معلم موثوق
In my awesome classes, conversation, motivation, and pronunciation are the focus in learning a language. I will help you to feel comfortable speaking in another language and give you the confidence for daily life through unique, customized classes based on your life story, professional life, and interests. My class are interactive and will be made according to your needs (Business, Holidays ,School ,Exchange Year, etc.). My main goal as a teacher will be to create a fun learning environment, i speak 3 languages fluently (English, Arabic and Spanish) so, I understand the difficulties of starting to learn a foreign language I am a person who loves teaching. I like my classes to be as dynamic and participatory as possible, and to do everything possible so that my students enjoy my subjects and develop their learning in the best possible way. I like to do conversation dynamics, games, activities.... and use daily situations to facilitate learning. I always start from the level and needs of my students, and I am attentive to all the doubts that may arise. The important thing for me is not the peace, but rather that they can achieve their goals. I will be there to advise you on everything you need.

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ضمان المدرس المناسب

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