneself to advance / overcome certain mechanisms will induce the awareness necessary for this decided change. This will then allow to register in a new dynamic in the personal & professional fields. ➤To lead this change, achieve its aspirations, improve its quality of life and develop the functioning of its cognitive, emotional or behavioral sphere, a cohort of very concrete tools and concepts are at our disposal, and which involve deepening the self-exploration. This involves questioning yourself, analyzing, taking a distance, and understanding the issues / points causing suffering, before finally freeing yourself from it. ➤Examples of topics / issues regularly addressed and which are regularly supported by a dedicated specialist coach, adapted to your plan: • Self-confidence, self-esteem and assertiveness, shyness, decision-making, assertiveness, personal development • Reduce suffering (phobia, stress, anguish, anxiety, negative thoughts, panic, depression) and modify behaviors that are detrimental to well-being (post-traumatic stress, injuries, addictions), to better manage emotions & regain life. appeasement • Concentration, procrastination, organization, professional efficiency, time management •Professional/personal relationships (family, romantic, friendly, emotional, etc.) & social: from communication difficulties generating pain & frustration to the fluidity of relationships • Professional life: tensions, pressures & conflicts, (Re) professional orientation (CV, cover letter, job interview), competitions and exams, support in a business project, teamwork ➤Each point is the subject of techniques adapted to your situation, which you will probably never have put into practice...and which have proven their worth on the people you support. ➤Thus, although involving self-exploration, coaching remains concrete in its application and bears fruit from the first sessions, since it makes people autonomous, and not dependent. ➤You will understand, specializing in life support and personal & professional projects, it is our proven skills and the positive feedback from all the people previously supported that makes us able to support you, by catalyzing the keys to your success, through a methodology and pragmatic tools, adapted to your situation. ➤And if cookie-cutter advice is not offered, that you will never be led but guided without judgment, in a process of permanent / interactive co-construction ... it is because we believe that it It is first important to analyze together, to become aware, to study jointly, to deepen, to decode your blockages and your initial problem in order to clarify your aspirations. ➤Influenced by cognitive & behavioral therapies, by Anglo-Saxon coaching instruments and the European methodology of applied psychotherapy, the approach therefore aims to seek links between current difficulties and past experiences, including repressed and unresolved conflicts and to confront difficulties which may be partially linked to inappropriate thoughts or behaviors learned / adopted often in spite of oneself. ➤ So, how does a session take place? After having identified together a problem, blockages and objectives, it is a question of analyzing them together then proposing a series of suggestions/reflections/pragmatic actions. Concretely, a session = a reflection + solutions. From the second session, 98% of our coaches say they felt a clear difference that influenced their daily lives* (2022 study). ➤ THERAPIST - COACH - PSYCHOPRACTITIONER - PSYCHOANALYST - CONSULTANT Trained at Grande Ecole post-preparatory classes & Ivy League University in the United States, our consultant teacher trainer has specialized and worked for more than 16 years, in Europe and North America, in the field, in renowned international public and private establishments, regularly speaking in forums and conferences, and also offering personalized INDIVIDUAL support, with pedagogy and meticulous methodology as the watchwords. ➤ PLACE, TIMETABLE, PRICES ✓ Locations: Geneva-Lausanne-Fribourg-Zurich-Neuchâtel-Lugano-Montreux-Basel-Neuchâtel-Bern-Lucerne-Brussels-Luxembourg-Paris-Lyon. But currently, these sessions continue to be offered by videoconference in the current context and in accordance with general demand which is almost unanimous on this subject. ✓ Indeed, apart from the classic advantages of videoconferencing (time saving related to travel & their unforeseen events, eco-responsibility, increased schedule flexibility, etc.), the quality of the session & the interaction remain identical. In addition, the entire exchange, notes and recommendations are immediately transcribed on the dedicated chat. ✓ To support us among ourselves & to be pleasant to you in this sustainable / particular period and in a spirit of solidarity, the fees are temporarily reduced and will not increase after the start of our sessions. ✓ Languages: French/English. ✓ The progress following these private sessions is perceptible from 1 to 2 sessions (*2023 study). ✓ As other people do regularly, you can also please your loved ones by offering gift vouchers available all year round. CONTACT / PROGRAM ✓ A la carte program: evaluated and adapted to each need.
Life coaching · Self-improvement · Personal training
(47 reviews)
Fawzi - Paris25€
Trusted teacher: Hi ! I am Moroccan of origin from Rabat (the capital of Morocco), a passionate academic professor, whose mother tongue is Darija (Moroccan dialect). I also have a mastery of French and Spanish. My goal is to help you master Arabic or Darija, both written and spoken, avoiding grammatical gaps. 🎯 Effective methodology: - I use effective teaching methods to help you progress quickly. My courses are tailored to your specific needs. - Sessions take place via webcam, allowing you to learn from anywhere. - You can choose the language in which I present my lessons: French, Arabic or Spanish. 🗣️ Communication and practice: - During our sessions, I will explain the essential concepts of the Arabic language or Darija. We will also have open discussions so you can practice and improve your speaking skills. - At the end of each session, I will give you exercises to do as homework. This will strengthen our support and allow you to increase your level. 🚀 Join me on an exciting journey into the world of Arabic or Darija! 🚀 -------------------------------------------------- ------ 🌟 Discovery of the Islamic Religion and Study of the Koran 🌟 If you are interested in the Islamic religion or if you want to better understand and read the Quran, I offer private sessions on the following subjects: 1. The Pillars of Islam: - We will explore the five fundamental pillars of the Islamic faith: profession of faith, prayer, fasting, almsgiving and pilgrimage. - You will discover their deep meaning and importance in the life of a Muslim. 2. Faith and Spirituality: - We will discuss the concepts of faith, belief in God (Allah) and spirituality in Islam. - You will learn how to cultivate a personal relationship with God and strengthen your faith. 3. Reading and Understanding the Quran: - We will study passages from the Quran, with emphasis on understanding the meaning and teachings. - You will discover the universal themes covered in the Quran and their relevance to our daily lives. 4. Comparison between the Great Religions: - I am also interested in the comparison between different religions. - We will detect points of connection between Islam, Christianity, Judaism and other religious traditions. - Our approach will be based on mutual respect and interfaith understanding. Please join me in exploring these fascinating topics! 📚🕌✨ -------------------------------------------------- ------ 🌟 Arabic or Darija classes: Learn how to speak fluently with an academic professor 🌟 📚 Sobre mí: Be an avid academic professor because my mother's language is Arabic. Furthermore, there is a dominion of French and Spanish. My object is to dominate Arabic both in writing and in oral expression, avoiding grammatical gaps. 🎯 Effective methodology: - Use effective teaching to help you progress quickly. Misclassified to suit your specific needs. - Sessions take place via webcam, where you can learn from any location. - You can choose the language in which it is presented: French, Arabic or Spanish. 🗣️ Communication and practice: - During our new sessions, you explained the essential concepts of Arabic. Also tender our discussions so that you can practice and improve your oral expression. - At the end of each session, you have been assigned ejercicios para hacer como tarea. This fortalecer will be our new companion and will allow you to increase your level. 🚀 I'm on an exciting journey through the Arab world! 🚀
Arabic · Religion & spirituality
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Our students from France evaluate their Education & Trainings teacher.

To ensure the quality of our Education & Trainings teachers, we ask our students from France to review them.
Only reviews of students are published and they are guaranteed by Apprentus. Rated 4.9 out of 5 based on 348 reviews.

German courses for all levels at home or online (Tunis)
I recommend Khalil without a doubt to anyone looking to improve his/her German level in both writing and speaking. He is a very professional, structured and knowledgeable teacher. He was able to immediately evaluate my level of German during the very first lesson and adjust the teaching methodology and materials accordingly. I am truly impressed with his patience and dedication towards teaching the proper German pronunciation with all its complexities and difficulties as well as the proper rules when it comes to grammar and language. We also had lessons using Skype which is also a good option for those who have a limited amount of spare time or are too far apart from the teacher. It is obvious that Khalil loves what he is doing and is willing to put all his effort into his passion. I wholeheartedly recommend Khalil for anyone wanting to learn the language.
Review by AMINE
Private lessons to learn Japanese culture and language (Hettange-Grande)
For a long time I had been looking for a Japanese teacher in Luxembourg for private lessons until I found Maki-sensei. Her teaching style is really meeting my needs: she is encouraging me to talk more in Japanese while working on my vocabulary and grammar. She is using a range of teaching materials, such as text books, audio clips, short movie-clips, and articles from web-sites, which makes her lessons very enjoyable and rewarding. After the lesson Maki-sensei provides me with a write-up with newly learned words and corrections. I am always looking forward to the next lesson and strongly recommend her for anybody wanting to learn Japanese or about Japanese culture.
Review by THOMAS
Corinne is helping my daughter to prepare for her oral exam for the European Baccalaureate (French as a second language). She is very professional, well organized and very kind! She is also very flexible, as we had to postpone and reschedule a couple of times. But most importantly, my daughter says that she can see Corinne’s passion for language and text, so that makes the tutoring more fun. Corinne also takes notes during the lessons and sends them to my daughter afterwards: great! PS: my daughter received now a 10/10 for her final French oral exam!
Review by SASKIA