The foundation of web development lies in HTML. To start building your website from scratch, you'll need to learn HTML. I have been an enthusiastic HTML programmer since the early days of the web. In my course, you will not only learn how to create responsive websites but also get familiar with the basics of relevant technologies such as PHP and MySQL.
I hold a PhD and my thesis topic was the Design of Biomedical Implants and Biomaterials under Static, Impact, and Fatigue loads. I currently work as a post-doctoral researcher in the Aerospace Engineering Faculty at TU Delft (Delft University of Technology). Some examples of the topics that will be covered in our lesson are • The musculoskeletal system • Loads and motion in the musculoskeletal systems • Bone tissue mechanics • Soft tissue mechanics • Beam theory for structural analysis of musculoskeletal systems • Beams on elastic foundation • Interface modelling • Bone-implant systems • Implant design by means of material optimization • Screws in implant fixation • Intramedullary rods • Bone plates • External fixators • Fracture fixation devices • Total hip replacement • Total knee replacement • Articulating surfaces Courses that require knowledge in physiology, Materials Science, and Mechanical Behavior of Materials may become challenging for students who lack a solid basis in either of the fields. To address this, I take a student-centered approach, starting from the basics to actively engage all students, including those with weaker backgrounds. If you have any additional questions before starting a class, please feel free to ask me. I am here to assist! :)
You will learn Systematic Reasoning & Logical Thinking which is a requirement for entering Computer Science program in many universities. The book “Delftse Foundations of Computation” especially its second chapter will be the main source of our lesson, but other more in-depth books will be also covered if you want to improve even further on logical thinking. The topics in our lesson include: • Propositional Logic: Logical operators; Precedence rules; Logical equivalence; Implications in English; Exclusive or; Universal operators; Classifying propositions • Boolean Algebra: Substitution laws • Logic Circuits: Logic gates; Combining gates to create circuits; From circuits to propositions; Disjunctive Normal Form; Binary addition. • Predicate Logic: Predicates; Quantifiers; Tarski’s world and formal structures; • Deduction: Valid arguments and proofs; Proofs in predicate logic If you have any additional questions before starting a class, please feel free to ask me. I am here to assist! :)
I hold a PhD in Mechanical Engineering and currently, I am working as a post-doctoral researcher in the Aerospace Engineering Faculty at TU Delft (Delft University of Technology). I have extensive experience in teaching various Mechanical design packages, including LS-DYNA, ANSYS, APDL programming, ABAQUS, MATLAB, SolidWorks, Cura, and Symbolic MATLAB. Some of the finite element modeling and numerical simulations I have worked on include: - Multiscale finite element modeling for fatigue crack propagation in porous materials. - Analysis of multiple-layer sandwich structures' resistance to bird-strike impact [Read paper]. - Investigation of debonding propagation in aluminum and glass/epoxy composite joints under fatigue loading using Fracture Mechanics principles. - Computational prediction of the fatigue behavior of additively manufactured porous metallic biomaterials. - Study of the effect of material type, stacking sequence, and impact location on pedestrian head injury in collisions. If you have any additional questions before starting the class, please don't hesitate to ask me. I am here to help! :)
I hold a PhD in Mechanical Engineering and currently work as a post-doctoral researcher in the Aerospace Engineering Faculty at TU Delft (Delft University of Technology). My extensive teaching experience covers a wide range of engineering courses, including: - Mathematics: algebra, linear algebra, probability, calculus, differential equations, intellectual math, and advanced engineering mathematics. - Mechanical Engineering: Statics, Dynamics, Mechanics of materials, Mechanical design, control, vibration, Fluid Mechanics, Thermodynamics, Heat transfer, Engineering drawing, Applied Mechanics, Composite Structures, Flight, Machine Elements, Manufacturing, 3D printing, and more. - Physics: mechanics, momentum and energy, electricity, charge and current, electric and magnetic fields, waves, particle physics, nuclear decay, astrophysics, cosmology, oscillations, etc. - CAD/CAM Software: Autocad, Solidworks. - Mechanical Design Packages: ANSYS, APDL programming, ABAQUS, MATLAB, Symbolic MATLAB, LS-DYNA. My research and teaching interests are diverse, including: • Additive manufacturing • Mechanical metamaterials • Acoustical metamaterials • Electromagnetic metamaterials • Aeroacoustics • Soft matter and soft robotics • Fatigue and fracture mechanics • Experimental mechanics • Multiscale numerical modelling • Biomaterials • Porous materials • Manufacturing of medical devices and implants • Deep learning • Image processing • Topology optimization • Origami and Kirigami structures • Self-folding and self-assembly structures • Tissue engineering • Permeability in porous materials • Fluid-Solid Interaction I understand that not all teachers excel in teaching Engineering and Mathematics courses and explaining their importance to students. Courses with strong mathematical backgrounds may become boring for students who lack a solid mathematical basis. To address this, I take a student-centered approach, starting from the basics to actively engage all students, including those with weaker mathematical backgrounds. I also provide practical examples to demonstrate the real-world significance of what they are learning, inspiring and fostering their interest in the subject matter. If you have any additional questions before starting a class, please feel free to ask me. I am here to assist! :)

Commentaires (20)

Grande aide avec le projet, très patient et capable de rendre l'apprentissage d'un sujet inconnu beaucoup plus facile que prévu. Je continuerai à utiliser Reza pour développer mes connaissances sur Ansys APDL.
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Bon et flexible
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Extrêmement professionnel et compétent pour tous les problèmes que j'ai rencontrés. Reza est toujours poli, amical et fait toujours preuve d'une grande patience, ce qui, à mon avis, est de la plus haute importance lors de l'apprentissage de matières difficiles. Je le recommande vivement comme professeur !
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Très satisfait de la connaissance de Reza sur SolidWorks. Serviable et patient.
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Mon fils vient de commencer les cours avec Reza et il est impressionné par la façon dont il explique les concepts difficiles.
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  • Professeur depuis juin 2018
  • 14 élèves réguliers
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