This class is for people who wants to land a job in a tech company like Amazon. The focus is on how to prepare for your job interview and how to answer to the most common interview questions. Also, you will learn how to create an effective curriculum vitae, cover letter and the secret ingredient that allowed me to land a job in great companies like Yahoo and Amazon. As former Amazon employee, one of the Top interviewer in the company in the years 2011-2016 and Top European Amazon corporate trainer in 2016, I have the authority to teach you how to get a successful hire.
This class is for beginners who would like to know more about eCommerce. As former Amazon and Yahoo employee and eCommerce Strategist working for multinational companies, I can tell you about the importance of eCommerce, the new trends, the characteristics of eco-systems like Amazon and Alibaba, but also how to think and act lean following the Lean Start-Up methodologies as a new way to test things cheap, so that you can test your business ideas and create your own start-up. If you don't know anything what I am talking about, that's great. This is class is for you.

Beoordelingen (2)

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Een zeer kundige docent. Ik raad hem van harte aan aan iedereen die hulp nodig heeft bij de groei van e-commerce/bedrijf.
Vertaald met Google Translate. Klik om het origineel te zien.

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