
Philosophy lessons in Belgium

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10 philosophy teachers in Belgium

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10 philosophy teachers in Belgium

Trusted teacher: After a degree in philosophy in the Sorbonne, I went to visit this vast world and I discovered that my discipline was not restricted to the walls of the University and that it flourished better in the open air. If today it is a system of thought among many others, philosophy remains a mother-matter and, well taught, it allows to give meaning and depth to our projects, our lives and our visions of the world. Passionate and experienced in the art of teaching, driven as much by the desire to learn as that of transmitting, I propose here two formulas: By the first I address myself to artists and other professionals who have had little or nothing to do with philosophy during their studies, and who would need, within their practice, the deepening of a concept, of an author or an entire branch. Are you a director and your story is about critical ideas? You are a researcher and your project needs a framework beyond your own field, an epistemological or disciplinary opening? You are a reporter and feel the need to know a little more about the philosophy of the countries you are going to visit? So our discussions can make sense. The second formula is an experience that I have long envisaged without being able to realize it in the French shackles of school philosophy. I am addressing a young audience: what would you say if philosophy became the weekly leisure of your children? If the cave of Plato and the river of Heraclitus were the images with which they amuse themselves and grow at the same time?
Trusted teacher: Teacher with an Erasmus Mundus Master's degree in "French and German philosophies in the European area" and an aggregation of upper secondary education wishes to give private lessons (both in philosophy and in French). My university education is essentially philosophical. I first obtained a bachelor's degree in philosophy and sociology at the Paris Sorbonne University, before being awarded an Erasmus mundus scholarship, which allowed me to pursue my master's degree in philosophy. Also, I hold two aggregations of the upper secondary education (one for the didactic of the course of catholic religion and the other for the didactic of the course of philosophy and citizenship). My passion is not limited only to the acquisition of skills. It also extends to the "transmission" and the exchange of these. That's how I got a taste for teaching. Indeed, I am currently entering my fifth year in teaching (first as a professor of religion and currently as a professor of philosophy and citizenship). However, the objectives of the courses that I offer (academic support, improvement of an already solid level or a simple desire to cultivate oneself, help with writing various works, etc.) depend on everyone. These same objectives will be set during a prior discussion. The teacher (who I am) is not only a transmitter of knowledge and skills. It is also someone who is there to guide and guide. That's why, beyond the goals that are set, I develop a pedagogy that encourages interaction.
French · Philosophy
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Our students from Belgium evaluate their Philosophy teacher.

To ensure the quality of our Philosophy teachers, we ask our students from Belgium to review them.
Only reviews of students are published and they are guaranteed by Apprentus. Rated 4.7 out of 5 based on 38 reviews.

French course: the French language and its wealth should not stop you, on the contrary! (Schaarbeek)
Jérémy was a great French teacher. He was always available to solve doubts and to change schedules when needed. He always prepared the classes in advance so we could make the most of them. He proposed different activities and ways to improve my French in a practical and entertaining way. I would definitely recommend Jérémy to anyone who would like to improve their French in Brussels!
Review by HELENA ROS
Writing Spelling, Grammar Conjugation, Private lessons possible online (Bou Attouche)
Sarah has been teaching French to my 12 year old daughter for 6 weeks to prepare her for end of tests. My daughter has massively benefited from the sessions in her confidence both reading and speaking. Highly recommend Sarah!
Review by KAL