Since 2016, I have been tutoring Chinese to both adults and children. I provide Chinese lessons tailored for various purposes, such as business, travel, HSK preparation, and more. Additionally, I have experience teaching mathematics in English to international students ranging from primary school to middle school levels. I design my lessons according to the specific needs and interests of each student. If necessary, I can provide additional exercises for practice at home and supplementary notes to reinforce the lesson content.
Since 2016, I have been tutoring the Chinese language for both adults and children. I offer Chinese lessons tailored for various purposes such as business, travel, and HSK exam preparation. Additionally, I have experience teaching math to international students from primary school to high school levels, using English as the medium of instruction. I design my lessons according to the specific needs and interests of each student. If necessary, I can provide exercises for practice at home as well as supplementary notes for the lesson.
Dear all, I am located near Geneva, Switzerland and I offer Chinese and Math lessons. Since 2016, I have been providing tutoring services to school students and adults on a weekly basis. I have over 4 years of experience teaching math to international students, ranging from primary school to high school, using English as the medium of instruction. In addition, I have also been tutoring Chinese to both adults and children at TheLanguageCenter in Ferney Voltaire. I tailor my lessons according to the individual needs and interests of each student. If necessary, I can provide exercises for practice at home as well as supplementary notes for the lesson. Thank you for your attention. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Dear all, I am located near Geneva, Switzerland and I offer Chinese and Math lessons. Since 2016, I have been providing tutoring services to school students and adults on a weekly basis. I have over 4 years of experience teaching math to international students, ranging from primary school to high school, using English as the medium of instruction. In addition, I have also been tutoring Chinese to both adults and children at TheLanguageCenter in Ferney Voltaire. I tailor my lessons according to the individual needs and interests of each student. If necessary, I can provide exercises for practice at home as well as supplementary notes for the lesson. Thank you for your attention. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Chers tous, Je vis près de Genève, en Suisse, et je propose des cours de chinois et de mathématiques. Depuis 2016, j'ai donné des cours particuliers à des élèves et à des adultes. J'ai plus de 4 ans d'expérience dans l'enseignement des mathématiques aux étudiants internationaux, de l'école primaire au lycée, en anglais. J'ai également enseigné la langue chinoise aux adultes ainsi qu'aux enfants à l'école The Language Center à Ferney-Voltaire. Je crée mes cours en fonction des besoins et des intérêts de chaque élève. Si nécessaire, je fournirai des exercices à faire à la maison ainsi que des notes supplémentaires sur la leçon. Merci de votre attention. Si vous avez des questions, n'hésitez pas à me contacter.

المراجعات (19)

تهانينا لأطفالي على درسهم الأول في اللغة الصينية! كان من الرائع رؤيتهم ينغمسون في تجربة التعلم الجديدة هذه. أنا فخور بهم جدا! 🌟🇨🇳
ترجم باستخدام ترجمة جوجل. اضغط لعرض النص الأصلي.
اتصال أول جيد جدًا
ترجم باستخدام ترجمة جوجل. اضغط لعرض النص الأصلي.
معلم عظيم!
ترجم باستخدام ترجمة جوجل. اضغط لعرض النص الأصلي.
أحب ابني البالغ من العمر 12 عامًا الدرس. لقد وجد طريقة CuiCui في التدريس شاملة وسهلة الفهم. ينصح به بشده!
ترجم باستخدام ترجمة جوجل. اضغط لعرض النص الأصلي.
حصلت على الدرس الأول مع Cuihong واستمتعت به حقًا. لقد ساعدتني في النطق الأساسي (مساعدة جيدة جدًا لمبتدئ مثلي) وعلمتني بعض الحكايات المثيرة للاهتمام. كانت أيضًا سريعة وموثوقة جدًا في الرد على رسائل البريد الإلكتروني الخاصة بي من خلال Apprentus، كما أنها شخص ودود. نتطلع إلى مواصلة الدروس معها!
ترجم باستخدام ترجمة جوجل. اضغط لعرض النص الأصلي.

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