
Valencian lessons in Germany

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Basic English course for beginners and students PERSONAL INFORMATION Name: PABLO VILA RODRIGO Date of birth: January 20, 1975 Marital status Married Military Service: Accomplished ACADEMIC TRAINING. · 1993 – 1996: Diploma in Labor Relations from the University of Valencia. FURTHER TRAINING. · 2002. Technical Course Occupational Risk Prevention, higher level, special ity Safety at Work. Taught by Classroom M12. · 2005. Technical Course Occupational Risk Prevention, higher level, special ity Industrial hygiene . Taught by Confemeta l. · 2004. Technical Course Occupational Risk Prevention, higher level, special ity Ergonomics and social psychology. Taught by Mutua Univer s al. · 2008. Occupational Risk Prevention Systems Audit Course. Imparted by Confemeta l. · COURSES I SO 9 0 0 1 , 1 4 0 0 1 , and OHSA S 1 8 0 0 1 , accredited by Co n feme tal · Expert course on the preparation of Self-protection Plans, INVA S SA T (April 2 0 2 2) · Hazardous waste management, taught by S a nr omán consultancy. · S pecialist in Collective Negotiation, taught by Generalitat V al e nc i ana (May 2 0 2 2 ) · Pedagogical and practical id training course for business trainers, taught by the Institute of perman ent forma tion; Trainer of Trainers, by CSI F yen E - learning, taught by r Co r eNe two rks . Seminar on Transversalization of Nenet Prevention ap aseducativ es of the INVA SSAT (April 2 0 2 2) · Other courses: LOPD regulations, Data Protection Delegate, Equality Plans, Telework - Equality - Co nc ili ation, Quality Audit and CSR in SMEs, Coaching, Life Support From automat ic fibril action, digital competencies, among others, accredited by various i ns tit u tio ns and training centers
English · Valencian · Elementary school level
Trusted teacher: (Translated to Valencian and English at the end) ¡Hola! Bienvenido a mis clases de español y valenciano. Me llamo Alicia y tengo experencia dando clases a gente de todas las edades. En mis clases, te ofreceré una experiencia de aprendizaje divertida y enriquecedora para que puedas aprender español o valenciano desde cualquier lugar del mundo. Ya sea que seas principiante o tengas experiencia previa en el idioma, ajustaré el contenido de la clase para satisfacer tus necesidades y ayudarte a alcanzar tus objetivos. Utilizaré una variedad de recursos y técnicas pedagógicas para hacer que el aprendizaje sea interesante y atractivo. En cada clase, te presentaré nuevos conceptos gramaticales y vocabulario, y también trabajaremos en habilidades de escuchar, hablar, leer y escribir. Mi objetivo es que desarrolles habilidades prácticas para comunicarte efectivamente en español o valenciano, y que puedas usar estas habilidades en situaciones cotidianas y en el mundo real. Será una oportunidad única para aprender y mejorar tus habilidades lingüísticas en un entorno relajado y amigable. ¡Espero verte en clase pronto! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hola! Benvingut a les meues classes d'espanyol i valencià. Em dic Alicia i tinc experencia fent classes a gent de totes les edats. En les meues classes, t'oferiré una experiència d'aprenentatge divertida i enriquidora perquè pugues aprendre espanyol o valencià des de qualsevol lloc del món. Ja siga que sigues principiant o tingues experiència prèvia en l'idioma, ajustaré el contingut de la classe per a satisfer les teues necessitats i ajudar-te a aconseguir els teus objectius. Utilitzaré una varietat de recursos i tècniques pedagògiques per a fer que l'aprenentatge siga interessant i atractiu. En cada classe, et presentaré nous conceptes gramaticals i vocabulari, i també treballarem en habilitats d'escoltar, parlar, llegir i escriure. El meu objectiu és que desenvolupes habilitats pràctiques per a comunicar-te efectivament en espanyol o valencià, i que pugues usar aquestes habilitats en situacions quotidianes i en el món real. Serà una oportunitat única per a aprendre i millorar les teues habilitats lingüístiques en un entorn relaxat i amigable. Espere veure't en classe prompte! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hello! Welcome to my Spanish and Valencian classes. My name is Alicia and I have experience teaching people of all ages. In my classes, I will offer you a fun and enriching learning experience so that you can learn Spanish or Valencian from anywhere in the world. Whether you are a beginner or have previous experience in the language, I will adjust the class content to meet your needs and help you achieve your goals. I will use a variety of teaching resources and techniques to make learning interesting and engaging. In each class, I'll introduce you to new grammar concepts and vocabulary, and we'll also work on listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills. My goal is for you to develop practical skills to communicate effectively in Spanish or Valencian, and to be able to use these skills in everyday situations and in the real world. It will be a unique opportunity to learn and improve your language skills in a relaxed and friendly environment. Hope to see you in class soon!
Valencian · Spanish
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Our students from Germany evaluate their Valencian teacher.

To ensure the quality of our Valencian teachers, we ask our students from Germany to review them.
Only reviews of students are published and they are guaranteed by Apprentus. Rated 5.0 out of 5 based on 2 reviews.

Language classes: English, Valencian and Spanish
Lorena Gómez
I have taken weekly lessons with Lorena for six weeks so far and plan to continue several more weeks. I am preparing for a two month trip to Portugal and Spain, so I really wanted to work with someone living in Spain, since all of my language experience is in Latin America. We have been focusing on conversation completely in Spanish. Lorena is good at explaining things in Spanish and correcting my mistakes. She has helpful suggestions of websites and other resources. We talk a lot about places to travel and typical food in Spain. I highly recommend Lorena as a profesora excellente!
Review by KRISTINE

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