
Music composition lessons in Vienna

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13 music composition teachers in Vienna

(4 reviews)
Carl - Vienna64€
Trusted teacher: Hello there! Do you wish to learn to play the piano but do not have several hours every day to dedicate to practicing? I can help! With 15 years of teaching experience, I’ve honed my methods to facilitate rapid progress and maximize efficiency. My students achieve in months, what usually takes years when following a conventional music school program. Nonetheless, I am not taking any shortcuts. On the contrary, one of the reasons why my students progress so fast is my insistence on building solid fundamentals. I strive for my students to master the necessary tools for them to then achieve their own personal ambitions. Having observed the practice routines of professionals and university students worldwide, I've realized that there's often much time to be gained during practice. Realizing everyone's personnality, approach, affinities and tastes are different, I prioritize a personalized approach tailored to your individual learning style. Together, we'll make the most of our sessions, whether you're a beginner diving into music or an intermediate player seeking to enhance your skills. And guess what? You won't need to practice for hours on end to see significant improvement. With regular lessons, even just 15 minutes of practice three times a week can lead to enormous progress. As I often say, the learning process is more akin to a marathon than a sprint. While efficiency is important, I believe that learning should be fun and inspiring. In my lessons, you can expect a supportive and encouraging environment. I'll be there with you every step of the way, celebrating your achievements and helping you overcome any challenges that arise. Together, we'll create a positive and empowering learning experience. Ready to embark on your fast and efficient piano learning journey? Contact me to schedule lessons and get ready for a rewarding musical adventure! Looking forward to hearing from you! Carl
Piano · Music theory lessons · Music composition
LEARNING BY HEART Learn to play/sing favorite songs: - Depending on your ability, we simplify (or enrich) the accompaniment and improve it in a fluid manner - I'll show you various "hacks" and shortcuts - you don't have to do anything "right", you can follow the fun. - play/practice without pressure, how does that work...? You can make it easier for yourself! How much time you invest stays with you. :-) - any style possible, as long as it makes sense for you technically - Singing: easy! Write your own songs: - I give you different "glasses", "rails" through which you come up with new ideas, both for the music as well as the lyrics and singing - "writers block" - from the head back to the heart using simple techniques - learn to use the hidden treasure trove of ideas in your body (subconscious)! - and most importantly: have fun with “bad” songs! generally: - you will find clear goals for each hour (e.g. record a song or parts of it,...), for the next few weeks and for the next months - we record as much as possible because it is the best exercise (and the most exciting ;-) and you have something "in your hands" that is satisfying in itself, no matter how "perfect" it is (everything is perfect How clean is up to you ;-). - I'll help you promote the joy of sharing your music ("I can give something!") - and above all: learn to feel what really makes you happy. It's important to me that you feel safe with me and have fun, no matter how things are going. I'm happy if you dare, it can only get better! :-)
Voice (music) · Music composition · Children's music
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Our students from Vienna evaluate their Music Composition teacher.

To ensure the quality of our Music Composition teachers, we ask our students from Vienna to review them.
Only reviews of students are published and they are guaranteed by Apprentus. Rated 4.9 out of 5 based on 144 reviews.

Singing Lessons (Individual) - Pop, Jazz, Soul, Blues, Rock (Amsterdam)
Not just a singing teacher, but by the way also the best vocal coach you can get hold of at this moment and in this area of the Netherlands (so take your chance...;-)). For about 3 years I had a serious problem with my vocal chords (incomplete closure) and a dislocated larynx. I started to be in contact with Stefano by chance asking him to show me some (singing) exercises additionally to my treatment at the ENT-department of Martini Ziekenhuis Groningen as well as an ongoing therapy at a professional trained speech therapist. To cut a long story short: Within a couple of lessons and dedicated exercises he succeeded in re-positioning my larynx and got rid of my incomplete vocal cords closure, meanwhile the medical specialists had decided that the only cure could possibly be an operation... As a ‘side-effect’ I am now able to sing and control my voice like I have never been able before and could never have imagined that this was possible to achieve by just some simple but individually chosen exercises and practice. Grazie!
Review by JANA
Electric & Acoustic Guitar Lessons ♫ Let's bang out! (Friedrichsfelde)
My Guitar classes with Ryo has been great so far. He tailors them as per your skill level and interests. My classes have a good mix of warm up exercises, learning new techniques and playing songs. He is patient and cheerful during the lessons. I highly recommend Ryo if you are looking to learn Guitar in a fun and engaging way.
Review by AJITESH
Cello & Piano - Creative lessons for young and old (Vienna)
Felix was thoughtful and approachable during the first lesson with my 7yr old son and 9yr old daughter, and they felt happy to continue with lessons. We are doing both piano and cello lessons with Felix. It is clear Felix has teaching experience and we look forward to further lessons.
Review by SACHA