Known as the ancient Indian practice of yogic sleep, a complete relaxation of body and mind, allowing only an inner awareness of the spirit to be discovered and given attention. To serve you. It’s a way to totally relax as you’re guided into meditation to explore the qualities of self-care and self-nourishment. We often lead busy schedules at work and home, with long to-do lists and responsibilities in all areas of life. Sometimes we crash and need a reset. Yoga Nidra is where it all comes to a standstill, giving yourself the opportunity to recuperate. To integrate a sense of belonging. To feel at home within ourselves by honouring the subtle voice within and creating a loving, cozy feeling of wholeness. Suitable for practitioners of all levels and abilities. Especially suitable for those who enjoy (the idea of) naps!
Reiki Healing invites us to surrender to that which is bigger than us - energy. In Japan, we know it as 'ki'. In China we say 'qi'. In India and yogic traditions we call it 'prana'. It's our vital life force that flows through every cell of every being, reminding us that we are all connected and that disharmony and disease comes from disconnect. As you rest lying down or seated to receive Reiki through gentle touch, we are both intending to dissolve any blockages in your body which are preventing you from a full, joyful experience of life. Reiki enhances any traditional, allopathic and other complementary treatments. It invites us to surrender to its potent, yet gentle healing; to refrain from asking 'how'; to stay open to the possibility of powerful transformations and to allow it to realign us back to our path of feeling balanced in mind, body and spirit. Reiki teaches us to trust in our own facilitation of wellbeing, the Reiki Therapist purely delivering it to you. You are your healing, because you've intended it so. Because you've surrendered control. Because your desire to feel whole eclipses our conditioned despair.
Yoga for children with Martina is where children can speak and be heard; play and be seen; move and be moved - in mindful and inspiring ways. Where children are encouraged to be happy, calm, and confident in who they are. A fun, creative, and safe environment for children and teens to engage in group activities with their peers as well as family-based sessions. Yoga for children is a wonderful asset to their growth and development. A holistic learning time, cultivates patience, compassion, and respect for the self, one another, and all living beings. We’ll explore the body’s natural movements through yoga, so that we can increase our strength and flexibility. We’ll discover how to relax our mind and look after our emotions. We’ll unearth our innate creativity through crafts and stories. We’ll learn how to improve our concentration, how to respect and embrace our differences and bond over our similarities. There will be high-energy times and quiet times; musical times and inventive times; laughing times, sharing times and concentrating times. All of that and more will be our yoga time, together. Yay! PLEASE NOTE: THIS CLASS IS FOR CHILDREN & TEENS, UP TO AND INCLUDING THE AGE OF 17. For a Family Class, please send a message
Tap, tap, tap to wild wellbeing! The possibilities of Emotional Freedom Technique, simply referred to as Tapping, to heal and bring a sense of calm amidst anxious thoughts and downward spirals, are countless. Whether we’re holding onto past hurts or recovering from physical and emotional pain, tapping on a sequence of specific points, located on our face and upper body, can ease us back into a sense of balance and peace. Melting away negativity, untangling anxiety or clearing fears, addictions and low-moods are some of the disharmonies that tapping can help tackle. By applying gentle, but firm pressure, in a tapping motion to stimulate the acupoints along the path of meridians, together we address the ball of tension and stress that we are so accustomed to carrying, restoring our natural sense of feeling good...really good! And FREE! Can you imagine!?
Let's connect! Together we'll explore the best way *for you* to learn and practice English, based on your needs and goals! Whether you're at your ABCs or looking to polish up those business e-mails, I'm prepared to help you! We all learn and connect with language(s) in very individual ways. Some of us are really more adept at picking up new vocab, while others will diligently study the rules first. Whatever *your* way, let's find out together and develop what could turn into an amazing journey into the world of English for you and perhaps a new sense of belonging to the world altogether.

Beoordelingen (3)

Fantastische persoonlijkheid. Zeer sympathiek en gemakkelijk om mee te werken.
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Martina is een aardige en motiverende persoon! Het is gemakkelijk om te vergeten dat we in een klas zitten en dat de gesprekken zo natuurlijk verlopen. Ik heb er echt van genoten! Bedankt Martina!
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Mijn dochter van 11 volgde online yogalessen bij Martina en ze vond het erg leuk. Martina had een manier om contact met haar te maken, wat heel goed werkte; tijdens de les, toen ik yogabewegingen aan mijn dochter leerde, en na de les, toen Martina mijn dochter vroeg om na te denken over een aantal onderwerpen die altijd uitstekend waren en haar hielpen op te merken en te waarderen wat er om haar heen gebeurde. Dus over het algemeen was dit een schitterende ervaring met een briljante leraar die ik ten zeerste aanbeveel.
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Good-fit Leraar Garantie

Als je niet tevreden bent na je eerste les, dan zal Apprentus een andere leraar voor je zoeken of je eerste les terugbetalen.

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  • Leraar sinds juli 2020
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