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54 private teachers in Seoul

Trusted teacher: I was born in 1990 and pursued my Bachelor in Fine Arts, specializing in painting and got my Masters in Art Education. As a visual artist, I am passionate about helping students who aspire to enter Art and Design departments and enhance their artistic abilities. In my courses, I cover a wide range of subjects including anatomy, composition, ratio-proportion, still life, light-dark, space, tonal perception, figure drawing and imaginary composition. Recently, I received an offer for a PhD program at the University of Glasgow in Image and Text Studies, where I will be focusing my research on wordless graphic narratives. I am eager to explore this unique form of storytelling and contribute to the academic field. In 2021, I published my debut illustrated book in London, UK. I am also glad to have been featured in The Guardian, where my illustrations gained recognition in 2023. Currently, I reside in Seoul where I continue to pursue my artistic endeavors and would like to help others to improve their drawing skills! Best Wishes! Emre Here is my lesson plan: Developing Artistic Abilities in One Month Objective: To enhance students' artistic abilities with a focus on skills required for Art and Design departments. The course will cover anatomy, composition, ratio-proportion, still life, light-dark, space, tonal perception, figure drawing, and imaginary composition. Week 1: Fundamentals of Drawing Day 1-2: Introduction to Basic Drawing Techniques Overview of essential drawing tools and materials. Explanation of line, shape, form, and texture. Practice exercises focusing on contour drawing. Day 3-5: Exploring Ratio and Proportion Understanding the importance of ratio and proportion in art. Exercises on scaling objects, maintaining proper proportions. Week 2: Mastering Composition and Still Life Day 6-8: Composition Principles Introduction to compositional elements: balance, unity, contrast. Analyzing famous artworks for composition. Day 9-10: Still Life Drawing Setting up and arranging still life compositions. Techniques for capturing light and shadow on objects. Week 3: Delving into Tonal Perception and Space Day 11-13: Tonal Perception Understanding the importance of tonal values in art. Practice exercises on creating depth and form through shading. Day 14-15: Creating Spatial Depth Techniques for depicting space in 2D artworks. Perspective drawing exercises. Week 4: Figure Drawing and Imaginary Composition Day 16-18: Introduction to Figure Drawing Basics of anatomy for figure drawing. Gesture drawing and capturing dynamic poses. Day 19-20: Imaginary Composition Stimulating creativity through imaginary scenarios. Creating artworks that tell a story or evoke emotions. Assessment and Final Project Day 21-25: Review and Critique Review of the skills learned throughout the month. Peer critiques and feedback sessions. Day 26-30: Final Project Students will apply all learned skills to create a comprehensive artwork. Individual presentations and critiques of final projects. Conclusion and Reflection Reflect on the progress made during the month. Discuss future goals and areas for continued improvement. Providing resources for further learning and exploration. Note: This lesson plan is flexible and can be adjusted based on the specific needs and progress of the students.
Drawing & sketching · Illustration · Art
Trusted teacher: Bonjour Bonjour; You're maybe planning to travel to France for Business or for vacations...Or you just want to learn French for Academic or professional reasons! My name is Hicham (Here the French spelling of my first name make it sound "HiTChem" in English speaking countries - which i find awful to hear :) so the exact spelling to pronounce it right should be Heesham). And this is the perfect example that Pronounciation is one of the most important matter in French learning; not only for you to be able to understand French words and learn them, but also and mostly to be able to be understood when you speak them. Just like it's hard to understand a new english speaker with a strong foreign accent Imagine: "Un ver vert va vers un verre vert". Which means that a green worm is going towards a green glass. This doesn't make any sense but it illustrates what we call Homonymes. The word homonyme comes from Latin, more specifically as "Homos" (similar) and "onoma" (name). And it get more complicated when Homophones have the same pronounciation but not the same meaning nor the same spelling. Or worst; "Homographes" which are written the same spelling but complete different meaning and pronounciation. And finally the most tricky ones are the perfect Homonymes like:" un TOUR de magie" and la TOUR d'un chateau. (Magic trick and Castle Tower)... But don't worry - You don't need to understand what the Oceans are made of to be able to swim. And this is here I come. I am born in France (born in 1978 in Orleans) - studied in France, Teach French in Morocco, UK, Spain and Italy for Communication Business purposes. I used to teach Sales in French to Non-native French speaker Callcenter Agents in the Philippines lately. Been teaching in English. Yes I have been learning and practicing English since 2012 and I am now perfectly fluent with an accent which is not French :) Yay :) And my role as your French teacher will be to give you the perfect coaching to make you improve your French skills just like I did in French and other languages. Yes, I am the perfect example that anyone can learn a new language and become like a native one. I'm proud when I meet french people speaking english together when they cannot notice my accent and don't know I'm from France until I tell them. Of course, I will provide you all the Grammar, Conjugaison, Orthographe and all the basics modules from the French Academy you need to practice and have a proper French conversation. But not only, I garantee you that you will be able to sing in French.(it will develop your French ear and your pronounciation) My classes are customized for one to one classes or small group of people who want to have a real follow up on your learning evolution. From beginner to advance. It will include private sessions, customized exercises, funny home work... one to one conversations, French songs :) Yes I will sing too. I will give you all the tools and tricks that I used myself to reach my English level. So together, we will make sure to find the right path for you to learn and practice French with a purpose. Contact me if you have questions (the pricing offer is per student for maximum group of 10 people). One to one French coaching can be organized as well; Feel free to contact me A bientot Hicham
French · Grammar · Communication skills
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