
Music composition lessons in France

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598 music composition teachers in France

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598 music composition teachers in France

My name is Andrea, I have recently concluded my Artist's Master in keyboard instruments at the Guildhall School of Music & Drama. My passion for music induced me to apply in the “Conservatorio Profesional de Música de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria” in the course of Harpsichord as my principal study. After 10 years studying music and obtaining the diploma of “Grado de Enseñanzas Profesionales” in the conservatory, I developed a deep interest for Classical and Early music for keyboard instruments. Discovering a historical and musical universe, I decided to continue my performing and theoretical investigation studying the bachelor course in keyboard instruments including piano, harpsichord and organ. I had the amazing opportunity to obtain a scholarship and study at the "Conservatorio Tartini di Trieste", in Italy. Working with exceptional teachers, i was able expand my linguistic abilities and cultural appreciation for the expressive diversity of Keyboard music. I have discovered the magnificent variety between many composers all around Europe and the distinct features and techniques they utilized to improvise and to embellish their pieces. During this artistic journey, i have had extraordinary performance experiences as a soloist including playing at the Parlament of Brussels and the National Gallery in Bosnia. Recently, living in London has inspired me to take part in a wide variety of exciting projects such as performing as a keyboard accompanist in Opera Scenes and with the Guildhall Baroque Orchestra in the Milton Court Concert Hall.
Piano · Music composition · Music theory
This course is aimed at beginners, with or without mastery of music writing. It will be possible to cover: - The basics of writing music, melodic (notation of pitches and rhythms on the staff) and harmonic (notation of chords); - The basics of classical and/or jazz harmony: notations, chord compositions, chord functions, modulations, etc. - Questions of form: what structure should you give to your piece? What are the "classic" forms? How to start/finish a piece? The course will be structured between: - on the one hand, the rereading of work composed by the student, in order to suggest avenues for development; - on the other hand, the teaching of the necessary or desired tools from the list above. My profile : I have been studying for a year in the "Performer Jazz" bachelor's degree in transverse flute at the Haute Ecole de Musique de Lausanne. With 20 years of instrumental practice, I began composing on my own by discovering computer-assisted music as a teenager. I then developed a more "written" composition style (on score) over the past 6 years during my studies at the Grenoble Conservatory (France). I obtained a Diploma of Musical Studies there rewarding 5 years of harmony and writing "in styles" which allowed me to appropriate the classical, baroque, romantic styles, of Fauré and Debussy, Bartok and Bill Evans. I also took free composition classes for 5 years. My experiences include the musical setting of a feature film for a piano-flute duo, the composition of pieces for solo piano, for chamber music ensembles, for small orchestras, for jazz quartet and septet.
Music composition · Music theory
(77 reviews)
Lou-Indigo - Brussels$48
Trusted teacher: The course that I propose is BILINGUAL FRENCH / ENGLISH, as well as 2 BOOKS. Age and musical taste are not restrictive when in the program, you can with qualitative daily work (not quantitative) quickly observe your progress. Here the pleasure of playing music is put forward. The kind of music you love most will be the focus of the course, their codes and secrets will be the focus of our study, that's what I want to share with you. We can do technical lessons and simply learn together how to play one or more songs of your choice or mine, enrich your game with this approach and your repertoire! (For example, We can re-arrange the pieces and make them more original by approaching the system (CAGED), and enriching their chords, resulting in new positions, new techniques and new sounds, using arpeggio techniques rather than strumming for 4-chord pieces, voicing and fingerstyle techniques, in short, expanding the instrument's playing fields and playing skills to keep progressing in your game and improve your rehearsals ...) If you make a request, this program is obviously accompanied by the pleasure of learning more in theory and being able to directly apply new knowledge on its instrument and identify its common or rare use in the pieces discussed in class. In this case, the theory is translated to be accessible to anyone, both for those who are connoisseurs and for those who discover everything from absolute zero. The exercises, songs, and theoretical explanations offered throughout the program are organized in an order of progressive difficulty. I wrote and produced 2 books of my method to learn the guitar and the music, that I sell to accompany my course and your apprenticeship in the best conditions and so that you can continue the course even at home and to review etc ... . There is ONE BOOK OF COURSES containing all the theoretical and practical program of the year, as well as a BOOK OF EXERCISE on the ranges and the modes that you can obtain directly. You can find here an indicative list of objectives that I propose in my theoretical program, which can of course adapt to your request. The general theoretical objectives of the course: --- Tuning / tuning and knowing his guitar: * Standard Tuning * Drop Tuning * Open Tuning * Adjust the optimal tension of the strings * Adjust the shaft axis * Adjust the action of the strings * Choose the strings adapted to the style of play / tuning * Change his strings -Know his chords: * Triads: Fundamental State & Inversions * Tetrads: Fundamental State & Inversions * The chord progressions of the Range * Arpeggio techniques (tapping, sweep, 1/2/4 fing.shape, etc ...) --- Know his scales and his modes * The Mode of the Major scale * 3 Modes of the Minor scale: Natural / Melodic / Harmonic * Modes of the Pentatonic range: 5 positions * Modes of the Blues range: 5 positions Etc ... --- Technique to the Pick / Plectrum / Tab / Pick (Electric Guitar): * Alternate Picking * Fast Picking / Tremolo Picking * Hybrid Picking * Palm Mute * Natural Harmonics * Pinch Harmonics * Artificial Harmonics * Shredding * Tapping * Sweep Picking * Legato Picking --- Strumming / Hand Picking (Acoustic Guitar) * "SnareDrum" percussion on the guitar * Arpeggios pinched with 4 fingers + thumb * Rasgueado (Flamenco Technique) * Generic Strumming * Fingerstyle Picking * Two-finger picking + Legato for fast melodies (eg a solo) -Play the metronome * exercises on click * practice on song riffs -Learn his favorite songs * without thinking about the difficulty, nothing is impossible with the right methodology -Improvise * choose ranges and positions * to place oneself rhythmically, to finish on the judicious notes -Theory of Harmony * Understand harmonization and its practice -Theory on the Melody -Theory of Rhythm
Guitar · Music composition
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Our students from France evaluate their Music Composition teacher.

To ensure the quality of our Music Composition teachers, we ask our students from France to review them.
Only reviews of students are published and they are guaranteed by Apprentus. Rated 4.9 out of 5 based on 224 reviews.

Guitar / Bass / Ukulele / Theory (Brussels)
Lou-Indigo is hands-down the best teacher I have ever had the pleasure of learning music from. Having been taught by a number of music teachers for a variety of different instruments, I have experienced a range of different teaching styles and personalities, yet nobody has been able to keep me focused and captivated by music in the way that Lou-Indigo does. In the past, music lessons would always bore me, as I found that my perspective of music being an outlet of creativity would often be tarnished by previous teachers who took too much of a strict, structural approach to music. On the other hand, some other teachers would be too relaxed, often leading to me becoming frustrated by a lack of progress and direction. Lou-Indigo manages to skillfully combine structure, creativity and a relaxed atmosphere into a 60-minute lesson. I am the complete opposite of bored and genuinely look forward to every lesson. Instead of feeling drained after sessions, I feel inspired to learn more. In my opinion, Lou-Indigo does this by crafting just the right amount of challenge into each exercise, enough to give you a sense of progress and achievement, but not too much to make you feel frustrated or overly daunted. Furthermore, his clear explanation of music theory and guitar techniques, evidently backed by years of experience, gives you a deeper insight into music, uncovering the medium's potential for creative expression. I could not recommend Lou-Indigo more.
Singing Lessons (Individual) - Pop, Jazz, Soul, Blues, Rock (Amsterdam)
Not just a singing teacher, but by the way also the best vocal coach you can get hold of at this moment and in this area of the Netherlands (so take your chance...;-)). For about 3 years I had a serious problem with my vocal chords (incomplete closure) and a dislocated larynx. I started to be in contact with Stefano by chance asking him to show me some (singing) exercises additionally to my treatment at the ENT-department of Martini Ziekenhuis Groningen as well as an ongoing therapy at a professional trained speech therapist. To cut a long story short: Within a couple of lessons and dedicated exercises he succeeded in re-positioning my larynx and got rid of my incomplete vocal cords closure, meanwhile the medical specialists had decided that the only cure could possibly be an operation... As a ‘side-effect’ I am now able to sing and control my voice like I have never been able before and could never have imagined that this was possible to achieve by just some simple but individually chosen exercises and practice. Grazie!
Review by JANA
Professional Funk Bassist Teaches For All Levels & Styles (Saint-Gilles)
After only a few lessons with Jeremy, I can say that he helped me progress more than I was able to achieve in 2 years trying to learn the bass through Youtube videos… He helped with the theoretical aspects as well as with my playing technique. He is very methodical and adapts to your needs and requests, and he also provided me with homework and very helpful tips and practice exercices. Highly recommended!
Review by ZAKARIA