
Computer science lessons in The Netherlands

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44 computer science teachers in The Netherlands

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44 computer science teachers in The Netherlands

(3 reviews)
Izhar - Amsterdam23€
Trusted teacher: Python is a high level programming language. It's object oriented approach help programmers to write simple and logical codes. Due to its easy syntax, it is actually easier as compared to other programming languages. Having years of experience in coding language, I know how and where to start and move the topics at a good pace. I'll be starting with you from scratch and help you to build your concepts and master over the language. I am providing you a brief summary of our course which we generally follow but that doesn't mean that I am bound to just this much content. In case you have any doubt for any other specific topic related to the subject, you could always come up to me or you need any help in your assignments or projects, you are always welcome. Here is a brief overview of the topics we'll be covering : 1: Introduction To Python • Installation and Working with Python • Understanding Python variables • Python basic Operators • Understanding python blocks 2: Python Data Types • Declaring and using Numeric data types: int, float, complex • Using string data type and string operations • Defining list and list slicing • Use of Tuple data type 3: Python Program Flow Control • Conditional blocks using if, else and elif • Simple for loops in python • For loop using ranges, string, list and dictionaries • Use of while loops in python • Loop manipulation using pass, continue, break and else • Programming using Python conditional and loops block 4: Python Functions, Modules And Packages • Organizing python codes using functions • Organizing python projects into modules • Importing own module as well as external modules • Understanding Packages • Powerful Lamda function in python • Programming using functions, modules and external packages 5: Python String, List And Dictionary Manipulations • Building blocks of python programs • Understanding string in build methods • List manipulation using in build methods • Dictionary manipulation • Programming using string, list and dictionary in build functions 6: Python File Operation • Reading config files in python • Writing log files in python • Understanding read functions, read(), readline() and readlines() • Understanding write functions, write() and writelines() • Manipulating file pointer using seek • Programming using file operations 7: Python Object Oriented Programming – Oops • Concept of class, object and instances • Constructor, class attributes and destructors • Real time use of class in live projects • Inheritance , overlapping and overloading operators • Adding and retrieving dynamic attributes of classes • Programming using Oops support 8: Python Regular Expression • Powerful pattern matching and searching • Power of pattern searching using regex in python • Real time parsing of networking or system data using regex • Password, email, url validation using regular expression • Pattern finding programs using regular expression 9: Python Exception Handling • Avoiding code break using exception handling • Safe guarding file operation using exception handling • Handling and helping developer with error code • Programming using Exception handling 10: Python Database Interaction • SQL Database connection using python • Creating and searching tables • Reading and storing config information on database • Programming using database connections 11: Python Multithreading • Understanding threads • Forking threads • Synchronizing the threads • Programming using multithreading 12: Contacting User Through Emails Using Python • Installing smtp python module • Sending email • Reading from file and sending emails to all users addressing them directly for marketing 13: Python CGI Introduction • Writing python program for CGI applications • Creating menus and accessing files • Server client program In case you have any query, please feel free to contact me. Give yourself a chance for a better future. All the best
Computer science · Computer programming · Computer engineering
(8 reviews)
Christopher - Delft38€
Trusted teacher: Hello! My name is Christopher and I am currently studying Computer science at TU Delft. I am able to tutor in both Maths and Computer Science at any elementary or High school level and have experience teaching a range of syllabus. Qualifications: - A levels: -A* in Maths - A* in Computer Science - A* in Music - Certified Microsoft Innovative Educator Experience: ZVEZA PRIJATELJEV MLADINE LJUBLJANA (ASSOCIATION FOR FRIENDS OF YOUTH) ZPM is an association in Slovenia that aims to help underprivileged children in many different ways including food packets, after-school clubs, and tutoring. I originally started as a volunteer in 2016 and since then I have helped countless students with their school work; most commonly in Maths but also other subjects like Physics, English, and Chemistry. Later my position developed into employment where I would run after school clubs to help the children build confidence and talk about their emotions, make fun programs for summer camps, and of course, I continued with tutoring many children GIRLS DO CODE Girls Do Code is an organization in Slovenia that aims to get more women into STEM, they believe that this interest has to start in childhood and therefore they offer lessons in Computer Science to over 300 girls. This cause was something that I thought was incredibly important and so I became a volunteer for their organization. This entailed teaching a group of 10 girls the basics of Computer Science in a fun and creative way and was a very rewarding experience. Through my training for Girls Do Code, I was certified by Microsoft as an Innovative Educator. I currently work as a Maths teaching assistant at an international school in the Netherlands where I work with children struggling with maths in small groups. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions!
Math · Computer science · Tutoring
(12 reviews)
Mahmood - Gouda26€
Trusted teacher: Technology is advancing at a rapid pace, and we rely more and more on computers for everything from cooking to organizing our taxes. An understanding of computer basics is compulsory nowadays. The goal of this course is to give you a solid foundation on basic IT and computer knowledge. Once you understood these basics, you will have a clear understanding on which to build your future knowledge of an skill with computers and the Internet. COURSE OUTLINES: KNOWING COMPUTER - Introduction and objectives - What is Computer? - Components of Computer system - Concept of Hardware and Software - Concept of computing, data and information - Applications of IECT - Bringing computer to life OPERATING COMPUTER USING GUI BASED OPERATING SYSTEM - Introduction and objectives - Basics of Operating System - The User Interface - Operating System Simple Setting - File and Directory Management UNDERSTANDING WORD PROCESSING - Introduction and objectives - Word processing Basics - Opening and closing Documents - Text Creation and manipulation - Formatting the Text - Table manipulation USING SPREAD SHEET - Introduction and objectives - Elements of Electronic Spread sheet - Manipulation of Cells - Formulas and Function INTRODUCTION TO INTERNET, WWW AND WEB BROWSERS - Introduction and objectives - Basic of Computer Networks - Internet - World Wide Web (WWW) - Web Browsing Softwares - Search Engines - Understanding URL - Surfing the web COMMUNICATIONS AND COLLABORATION - Introduction and objectives - Basics of E-mail - Using E-mails - Document collaboration - Instant Messaging and Collaboration MAKING SMALL PRESENTATIONS - Introduction and objectives - Basics of Making small Presentations - Creation of presentation - Preparation of slides - Presentation of slides - Slide show FINANCIAL LITERACY FOR BANKING SCHEME AND APPLICATIONS - Introduction and objectives - Why Savings are needed? - Drawbacks of keeping cash at home - Why Bank is needed? - Banking products - Banking Service Delivery Channels - Various Schemes - Bank on your mobile - Insurance
Computer basics · Computer science · Internet
Hi, I'm Ashika! I’m a final-year Computer Science and Engineering student at TU Delft. I love math and solving puzzles and have consistently been a top student in school. With over 2 years of tutoring experience and a role as a teaching assistant at university, I am passionate about helping students achieve their academic goals. I believe that with the right resources and mindset, any student can excel, and I am dedicated to supporting you in that journey. think the most important thing with math is practice and learning from mistakes. Each incorrect answer is an opportunity to understand the correct approach for future problems! In addition to math, I can assist high school students with both basic and advanced computer programming concepts. Mathematics Topics: -Algebra -Geometry -Trigonometry -Calculus (AP and beyond) -Probability and Statistics -Problem-Solving Techniques Curriculums Covered: IGCSE, A-Levels, IB, CBSE About My Sessions: I believe that engagement and active participation are key to learning math, especially in a one-on-one setting. My approach focuses on practice and working through questions, which helps identify and address the student's main areas of difficulty. By using exam questions and worked examples, I can follow the student's thought process and provide targeted assistance to help them grasp challenging concepts. Whether you're aiming to boost your scores on standardized tests or striving for excellence in your coursework, I’m here to guide you. I tailor each session to your specific learning needs and am open to suggestions on additional topics or concepts to cover. Together, we will work on improving weaknesses and enhancing strengths, preparing you for future success. --- I am a highly motivated teacher and am will put in as much time and commitment as needed to support your learning. Originally from India, I can also speak a bit of Dutch.
Math · Computer science · Computer engineering
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Our students from The Netherlands evaluate their Computer Science teacher.

To ensure the quality of our Computer Science teachers, we ask our students from The Netherlands to review them.
Only reviews of students are published and they are guaranteed by Apprentus. Rated 4.9 out of 5 based on 48 reviews.

Tutoring for Standard Mathematics Exams (UG level). (Amsterdam)
Haralambie has provided incredible support throughout our sessions in a variety of challenging areas of mathematics. The breadth of Haralambie's expertise is evident in the many ways he can demonstrate the idea. I have benefitted from Haralambie's clarity in showing the relevance of specific theorems and how they connect with upcoming material. I have learned a lot from our sessions and he marries the conceptual gaps that come up by explaining the ideas and properties very well. Haralambie provides guidance, patience, and context to the topics covered in subjects that are otherwise disorienting. We work together to hammer out a conceptual stump. My learning experience with Haralambie is fun and engaging, and his input and guidance has been incredibly helpful in elucidating areas that I have missed which improves my approach to future problems.
Review by RON
Mathematics classes for beginners and intermediate level (Gouda)
I need to re-study 4 years of high school maths in only 5 months. Mahmood agreed to help me with this difficult task and thanks to his professional way of teaching I believe I can make this happen. He explains topics in detail and yet quickly enough to spare time for other topics. If you are unsure he points you to the right direction. Most important thing for me was that he made me realize that I first need to master concept #1 in order to be able to later master concept #5 and so on. You can see that he has a lot of teaching experience, he tries to understand the way YOU think and based on that he serves you clear explanation for topics you struggle to understand. I definitely recommend him as your next teacher!
Review by RADOSLAV
Python Lessons for All Ages! All Levels Welcome! Beginners, Intermediates, Professionals! (Amsterdam)
As someone struggling with learning programming in Python for so long, Jerry's lessons literally saved me. His clear explanations helped me understand the concepts better, and the examples he provided helped me concretize the topics in my mind so that I was able to apply them by myself later. He was very patient and helpful when explaining the topics and when giving me time to think about the possible formulations of the algorithms, which released the stress of passing my university course and enabled me to actually understand the essence of Python and how to think when programming.
Review by AZRA