I use ChatGPT and other AI tools (text-to-speech, image-generation) every day. It's my best collaborators. Let me show you how it's done, the easy way, for anything. I'm an artist who thinks creative but also a programmer - I use AI in they way other people can't imagine.I will teach you how to automate your life, your business and optimize everything to move forward the faster than ever - do it before it's too late. The course is so condensed and good that very fast you will replace me with a specific ChatGPT model who will be better than me. That's the goal. Here's a list of ways you can leverage ChatGPT and other AI tools in various aspects of life and business: In Business: 1. **Customer Support Automation:** Use ChatGPT for instant responses and issue resolution. 2. **Content Generation:** Employ AI for creating SEO-friendly content. 3. **Market Research:** Analyze trends and feedback for strategic decision-making. 4. **Automated Email Responses:** Set up AI-driven responses for quick communication. 5. **Data Analysis and Insights:** Extract valuable business insights using AI algorithms. 6. **Product Recommendations:** Provide personalized product suggestions to enhance customer experience. 7. **Supply Chain Optimization:** Optimize inventory management and logistics with AI. 8. **Human Resources:** Use AI in recruitment processes for efficiency. In Life: 1. **Personal Assistant:** Use ChatGPT for scheduling and task management. 2. **Learning and Education:** Leverage AI for personalized learning experiences. 3. **Health and Wellness:** Use AI-driven fitness apps for a healthier lifestyle. 4. **Language Translation:** Break down language barriers with AI-powered translation. 5. **Travel Planning:** Utilize AI for efficient travel itinerary planning. 6. **Smart Home Automation:** Integrate AI into smart devices for enhanced control. 7. **Financial Management:** Use AI tools for budgeting and investment analysis. 8. **Social Media Management:** Enhance online presence with AI-driven scheduling and analytics.
If I was stranded on a desert island I would take only Adobe Photoshop with me. Hi, I'm an artist living in Amsterdam who is a big believer in Photoshop and working with this tool everyday. I will teach you hand by hand (layer by layer) to do anything in Photoshop. Web Design, Graphic Design, App design, Logos (Corporate Identity), Photography, Art collage - name it. The program is cropped for you. We can start from really beginning or jump into the ocean. If you want help with a project or a learn specific skill just let me know. We can meet in my studio in Amsterdam Center, in my house Amsterdam Oost, in a cafe or in your location. Bonus: You will get familiar with Photoshop so badly that you will start making Photoshop jokes. Need help with Photoshop working on a project? Im here to help. Need a practical advice or help to do something specific? You know where to find me.
If I would go to a deserted island I would take Adobe Photoshop with me. Hi, I'm an artist living in Amsterdam who is a big believer in Photoshop and working with this tool everyday. I will teach you step by step (layer by layer) to do anything in Photoshop. Web Design, Graphic Design, App design, Logos (Corporate Identity), Photography, Art collage - name it. The program is cropped for you. We can start from the beginning or start anywhere you like. If you want help with a project or learn a specific skill just let me know. We can meet at my studio in Amsterdam Center, at my house Amsterdam East or at your location. Bonus: You will get familiar with Photoshop so fast that you will start making Photoshop jokes which only you will probably understand.
I'm a drone pilot with a few years of experience, a pilot license from the government, a medical exam, and insurance. Most of my activities are making films, videos, and photography with my drone DJI Phantom 4. If you want to know how to fly, use applications with drones, safety, and professional video making I'm here to help. I can also teach you how to fly inside, making a 3d scan of a space with a drone and programming different flights. Also, if you don't have a drone and want to just film something with it I'm here to help you, assist you, and show you how.
Come to my studio or lets go to the park, use my equipment and learn by practice everything about filmmaking, videomaking, editing and photography. Very practical and down to earth. Cropped for your need and expectations. Useful skills. Do you need help with video recording, documentation? You know where to find me? Here.

المراجعات (8)

بيوتر مدرب رائع يتمتع بمهارات عديدة في مجال الفيديو وصناعة الأفلام. التواصل معه سهل. أوصي به بشدة!
ترجم باستخدام ترجمة جوجل. اضغط لعرض النص الأصلي.
معلم لطيف وصبر، يتطلع إلى العمل معًا.
ترجم باستخدام ترجمة جوجل. اضغط لعرض النص الأصلي.
معلم ممتاز وصبر
ترجم باستخدام ترجمة جوجل. اضغط لعرض النص الأصلي.
لقد سررت كثيرًا بالدرس الملهم الذي قدمه لي بيوتر. لقد أعد درسه وكان دقيقًا ومليئًا بالإلهام الجديد وملمًا بتقنيات مختلفة في برنامج فوتوشوب. كان قادرًا على التواصل (بالنسبة لي في مستواي) بسهولة وكان يساعدني في التغلب على العديد من الصعوبات. إلى جانب ذلك، أظهر نظرة ثاقبة في النهج الفني لعملي الفني. إنه يستحق ذلك بالتأكيد، كارين هوفيوس. فقط لا أعرف ما إذا كان هذا للمبتدئين، يجب أن تكون أكثر تقدمًا قليلاً. لكنني مقتنع أنه يمكنه أيضًا التعامل مع المبتدئين.
ترجم باستخدام ترجمة جوجل. اضغط لعرض النص الأصلي.
إنه مدرس جيد للتصوير الفوتوغرافي ويعلم العديد من المعارف، لقد تعلمت التصوير الفوتوغرافي والفوتوشوب وأدوبي بريمير وأيضًا ووردبريس. أقوم بإنشاء مدونة وقد زودني بالعديد من المعارف حول كل ما أحتاجه وقد اندهشت كثيرًا لأنها عززت مهاراتي.
ترجم باستخدام ترجمة جوجل. اضغط لعرض النص الأصلي.

ضمان المدرس المناسب

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