
Spelling lessons in Belgium

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59 spelling teachers in Belgium

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59 spelling teachers in Belgium

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Our students from Belgium evaluate their Spelling teacher.

To ensure the quality of our Spelling teachers, we ask our students from Belgium to review them.
Only reviews of students are published and they are guaranteed by Apprentus. Rated 4.8 out of 5 based on 57 reviews.

Dutch lessons (from beginners to advanced, customized lessons too) (Leiderdorp)
Rianne was a good choice of teacher. She is extremely patient - and goodness knows trying to teach a slow-learner like me requires a great deal of patience!! She is also friendly but firm. She always arrives on time, with classes prepared but isn't inflexible with the learning. For example, If we start to stray away from the book a little and pursue something that helps me understand a point of grammar or get to grips with the pronunciation of a specific phrase, she encourages it. She understands that for me, learning a new language is a real challenge and my confidence is not especially high whilst doing it - and i'm grateful that she sees this, tries to adjust the way she teaches to fit the way that i learn and doesn't show any exasperation! I would recommend Rianne wholeheartedly.
Review by JANE
Dutch tutoring for children up to group 8, arithmetic tutoring up to group 6/NT2 for children and adults (Utrecht)
Hetty helped me prepare for my staatsexamens NT2. She corrected my practice exams and gave me lessons where she provided me feedback and tips. We also practiced speaking exercises together. Hetty was always quick with returning the practice exams and gave helpful written and oral feedback. She was always very encouraging and made me feel confident about taking my exams. Thank you Hetty!
Review by AMY
Contemporary Voice Singing Lessons in English - R&B, soul, neosoul and pop styles (Paris)
Katherine was very patient for my first singing class ever :) She explained the theory and how the body works in terms of singing well but didn't make me feel overwhelmed with information. Her constructive feedback was helpful and made me want to improve more!
Review by SANDRA