
History lessons in The Netherlands

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28 history teachers in The Netherlands

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28 history teachers in The Netherlands

Description of an English Lesson 1. **Introduction and Objectives** - **Welcome and Agenda**: The teacher welcomes the students and briefly discusses what will be covered during the lesson. - **Learning objectives**: The teacher determines the learning objectives, such as improving vocabulary, grammar, listening skills, speaking skills, reading skills, or writing skills. #### 2. **Warm-up exercises** - **Short Activities**: Activities such as discussing a current news item, a simple dialogue, or a game to get students in the right mindset. - **Review of Previous Lesson**: A brief review of what was covered in the previous lesson to ensure continuity. #### 3. **Vocabulary and Pronunciation** - **New Words**: Introducing new words and phrases relevant to the topic of the lesson. - **Pronunciation Exercises**: Exercises that focus on the correct pronunciation of the new words. #### 4. **Grammar** - **Explanation and Examples**: The teacher explains a new grammatical rule using examples. - **Exercises**: Students are given exercises to practice the new grammar, both individually and in small groups. #### 5. **Listening Skills** - **Audio fragment**: Students listen to an audio fragment, such as a conversation, news report, or a story. - **Comprehension Questions**: Questions that test understanding of the listening passage and encourage discussion. #### 6. **Reading Skills** - **Reading text**: Students read a text that suits their level, such as an article, story, or dialogue. - **Comprehension Questions**: Questions about the text to test comprehension and strengthen vocabulary. #### 7. **Speaking Skills** - **Dialogue Exercises**: Exercises in which students practice dialogues in pairs or small groups. - **Discussions**: Group discussions on a specific topic to improve speaking skills and build self-confidence. #### 8. **Writing Skills** - **Writing exercises**: Short writing assignments such as writing an email, a short story, or a descriptive paragraph. - **Feedback and Correction**: The teacher provides feedback on the writing assignments and corrects errors. #### 9. **Closing and Homework** - **Summary**: The teacher summarizes the main points of the lesson. - **Homework**: Students are given homework assignments to further practice the skills they have learned. - **Questions and Answers**: Time for students to ask questions about what they did not understand. #### 10. **Evaluation** - **Short Test or Quiz**: Optionally, the teacher can end the lesson with a short test or quiz to test understanding of the lesson material. **Goals**: - Understanding and applying the present simple tense. - Strengthen basic vocabulary related to daily routines. **Lesson course**: 1. **Introduction and Objectives** (5 min) - Welcome and discuss the agenda. - Explanation of the learning objectives. 2. **Warm-up exercises** (10 min) - Short repetition of the previous lesson. - Ask students to share what they did yesterday. 3. **Vocabulary and Pronunciation** (10 min) - Introduce words such as: always, never, sometimes, usually, etc. - Pronunciation exercises with the new words. 4. **Grammar** (15 min) - Explanation of the present simple tense. - Give examples (I eat breakfast at 7 AM). 5. **Listening Skills** (10 min) - Play an audio clip of people describing their daily routines. - Ask questions about the fragment. 6. **Reading skills** (10 min) - Have students read a short text about someone's daily routine. - Comprehension questions about the text. 7. **Speaking Skills** (15 min) - Have students work in pairs to describe their own daily routine. - Ask a few students to describe their partner's routine to the class. 8. **Writing Skills** (10 min) - Have students write a short paragraph about their own daily routine. - Collecting and checking the writing assignments. 9. **Closing and Homework** (5 min) - Summary of the lesson. - Assignment: Write a brief description of the daily routine of a family member or friend. - Questions and answers.
English · History · Communication skills
Trusted teacher: Vincent Van Gogh once said something to the effect that greatness is a series of little things coming together, Emile Durkheim the great French sociologist first 'coined', "the whole is more than the sum of its parts" and Montesquieu conceived of laws in relation to climate. What do all of these have to do with each other? The fact that the interpretation and understanding of one of the realms of socio-political knowledge is not enough to either understand that single discipline of study whether it be Law, History, Political Science, Economics, Sociology or Philosophy- you cannot separate any from the whole and be able to understand the Short, Nasty,BrutishTM nature that reality is and that conditions human life. While my studies and work have nigh been exclusively related to Law, my interests which pushed me there were/are seemingly very different. Through my experience I may humbly submit that the the perspectives that each discipline approaches problems with are crucial in solving very distinct "linguistic" problems within their specific paradigms. They however are victims of dogma as is academia in general it would be fair to say. Living in the times we do, it is not only necessary as a basic informational issue but as an issue of responsible citizenry, young adults must be well educated about the political economy. Whether you're looking to study and/or are currently studying and/or want to learn about any of the aforementioned subjects whether in conjunction with current coursework and/or assignments, or if you're just interested and would like to learn about a specific period in time, this is for you.
Law · History · Philosophy
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Only reviews of students are published and they are guaranteed by Apprentus. Rated 4.0 out of 5 based on 4 reviews.

Ancient Greek and Latin tutor for all ages and levels (Amsterdam)
I worked with Francesca for improving my ancient Greek reading and I find the lessons useful and fun. She is flexible to different types of learning styles and has a structured way of tutoring. She prepares nice exercises and motivates me to achieve more in my self-study. I recommend Francesca!
Review by RAMONA
International Baccalaureate English, Grade 3 - DP2 (IB) (Maastricht)
Review by T