
Ancient greek lessons in Germany

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36 ancient greek teachers in Germany

Trusted teacher: Master's Degree in Philosophy at UNICAL. Independent researcher publishing on academic journals and presenting at conferences in Europe. Individual lessons or packages of 5 lessons or 10 lessons among the following: 1. - The origins of Western Philosophy from its roots in Ancient Greek Paganism. Homer's "Iliad" and "Odyssey", Hesiod and the "Theogony" as a necessary background for understanding the birth of Philosophy. The theory of the oriental influence behind the beginning of critical thinking. 2. - Thales and the "Arkhé": how in the beginning there was water. Water in Homer, Hesiod, and Thales. Water in Near Eastern mythology. The concept of "Arkhé" and its relation to the idea of "archaic" and the science of "archeology". 3. - Pythagoras and Numbers. Pythagoras' Theorem. The Tetraktys. Pythagoreans and their unknown character. The mysteries of Mathematics. Oriental origins? 4. - Anaximander and the Apeiron. Apeiron and Hesiod's Chaos. Apeiron and Fate/Necessity. Apeiron and the Original Sin. Heidegger's reading of the fragment. 5. - Anaximenes and Air. The Greek concept of "Pneuma" and Owen Barfield's theory of Poetic Diction. Ruach in the Old Testament. Luce Irigaray and the Air-Oblivion. 6. - Heraclitus: the Fire of Logos; "War is a father to all"; "You may not wash twice in the same river". The union of the opposites. A Romantic Age parallel: William Blake and "The Marriage of Heaven and Hell". Taoism, Zen Buddhism, and Heraclitus. 7. - Parmenides and the question of Being: "What exists must exist and cannot disappear; what does not exist cannot exist and cannot appear". Emanuele Severino. Philosophy and Poetry. 8. - Hempedocles and the Two "Arkhai": Love and Strife. Who said we should have a monarchy in principles? and other highlights of philosophical dualism (and pluralism). 9. - Anaxagoras and the "homoiomeriai": the little particles of which everything is comprised of. Did we mention pluralism? Can we talk about evolution in Anaxagoras? What about reincarnation or "metempsychosis"? What about Buddhism? 10. - Democritus and the atoms. Is it philosophy or science? A precursor of modern discoveries or an ancient Pre-Socratic thinker? Does Democritus fit well with his precursors?
Philosophy · Ancient greek
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Only reviews of students are published and they are guaranteed by Apprentus. Rated 4.9 out of 5 based on 62 reviews.

French school courses for high school students (Schaarbeek)
Serdane is a wonderful teacher. Although my daughter learnt French at school she was very unconfident. Serdane was very sympathetic and gave her interesting material to read, discuss and to learn in class. She also went back to the basics which my daughter had missed out on at school and eventually my daughter graduated with 8.8 in French at the European BAC!
Review by VICTORIA
French courses and French and comparative literature - ADULTS
I had my first lesson with Laetitia, it was excellent and informative! She came with a teaching plan and she was well prepared! I booked my second lesson with her already:) Abeer
Review by ABEER
Latin with hyperpolyglot Alessandro (Brussels)
Excellent teacher! First Latin class for my 12 year old daughter. Alessandro quickly understands the required level. Can adapt to wishes and needs. Strongly recommended! Thierry
Review by THIERRY

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